When ALG Waste Disposal was founded in 88 A.S., it started as a small litter service in New Berlin. The employees earned a living with collecting other’s waste and recycling it to useful goods. The services have expanded to more than pure trash transportation: haulage of dangerous materials like Plutonium and MOX, export of industrial products reprocessed at Dortmund Station or made by Kruger and resource trafficking (mostly metals). Today ALG is one of the biggest companies in Rheinland, competing with the Republican-Daumann cooperation for the prospective assembly of the new Rheinland Bremen battleship class.
ALG is trying to buy up Kruger Minerals to create a giant conglomerate, which would be independent from Daumann resource deliveries and foreign machinery. They will also be able to produce some recently invented Super Alloys locally, which will meet the high requirements of the Bremen engineers without the need to import anything from Liberty. Due to the current war with the Libertonians, this would be a vital advantage in respect of Daumann/Republican.
Nowadays the sphere of ALG doesn't end at the borders of Rheinland. Every one of the major houses suffers from waste more or less. May it be the Leeds system, where irresponsible companies polluted the whole sector, or the old battlefield grounds in Sigma-13, where ALG works together with the Junkers in order to reduce the (often) radioactive scrap metal. All collected resources are retrieved to Helgoland Station or the smelters at the Dortmund Station for either reprocessing or reverse engineering. Some shipyards swear by the ship hull panels made by ALG. The only competitor is the Stokes Smelter in Leeds. But BMM is using outdated production methods which are less cost effective than those from ALG, so customers are confident that ALG will soon own all of this market. Yet most of the funds are coming from trading with numerous, mainly industrial products all over Sirius.
Another important fact is the trading alliance with the Independent Miners Guild and Gateway Shipping. This delineating and dynamic young trading conglomerate is a necessary counterpart to the older and established alliances, such as BMM & Bowex, Republican & Daumann, the Liberty companies and the Kusarian Kishiro & Samura. It's obvious that these big players feel threatened by this upcoming joint-venture. ALG also has developed and tightened strong bonds with the Junkers and the Gas Miners Guild, which tightens the danger for them.
The employees of ALG are heavily involved in their work, because there's a job for everybody. People with neglected formal education are welcome as like as skilled engineers with university degree or researchers, who want to work in a motivated and qualified team. ALG is always in need for a sturdy dustman who is able to fly the big movers full of radioactive waste without crashing into the next battleship. But the company needs also somebody who can do research on the newest composite material or some high-tech weapon prototype, which the transporters may find within the scrap metal.
Unlike many other factions, ALG encourages its workers to participate at the industrial council, which shares the say with the management body. The members of the industrial council are asked before the management decides to start greater projects. It's not surprising that the majority of the employee representatives is voting to merge ALG and Kruger together. The economic advantages for the employees would be overwhelming. Furthermore all workers have several days of holiday available to renew their powers and to cure possible medical damages, caused by nuclear radiation.
Dortmund Station, New Berlin
This huge space station houses the ALG headquarters, four smelting furnaces, some smelt-works and a sophisticated steel-mill. When working with maximum capacity, this factory is abled to cover the requirements of the Alster shipyard and the Oder shipyard at the same time. The highly developed reprocessing units are enriching fuel assemblies with gathered components of toxic waste and other radioactive materials. Helgoland Station, Sigma-13
After the battle at the Yanagi nebula, where the GMG destroyed nearly the whole fleet of Rheinland, wide areas of Sigma-13 contain radioactive waste and a huge amount of scrap metal. This is the reason why Helgoland Station was constructed., brokered under a agreement by Interspace Commerce. Waste disposal vessels are gathering the hazardous ship parts in order to bring them back to Helgoland Station for some analysis where after that the ALG engineers decide what to do with the material. The majority of this waste is transported to Dortmund Station for reprocessing or smelting.
Wuppertal Refinery, Koeln
Wuppertal Refinery is a jointly operated ALG - Kruger station within the Koeln system, dedicated to the smelting and processing of the different metals mined by Kruger or recovered by ALG operations Sirius wide. Originally established in 804 A.S., the base was built and equipped using ALG funds in the midst of Kruger's large financial problems as a perfect solution, owing to the resource rich planetary debris orbiting planet Steinfurt. As the talks of the merger of the two companies took place, Wuppertal was the first station on board which ALG and Kruger staff worked in unison, sharing their experience to mount steady competition against Daumann's monopoly.
Presently, the station is establishing substantial refining capacity in order to exploit nearby metal ore resources for high temperature alloy manufacturing. Despite its position around Steinfurt, orbital mining has not yet commenced, though preparations are under way to allow the refinery to accomodate metals mined from the planet's orbit. While the mining and refining operations are in development, ALG has temporarily established a side operation that manufactures newly developed and highly specialised hazardous material containers for toxic waste storage. Long term plans aim for the relocation of HazMat Container production to Dortmund Station, but this requires extensive retrofitting of the station in order to handle precision manufacturing. In the meantime, Wuppertal Refinery has been able to begin turning a profit due to HazMat Containers sales much earlier than ALG's refining plans had expected. The additional capital is being invested in mining and refinery capabilities that ALG and Kruger intend to use to threaten Daumann's current strategic advantage in Sirius' high temperature alloys market. While it is unlikely that Daumann will be able to respond adequately in the marketplace to counter this threat to its manufacturing market share, ALG and Kruger executives are bracing themselves for political battles that Daumann might initiate against them as a last resort.
(// See the Wikipedia diplomacy list for a more detailed overview of ALG diplomacy, click here.)
The Wismar is used by inexperienced pilots, usually flying together with veterans to understand the basics of evasive manoeuvres, safety drills and dealing with contacts. The Bielefeld is used primarily by more experienced captains who have their own ship but whom are being repainted, repaired or checked upon for safety reasons.
ALG Waste Disposal owns an armory, containing all sorts of armors, weapons (varying from guns and turrets from allied factions up to codename weapons) and other equipment. Read below how to ask for certain items. The equipment will be primarily be used for new players to get them up on their feet in no time.
Codename weapons (restricted for researcher vessels only and security members if agreed by ALG high command)
Transport turrets
Mining turrets
(// Naming conventions inspired by: MAN.)
ALG ships are to be named after German villages, cities, rivers, lakes, landmarks or mountains (Wikipedia & Google Maps are your friends).
Trainees (// Recruits) are to add the tag bracket capital r bracket (// [R]) at the end of their ships transponder (e.g. [ALG]-TGX-Elbe[R]) for a duration of one month.
Research & Development vessels:
[ALG]-RD-<ship name> (e.g. [ALG]-RD-Brauns>
(// OORP section.)
Group chat is inRP, unless agreed by the other participants to do otherwise. Usage of // to describe OOC in group chat is allowed to simplify communication, but try to stick within your RP.
No OOC in local or system chat. If you get disconnected during an fight and you log back in, you can obviously ask if you can continue, but make sure to use // to explain you're talking OOC. Keep it to 1 line only and in dire need only.
Personal Messages are your friend.
Imagine yourself in the cockpit of the ship you're flying while wearing your captains shoes. If he wouldn't do it, you wouldn't too. Stay safe. Stay friendly. We're ALG, after all. Super cleaners of the universe. Not some 12 year old capital ship captain.
Any form of foul mouthing will be punished with immediate dismissal from ALG. Same punishment applies for repeated bad behavior (breaking server rules, general ALG RP guidelines et cetera).
Breaking a server rule does not immediately implies you're out of ALG, this is judged by the severity of the case through the high command.
The list containing the ships and equipment is extensive enough. Read carefully what you can have, and not have. Requesting something outside the list? Contact high command first.
Escort ships are to be paid a minimum of 5% for each cargo run, more is always welcome.
Make sure to be educated in the laws of Sirius, found here. Don't break the embargo, or we will have your hide.
Donations to the ALG bank account are highly appreciated. 2.5% of the profit per each cargo-run would benefit everyone in ALG. This helps new players get up on their feet quickly. Donations can be sent to: [ALG]-Bank. Donations to the ALG armory account are also highly appreciated, same applies. Ask the 1IC or 2IC to log it and take off your unwanted equipment.
ALG Waste Disposal qualifies its workers, incorporates them thoroughly, pays and monitor their studies and offers excellent health care.
After the ships controls are mastered by the trainee in a simulator will he or she begin their path to become full fledged employees of ALG. Everyone in ALG will have the time to share their experiences, and thus helping him or her to become top of the bill. ALG offers excellent growing opportunities if the employee shows a certain talent.
ALG Hierarchy:
Taking care of brokering contracts with other companies, safe guarding the position in the market or enjoying a holiday of a week or two, the President is the one who keeps it all together. His or her valuable knowledge about Sirius offers the work available for ALG employees.
Chief Executive Officer
Controls the internal departments, does the day-to-day grinding papers work the President can't be bothered about. The departments he controls are the security, R&D and financial departments.
Chief Operational Officer
The right, or sometimes, left hand of the CEO and/or President. Assists in various tasks, is known for frequent outbursts of anger when an employee drops an full HazMat Canister, but being the good guy or gal he/she is those fits don't last long and it's not unheard of seeing the employee and the COO having dinner on the COO credit.
Board of Advisors
Most retired, some active in numerous other jobs/tasks and usually trusted friends to the President. Usually 3 positions filled and report only to the President.
Chief Security Officer
Not just for protecting transports, the CSO also maintains the bases owned by ALG, making sure they are in tip-top condition to prevent any disasters.
Human Resources Manager
Hires, fires and controls the employees. Also offers a wide array of internal problem solving solutions amongst employees.
Research & Development Manager
Controls a usually smart and tight team, finding new ways to refine, produce or clean goods and or systems.
No need to explain here. These are the backbone of the company. Without employees the company would have succumb to nothing.
Not full payed employees, trainees got to show their worth. They undergo rigorous training to maximize efficiency and safety.
High Command:
Nelly Sachs (Tyler) - President.
Captain of the [ALG]-TGX-Wolfsburg.
Frederick Von Kleinz (Gentlefood) - Chief Executive Officer.
Captain of the [ALG]-TGX-Zugspitze.
Thomas Nordström (Kapten-N) - Human Resources Manager.
Captain of the [ALG]-TGX-Karlskrona.
Nic Becket (hades durin) - Research & Development Manager.
Captain of the [ALG]-TGX-Sauerland, [ALG]-TGX-Econic, [ALG]-RD-Prototype.001 & [ALG]-RD-Prototype.002.
Hans Wolfwood (Noraim) - Chief Security Officer.
Captain of the [ALG]-Hans.Wolfwood.
Baldur Wolfsblut ([LF]Terrorizer) - Advisor.
Captain of the [ALG]-TGX-Wuppertal & [ALG]-TGX-Saar.
Kelton Orbison (JonahC) - Advisor.
Captain of the [ALG]-TGX-Zwiesel.
Hans Huber (Jack_Henderson) - Advisor.
Captain of the [ALG]-Sea}{Alsfeld.
Ralf Kulzer (Legion™)
Captain of the [ALG]-TGX-Danube.
Matski (indy.miner1)
Captain of the [ALG]-TGX-Elmenhorst, [ALG]-TGX-Heidelberg & [ALG]-Sea}{Lippstadt.
Rex Armsgain (Ragnorok-339)
Captain of the [ALG]-TGX-Ragnarok & [ALG]-TGX-Armageddon.
Valr Falk (Dane Summers)
Captain of the [ALG]-TGX-Rhinemaiden.
Ryan Hoffman (ThatThirdGuy)
Captain of the [ALG]-Ryan.Hoffman.
Linda Jaeger (Devil's.Dance)
Captain of the [ALG]-TGX-Bremerhaven.
Arthur Klutz (Unlucky Alf)
Captain of the [ALG]-TGX-Paderborn.
Failure to comply will result in locked-up transportation by our security team to nearest police or naval facility, being handed out and your ship or ships being sold on an auction to pay the fine and lawyers for ALG Waste Disposal. If you're that good to have escaped expect anyone right up to our comfort-zone to be hired to chase your behind to kingdom come.
Sweet Liberty.
By signing up with ALG Waste Disposal you got to remember one thing, besides the other things you obviously need to remember, is to stick with Libertonian laws when in their beautiful, but plague infested regions. Get caught carrying anything you're not supposed to do? Expect a slow, painful death. Colours are colours, 'till they're on your behind with a friendly 'Hello and goodbye!' And if they are busy there's a plethora of other more than capable strong men and women to 'clean' you up. Or we could let you rot in a cell in some Liberty prison, where you can pick up the soap... That you didn't drop. Just don't expect any lawyer from headquarters to come down and act as a saviour. You're on your own kiddo, if you decide to do such a stupid thing like that.
Just an reminder, click here for the laws of Liberty, and to sum it all up for ALG Waste Disposal captains:
(05-19-2008, 10:26 PM)The Republic Of Liberty Wrote: Additionally, vessels belonging to ALG Waste Disposal may only transport scrap metal, toxic waste and HazMat canisters within the house of Liberty.
II. Liberty-Rheinland Embargo.
For the purposes of this section, the borders of Liberty space are defined as the entrances to the Bering and Hudson from Texas, and Bremen from the New Hampshire system. Members of the Liberty Forces are authorised to enforce this embargo on both sides the border.
Any vessel in violation of this embargo, and which resists arrest by the forces of Liberty, will be terminated. Vessels which evade capture or destruction will have their docking rights in Liberty space revoked.
Direction of travel Liberty TO Rheinland No goods permitted- Exceptions listed in Section A below
Rheinland TO Liberty
All goods permitted- Exceptions listed in Section B below
A. Export Exceptions. ALG Waste Disposal vessels may export:
- Scrap Metal
- Toxic Waste
B. Import Exceptions.
NO vessels may import the following commodities:
- Engine Components
- Ship Hull Panels
- Light Arms
- Military Vehicles
- Nuclear Devices
- Plutonium
ALG Waste Disposal Licenses & NAPs (Non Aggression Pacts) Database.
ALG Waste Disposal permits for various houses and/or entities, whether that being a simple passing through or exporting license.
Our HazMat Canisters see to that nothing leaks, smells or is your way. Contact the trade department for purchase of said canisters.
Hope you didn't mind the five hundred million being stored inside them in bundles of five of ten thousand credits credit-cards. Should have been easier to load up on your ship, hope my employees helped to move them.
Anyone has comments and such, please, let us know.
I take it no comments/suggestions means somewhat good news, yet still curious about people's encounters with [ALG] members. Surely there's room for improvement. The reply above this one contains our relevant older RP from last year and current RP with the factions throughout Sirius, glance through and let us know what you think.
(03-13-2013, 01:56 AM)Tyler Wrote: I take it no comments/suggestions means somewhat good news, yet still curious about people's encounters with [ALG] members. Surely there's room for improvement. The reply above this one contains our relevant older RP from last year and current RP with the factions throughout Sirius, glance through and let us know what you think.
Tyler is terrible. Uh, to make this post somewhat relevant, it's good to see ALG back. Oh, and this guy is serious about it. Known him for a few months, he dropped xenos for it. Shun, shun shun! I mean uh, good luck.