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Alignment Unlawful




Planetform, Cryer, BMM, Unione Corse, Gallic Royalists, House Authorities

The Gaians are a radical environmentalist group opposed to terraforming and uncontrolled industrialization. Due to the ecological issues plaguing Bretonia, the Gaians enjoyed considerable support from Cambridge academics and environmentally conscious individuals across New London and Leeds. The successive catastrophes of the Tau and Gallic Wars further complicated the Gaians' difficult relationship with Bretonia, with some denouncing them as traitors for their shifting alliances. In the aftermath of these wars, public sentiment remains mixed; while the Gaian cause is popular, many lingering resentments about the movement's conduct remain.

Ships used

Ship Class
Starflier Light Fighter
Leatherback Freighter
Hawk Light Fighter
Startracker Heavy Fighter
Starblazer Very Heavy Fighter
Chameleon Heavy Fighter
Eagle Very Heavy Fighter
Anaconda Very Heavy Fighter
Vulture Bomber
Panther Bomber
Bretonia Transport Transport
Kusari Transport Transport
Serenity Transport
Gaian Gunboat Gunboat
Gaian Destroyer Cruiser
Clydesdale Freighter

Bases owned

Base Owner System Region
Holmfirth Base Gaians Manchester Bretonia
Islay Base Gaians Edinburgh Bretonia
Skye Base Gaians Newcastle Bretonia
Kirkwall Base Gaians Orkney Tau Border Worlds
Torshavn Space Port Gaians Cambridge Bretonia
Sandur Base Gaians Tau-31 Tau Border Worlds
Atacama Base Gaians Vespucci Independent




Trafalgar Base
  • The conditions on this base are absolutely appalling. It goes against a Gaian's very nature to be surrounded by the cretinous scavengers who populate these dingy corridors. Yet we are compelled to purchase those things we need to maintain our existence at our own base in the Islay Cloud of Edinburgh: Pharmaceuticals, H-Fuel, Food, Consumer Goods, and such. We can't get them from anywhere else reliably.

  • If it wasn't for the Green Front, I doubt the Gaians would be able to operate at all. We have the support of the intellectuals in Bretonia and the educated elite of Cambridge but without the financial assistance that Green Front brings in... Well, let's just say that good causes don't fund themselves.

  • The Mollys' hatred for BMM is an advantage to our own attacks upon that corporation, and though we don't share the same motivations that the Mollys do, our disgust with the despoilers of BMM is just as intense. Unlike many underground operations, we are not motivated by the acquisition of money. We are a political organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for all who live in Bretonia, even our enemies, though they are too blind to see it.

Holmfirth Base
  • Rumor had it that after the chaos that occurred back in 800 Planet Nottingham is going to stay unihabited for the long haul. Of course, rumors are rarely true. Bretonia needed room to locate the displaced population from Leeds. The snobs don't want them to stay on New London or Cambridge forever, so they're being sent to a place that's barely habitable. Typical Bretonian politics that - move the problem along until it's somewhere you can forget about it.

  • The Gallic forces have done a real number on the bases in Leeds. LD-14 is completely shut down from what I hear, and Stokes is heavily damaged. The planet itself is being invaded, but that planet is dead already. I'm more worried about what Gallia will do with Edinborough now that the system is more or less theirs without contest.

  • Sometimes I think those Zoners have the right idea; Running off to live away from civilization means getting away from the smog here. Still, I would prefer to stay and make a difference.

  • Having a Bounty Hunter Guild station so close is a problem for the inhabitants here. Many more bounties are collected on Gaians in Manchester than Edinburgh. Still, the Bounty Hunters prefer Mollies. They don't come near the lane between Birmingham and the New London gate very often, so that's where we hit Planetform the hardest.

  • Many at the Cambridge University support the Gaian cause. Just between you and me, some of my associates take it a bit too far sometimes. The pen is mightier than the sword, afterall, isn't it?

  • Recently, many of our researchers have become even more fascinated with the alien artifacts found in the depths of Sirius space. Rumour has it there are some that may lead to a breakthrough, and help get rid of terraforming once and for all. The Corsairs sometimes bring some artifacts with them when they are headed to Dublin, some end up in our posession.

  • I just finished an interesting book on the degradation of Rheinland's Planet Stuttgart's environment. It seems Synth Foods' treatment has done a number on it, and intentionally to boot. That smells of Planetform's planning - destroy the local ecology so that only what you intend to can survive.

  • Holmfirth is a lot less interesting than Islay when it comes to research potential. Gaia is amazing, while Wight is... well, not so much. Most of the Gaians here are activists who want to hurt Planetform. All their traffic to Liberty passes through Manchester, so it's a good place to interdict them.

  • There is a peculiar bit of scenery up in Newcastle, hidden among the eastern nebula. Those stationed at Skye have been investigating, but it's slow going with all the heavy guns the Armed Forces have allocated to the area.

  • Holmfirth is a convenient place. Whenever a Gaian gets sent to Newgate is released, this is their first stop. Residing here, I get to hear a lot of interesting stories. Did you know that someone actually broke out of Newgate for instance? His name was Willy Logan - flushed himself out the waste disposal, then rode a dud mine to Sheffield. Unfortunately, the Mollys got to him before the Bounty Hunters could. He crossed a Molly once, so that could only end one way.

  • The Gaians refuse to use Neutron or Particle weapons because those are hazardous to make and use. Photon weapons may be less advanced, but they are simple and get the job done. Not to mention that they cut through the Positron shields that most Bretonian Police use quite easily.

  • Being a researcher has its advantages. We used to be able to visit Gaia's surface to catalogue the unique ecosystem there. Unlike those Orbital Spa tourists who pollute the place and practise bloodsports on the local wildlife. But worse still are Planetform and BMM, who would like nothing less then to clear the native ecology in favor of a more Terra-like one, so large scale colonization could begin. The Gallic invasion has put a permanent stop to that however.

Islay Base
  • Never thought I'd see the day that the Shetland was evicted from this system. Although I'm not exactly certain if what's taken it's place will be any better in the long run. At least in the short run, expeditions to Gaia will be a thing of the past. That'll give the planetary ecosystem some time to recover.

  • Gallia did a number on the Bretonian people. Sure, they kept saying it's the government they were after, and that line fooled some people. BMM, Bowex, Planetform and the Queen's government are all corrupt to the core and that led some people to the Gauls. The Gauls were an unknown. But better the enemy you know.

  • I'm not sure what to do right now, and I think many fellow Gaians feel the same. The loss of Lewis was hard on us. I'm worried what these newcomers will do with Gaia once they establish themselves here. Heaven forbid they try to colonize the planet!

  • We have information indicating that the centuries-long terraforming operations run by Planetform will never succeed. A top secret government report obtained by the Green Front asserts that the planets will lose their nascent atmospheres within several hundred years of completion of the process due to uncontrolled outgassing. Planets without a natural atmosphere just don't have the density to retain one. Planetform is selling a bill of goods, and Bretonia knows this. But if Liberty also knew, the lawsuits would bankrupt Planetform and cripple Bretonia's economy, so that report stayed buried.

  • I intend to continue the fight against the corrupt BMM and Planetform with renewed vigor. Right now is the time to bring those despicable organizations to their knees. They treat everything as exploitable. Starsystems, planets... Even people! Go visit Planet Leeds if you don't believe me. But take a gas mask with you if you do. And a rifle.

  • We bring in all of our supplies, other than our locally available Oxygen and Water, from Trafalgar. It is most ironic that the only place we can land is the despised Junker base -- guardians of filth, corruption, and the criminal element. But we do what we must to survive.

  • Tau-31 is an important sector for the Gaians. Though terraforming operations on Harris are almost complete, they still need Alien Organisms from the Edge Nebula. The Organisms are crucial in speeding up the terraforming process, thereby making it more economically viable. Destroying any transport with those organisms will slow Planetform down. The longer their operation, the more costly. It will cause other governments to think twice about terraforming expenses!

  • Terraforming gases are a high-priority target for Gaian attack. They used to be produced at Stokes, but Gallia has put a stop to that. Now Planetform is making newer, more toxic variants at their facility in Poole. We strike at them as often as we can, but it is a dangerous run because of our inability to hide for some stretches of travel through Poole. Usually, only our best pilots make that trip.

  • This area has always been hectic for us. It's crazy out there, and if you don't have friends with you then you're as good as dead. Good thing you're with us though. Just don't expect to be told where Faroe is, not unless you've done some serious work for us.

  • Leeds is our greatest example of the ruin that mankind can wreck upon nature -- the sheer destructiveness of pure exploitation. It is also the home of the Stokes Smelter, where Terraforming Gases used to be produced. Now that Gallia has seized it, there isn't much of a point in us going there anymore. Stokes is shut down, LD-14 is a wreck, and the toxic planet is being invaded. It is ironic that Bretonia and Gallia fight over what is essentially a dump.

  • The new status quo in Edinburgh is nowhere near perfect, but the population of Gaia has decreased rapidly with more leaving voluntarily, or being murdered, daily.

  • I almost lost hope for this system, and for the Gaian cause itself. Was nearly ready to take my Falcon out and make my way to the Crons to live with the Zoners. But with the Enclave extinct and Edinburgh a little closer to what it was before the war, there is hope.

  • Our hope is that one day the corrupt leadership of BMM and Planetform will be exposed for the greedy, shortsighted people they are. They have squandered our national heritage and future after eight hundred years of unregulated industrialization. Leeds is a dead world thanks to their efforts. New London might well follow in it's wake. But not Gaia, not while our movement is still alive.

  • These Gallic newcomers... I just don't know what to think about them. On the one hand they've put a permanent stopper in both Planetform and Orbital's expoitation of Gaia, but on the other hand, they might turn around and do exactly the same thing! If that happens, we'll need to be ready for it.

Skye Base
  • The Mollys are barely any better than the BMM themselves. Their plans to detonate MOX-laden bombs in the New London atmosphere shows just how insane they are. And they call -us- terrorists? We're not the ones trying to render an entire planet uninhabitable.

  • The colonies in Sirius continue to grow and expand. The need for more living space pushes governments to look to terraforming as a solution. Bottom line is, Planetform often delivers nothing more than a bill of goods - their methods do not work. Ayr is proof of that. Centuries of work and there is nothing to show for it.

  • There is a Jump Hole to the Manchester system not far from here. We have a base out there as well, to keep an eye on the goings-on at Birmingham. Planetform uses BMM and Bowex as proxies to produce and transport materials needed for terraforming. In this system, they mainly reside on Gateshead, along with some Cryer folk.

  • The problem on Carlisle is a toxin of sorts, secreted by a bacterial lifeform that is present throughout the biosphere. It's lethal to humans - apparantly it dissolves human cell membranes, thereby liquifying the poor sod who's exposed to it. Even those illegal BMM surveying teams didn't deserve that fate - took them a few tries before they started to respect the quarantine.

  • We know Cryer is nowhere near solving the issue with Carlisle. They face a host of microbial lifeforms that are at the foundation of the planet's ecology. In order to settle the planet, those microbes would have to be wiped out planetwide. Even if they manage to develop an antibiotic capable of combatting the planet's own ecology, they wouldn't have the means to distribute it planetwide. That won't stop them from trying needlessly, and any attempts they make will only do harm to the planet's natural ecology.

  • This base is the closest to our friends in Kusari, although getting to them is quite dangerous. There is a jump hole leading to Tau-31, but the Outcasts and Gallic Navy are all over it. If you get caught in the crossfire, you're in for a rough time.

  • We started as a small group of students who saw how much damage the corporations were doing to the Bretonian planets. Take a look at Leeds, if you want proof as to how they've ruined Bretonia, but New London isn't much better. Foggy and smoggy. For our refusal to let BMM kill what little living space Bretonia has left, we've been branded as extremists. For refusing to let Planetform spin a fantasy about using dead planets as replacements for the ones Bretonia has squandered, we're called terrorists. So be it.

  • Bretonia wants nothing more than to settle Carlisle, but the native fauna isn't very cooperative. No, no firebreathing dragons or other giant reptiles - the tiniest of creatures are the problem for them - microbes. Cryer and Planetform are trying to find ways to destroy them. Typical Bretonian thinking - destroy whatever part of a planet you don't have uses for. Our response? BMM, Cryer and Planetform ships are all targets in this system.

  • We built this base in 784 AS, using materials hijacked from BMM and Bowex transports. At the time Belfast was still in operation, and the lane between it and Scarborough often had shipments going without escort, thinking the short trip wasn't worth scrambling fighters for. It's not a big station, but it suits our needs.

  • We used to be able to stay afloat quite easily, but of late we've been losing support. I suppose having to throw an accord with the Gallic Navy didn't earn us any new friends here in Bretonia. Neither did our cooperation with the Corsairs.

  • Skye was established to keep an eye on Planetform and BMM's interest in Carlisle. The planet is capable of supporting life, but there were some problems on the surface preventing Bretonia from colonizing the planet. When Planetform and Cryer were called in to find a solution, we followed in their wake.

  • .

Kirkwall Base
  • Offensive operations against the Gallic Navy are kept at a minimum here. I think the higherups want to draw as much of the Gallic fleet as possible to the Bretonian front, rather then have them blocked here, and striking at Omicron 80 instead. Sensible, but it does leave this base rather vulnerable.

  • We get some Gallic visitors here on occasion, mostly Freelancers and Gallic Brigands looking for Cardamine. We keep a close eye on them of course, but anyone who wants to bring Cardamine into Gallia is someone we'll welcome here.

  • Cardamine has been difficult to come by on Kirkwall. True, we have enough for ourselves for now, but not so much to send north or south. That damned battleship near the Tau-23 jumphole is making our supply run difficult. You have to run a decoy attack to draw away their patrols, then sneak a few freighters through.

  • I don't get how those Gallics could have established a jump gate in Tau-23 so quickly. We saw the activity, but Sirian Jump Gate take -years- to build. By the time we realised how fast they were putting the thing together, they had already activated it.

  • Our leaders assumed that once the Council cracked that minefield open, Kirkwall would become an important waypoint in a Cardamine route into Gallia. Truth is that the north passage is far easier for that purpose, with the bulk of the Gallic Navy coming through here. We're keeping a low profile at this base, although we do hit the occasional supply convoy.

  • The Gallic Navy is strong, you can't deny that. But they're currently more interested in fighting the other houses, then us. They know we have a base somewhere in this asteroid field, and have thus far largely avoided it. Aside from the occasional miner looking for resources, this field is ours.

  • The Independent Miners threw an accord with Gallia. Shows just what kind of cowards they really are. We'll do no such thing... we've dealt with house navies for centuries, and this one will be no different. Should the Gallics be driven out, the Tau systems will be ours - we'll have all the fighting experience, while those damned miners will have forgotten how to fly.

  • The Gallic Navy steamrolled over most of those who had a presence in the Taus, but not us Outcasts. They know better than to enter the asteroid fields we are based in. Without the support of their heavy guns the Gallic fighters are no match for our raiders.

  • That Bretonia is falling on hard times has been a bit of a problem for us. Our main smuggling route to Liberty ran over Leeds, but going through that system right now is suicide. Cardamine use in Bretonia itself is also declining. Bretonia has always been the most tolerant house in terms of Cardamine use.

Torshavn Space Port
  • I've heard that back in Edinburgh, there are researchers working on creating organic synthweed. If they can pull it off, we would have a product of high value and demand across most of Sirius. It wold be a huge boost for the movement and put us in as direct competition to Cryer - but without their "export restrictions".

  • The loss of Lewis has hurt the Gaian cause badly. We were forced to withdraw here, into Faroe. The Gallic Navy hasn't found us here - it would be very bad for us if they did. Only ourselves and a few IMG members know of Faroe's existance. Our survival right now depends on it staying that way.

  • I was born on Islay back in 796 and believe it or not, I've only set foot on a planet once in my whole life. I spent a day on Gran Canaria back when I was a kid, and it was amazing. Feeling real wind on your skin is something totally different than what station vents can produce. It's that memory that motivates me to fight for my people.

  • Torshavn was built with visitors to the system in mind. Unlike the other two bases in the system, this one is in the open. Being this close to Faroe's main star, this base is powered almost exclusively by solar energy.

  • It's not as populated as it used to be, but if you manage to slip into Edinburgh, check in at Islay Base. They are still pretty well stocked, plus they have a rather large, overgrown biosphere in the deeper levels that is quite impressive to see.

  • Considering all of the Gaian blood spilled on the day of the Lewis Massacre, being forced into a non-aggression pact with the Gallic Navy is a very bitter pill to swallow to say the least. We may have to endure a season of darkness for a time, but that's the perfect environment to fight back from the shadows.

  • I'm not sure who the real enemy is anymore. BMM, Planetform, sure. But the Armed Forces? After what those damned wineguzzlers did to Edinburgh, I'm half of mind to join up with Queen's forces against them!

  • You know what they say: "Be careful what you wish for." For years, we have been fighting to remove the Shetland from Edinburgh and that goal has finally been reached even though it came about in a way we were unprepared for, and the price we paid for it was high. Nature will always find balance, so what can you do?

  • We had no real idea what was coming when the Gallic Navy hit Glendale. Some people called it a valiant defense, but it was nothing more than a slaughter. Only a handful of ships that stayed there after the evacuation ever made it to safety.

  • This system is pretty cut off from the rest of Sirius. While that'll help in keeping it hidden, it doesn't help with supplies. Food and basic commodities are not easily brought here as transports have to cross the Gallic lines. There's an abundance of water and energy here, so oxygen is not a problem for us.

  • If you ask me, I say that being run out of Bretonia was one of the best things that could have happened to us. As Exiles here in Faroe we have safety in secrecy and our best pilots are watching over us. We can use our isolation and backdoor into Gallia to strengthen our infrastructure.

  • Torshavn is the closest thing the Gaian movement has to a functional shipyard. It's not easy to work with the limited power and limited facilities we have on this base, but we make due. Construction materials are an even bigger problem, because the focus is on bringing in basic supplies first.

Sandur Base
  • Sandur is the heart and soul of the Gaian movement now. Our brightest minds and most gifted pilots, and their families, make their homes here. We're slowly evacuating those sympathetic to our cause to this base. Given the strength of the enemy that Bretonia faces, I'm not sure New London, and even Cambridge will be safe much longer.

  • I'm on leave from our space training facility and man, those new fighters are great! I hope they assign me one of those and put me on a good patrol route after I finish.

  • It is so serene out here, you'd almost forget that you are inside a man-made structure floating in an almost pefect vacuum. Not that we get many people that walk out an airlock without an EV suit. It's chilly out there...

  • I can remember the day of the invasion like it was yesterday. Controlled chaos it was. I've never seen so many Gaians in the sky at once. I flew with the rear guard during the exodus here to Faroe, and watching it at the time was like seeing a gigantic school of fish swimming within the tide of a black ocean.

  • What will our future be? Will we, like a failed star, cool until our light dims so much that it can no longer be seen? Or will we burn brightly, in the times to come? Or will we, like a dying star, go out in one blinding burst of glory? Time will tell, but I fear, if the former or the latter, I will live to see those ends.

  • It's quite stunning to view the Sandoy field from the edge. I sometimes take my Starflier out to the edge and watch where the solar winds meet the nebula perimeter. The ionization of the charged solar particles causes a wild number of hues to form in the nebula. It also causes intense lightning - nothing the shields can't handle, but it's just...stunning to watch.

  • I've applied to the Gaian elite squadron three times now and I keep getting passed over. I've always heard how grueling the first part of the initiation is. Snatched without warning, smuggled onto Gaia and left for two months in the wilderness with just a knife, a bottle of water and the clothes on your back.

  • This base is the place to go when things just become too much for you, if you're a Gaian. Not much going on here aside from the occasional debates in the tavern. Oh, and the occasional freighter docking, of course. Most excitement we saw was Rick West almost running his freighter into planet Dreines. Folks really ought to place a few warning buoys, 'cause that planet can REALLY sneak up on you.

  • Did you ever think you would live to see the day? I keep hearing talk on the stations about Gaian trading. I can see the logic of it and all, but come on. Seriously? We're fighters, not truckers!

Planet New London, Landing Site
  • Ecoterrorist this, Tree hugger that, we get called a bunch of names but does anyone really know what we are about? It is pretty simple, we have only a few places we can survive in the galaxy, lets not bugger it all up.

  • Glad I was not here when the Gallic ships attacked the planet, I hear horror stories.

  • I hear some people try to lose the coppers in the atmopshere. Unfortunately for most of them they get caught in the lightning storms and drop like rocks.

  • Care to hear about how Planetform is lobbying the government for extra grants? Do not look at the news, you wont hear a peep.

  • I prefer Cambridge, but this is where the money is to be had, so this is where I am.

  • Contrary to some opinions, Gallia is not at war with all of Sirius. The King was very specific in singling out Bretonia for its past injustices against us. Some of the other Houses were fighting Bretonia themselves not very long ago, and are only too happy to trade with us. I have recently returned from the longest journey I have ever been on. Through contacts in Rheinland and Kusari I arranged for Military Vehicles to be shipped to the GRN. As a procurement officer, I tell you it is an epic journey to go all the way out to Planet Nuremburg and back!

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