Rheinland Battlecruiser Turret

From Discovery Wiki
Rheinland Battlecruiser Turret
Equipicon capturret.png
Hull Damage 900
Shield Damage 450.0
Hull Damage/s 2727.27
Shield Damage/s 1363.64
Refire Rate 3.03
Energy usage/s 66833.33
Projectile Velocity 2900
Range 2500
Efficiency 0.06
FLStat Rating 6.05

Rheinland Battlecruiser Turret

The Rheinland Military has never ceased to bring quality equipment to the battlefield. Offering, yet again, some of the highest performance Battlecruiser weaponry. Rheinland, yet again, sets records when it comes to maximum kinetic impact force at a colossal cost of power.


Sold at

Name Owner System Region Price
The Ring Daumann Heavy Construction New Berlin Rheinland 27,600$
Lichtenfelde Complex Wild Omicron Delta Nomad Worlds 27,600$
Fort Sommerda Detachment 16 Thuringia Rheinland 27,600$
Schatten Research Facility Detachment 16 Frankfurt Rheinland 27,600$
Oder Shipyard Daumann Heavy Construction New Berlin Rheinland 27,600$
Jena Station Detachment 16 Thuringia Rheinland 27,600$

NOTE: Page generated on the 15/12/2024 at 15:51:17 UTC