Schatten Research Facility

From Discovery Wiki
Schatten Research Facility
Detachment 16
C/B-3, Frankfurt

CLASS: Mosel

GRAVITY: Partial




Schatten Research Facility was constructed in 797 AS, although little is known about its purpose or activities during that period. The station was destroyed during the Colony Wars; the wreckage subsequently lay abandoned for several years. The Rheinland Military salvaged several components in 803 AS, with the reactivated facility becoming instrumental as a forward staging point for the Purge of Thuringia. Schatten went on to serve as a classified research station concerned primarily with advancing the weapons and starship technologies of the Rheinland Military.

Operational control of the facility was transferred to the MND’s research division in 822 AS, following years of vicious inter-service political infighting on New Berlin. Due to this, it is unsurprising that Schatten refused to recognise the Military-backed Imperial coup during the Rheinland Civil War. Following the Battle of the Westerwald and the destruction of the Koblenz, Schatten became a rallying point for Federalist forces. For the duration of the conflict, research activities were suspended, with the station instead operating as a front-line Federalist repair yard.

In the uncomfortable peace following the war, Schatten has once more returned to research activities under the MND's administration. In a compromise neither party is happy with, Military observers are now permanently stationed aboard to supervise and contribute to development projects.

Bribes & Missions Offered



Ships sold

Ship Class Price
Rheinland Gunboat Gunboat 1,210,006$
Rheinland Cruiser Cruiser 3,137,900$
Rheinland Battlecruiser Battlecruiser 5,100,400$


[834 AS] Historic trade deal secured with Gallia

NEW BERLIN -- 834 -- Following the Emperor’s state visit to Gallia, negotiators have finalized the Treaty of Oerlikon. This historic agreement boosts trade between the two Houses, while formalizing joint security standards in the dangerous Alsace Passage. Gallia is expected to be a major customer for Rheinland’s minerals, manufactured equipment and alloys, after negotiators exploited humiliating Gallic security lapses during the state visit to obtain enhanced market access as compensation. Rheinland citizens are already anticipating the novelty of Gallic foodstuffs, as well as cultural and luxury items. The Trade Ministry has celebrated a sharp drop in Food prices across Rheinland as a victory for the average citizen.

[834 AS] Bundschuh dossier sparks outrage

NEW BERLIN -- 834 -- A dossier of information has been published by the Bundschuh, alleging the Hamburg Blast was caused by an unstable Xeno Relic. The leaks implicate senior Imperial Shipping officers in a years-long plot to direct illegal research that was banned under the Denver Convention. In dawn raids, MND agents arrested Baron Mathias Schnider (Hamburg University’s dean of physics) and Wolfgang Kohler (Imperial Shipping’s Vice President of Academic Investments). Imperial Shipping has disavowed all knowledge of the alleged scheme, blaming ‘rogue elements’ for any wrongdoing. Baron Schnider and Mr Kohler both deny the charges, calling the dossier a ‘terrorist fabrication’.

[834 AS] Field trial partially successful

WEIMAR -- 834 -- The initial field trial of the Drachenei weapon has successfully struck Valhalla Shipyard from the Eisenach test site. Regrettably, the mounting chamber detonated shortly after, resulting in the Kolleda’s destruction. We have dispatched the Folkvangr forensics team to establish whether the Drachenei can be recovered or salvaged. The concurrent timing of the Hamburg explosion raises serious questions about causality, and our agents have taken a leading role in that investigation. The MND’s partnership with the Hamburg University ended in 827 AS, and we had been led to believe the relevant programmes were discontinued at that point. Pointed inquiries shall be made with the appropriate individuals.

[834 AS] Catastrophe on Planet Hamburg!

ROTHERBAUM CITY -- 834 -- A massive explosion has rocked Rotherbaum City, annihilating Hamburg University’s physics campus and plunging the northern hemisphere into darkness. Government authorities reacted immediately by deploying the Rheinland Military to the region to coordinate emergency relief; government officials have also confirmed that the MND have taken charge of the federal investigation into the incident. Initial reports have confirmed that the highly sensitive Optronic components used to regulate power networks were destroyed by a large pulse of energy. Kishiro Technologies has reportedly ramped up production in anticipation of increased orders. No group has so far claimed responsibility for the blast.

[833 AS] Kolleda Arrives for Refitting

SCHATTEN -- 833 -- Following several weeks of negotiations, MND access to the Battleship Kolleda has been secured. The battleship has been towed to Schatten Research Facility to install the Drachenei Object, with works expected to be completed within a month. Where the Kolleda’s propulsion systems were disabled early in the decommissioning process, it will also need to be towed to the optimal firing site; we are fortunate indeed that the reactor system is still intact. The participation of the Rheinland Military in the operation has been mandated by the Ministry of Defence as a condition of the Kolleda’s loan.

[833 AS] A New Weapon to Tip the Balance?

WEIMAR -- 833 -- Since its recovery in 820 AS, the Drachenei Object has been subject to meticulous research. MND scientists have now developed a viable prototype plasma weapon for live field trials by weaponizing the Object -- it is believed to be capable of striking targets across an entire star system. Due to the extreme energy requirements needed to contain the Object, it must be installed in a battleship class hull. Negotiations with the Ministry of Defense to secure access are ongoing, although these efforts are being frustrated by obstructionists in the Rheinland Military. Once secured, we will begin preparations to test the weapon on Valhalla Shipyard, ending the Nomad threat in Rheinland. Once proven, this unique strategic weapon will be unparalleled anywhere in the Colonies.

[832 AS] Armistice Collapses Over Admiral Assassination

NEW BERLIN - 832 - The armistice with the Bundschuh has dramatically collapsed, following the assassination of Admiral Ranulf Schmid. Admiral Schmid was the former commander of the Battleship Strausberg, who had been hailed as a hero for the decisive blow dealt to the Red Hessians during the recent Dresden Campaign. Schmid was killed when a bomb detonated inside his personal shuttle - Bundschuh terrorists claimed responsibility. After a spate of attacks against Military targets, the Reichstag passed legislation banning the organization. Government officials have reiterated that the Holstein Accords remain strong, despite armistices with both the Bundschuh and Unioners having failed.

[831 AS/747 AGS] Gate Corps Clash Over 'Blackout'!

ABBEVILLE -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- EFL's 'Resilience Taskforce' today reported its findings on The Blackout, claiming to have gathered forensic evidence that proved the cause as Ageira negligence. A spokesperson claimed that the destruction of the Dublin jump gate by Molly separatists had created a hyperspace feedback loop that was propagated and amplified through the Ageira gate network.

Ageira disputed this finding in their own press release, calling EFL 'fantasists' and countering that their own scientists had narrowed the cause to a rare 'hypernova' stellar event that originated outside the Sirius sector. Both corporations claim that network-wide hardware safeguards have been implemented that would prevent a similar occurrence in the future. Independent researchers have sharply criticized the corporate announcements, accusing both of self-interested misdirection.

Professor Sophia Nagel from Heisenberg Research Station called EFL's accusation 'incoherent' and the hypernova explanation 'nonsense' that did not explain the characteristics of the 'Blackout Pulse'. Despite multiple different Pulse recordings being widely disseminated across the neural net, public efforts have so far failed to triangulate its source.

[831 AS] Rheinland Omicron aspirations in jeopardy?

HAMBURG -- 831 -- Researchers from Hamburg University have raised dire warnings following new findings from the Munich Dark Matter Observatory. The research unit was responsible for remotely monitoring the encroaching storm to allow evacuation efforts to be carried out in a timely and economical manner. They have now identified a breakaway shard of the storm beginning to transit between Sigma-15 and Omicron Rho. While the trajectory poses no threat to either system, the cloud could prove fatal to any jump connection intersecting it. EFL initially dismissed the claims as scaremongering, confirming that they intended to complete the project as contracted.

[831 AS] Blackout harbinger of a new threat?

MENINGEN -- 831 -- All MND units have been placed on high alert following the Blackout Crisis. A hyperspace pulse detected during the incident resembles readings emitted during the Gotha Incident of 820 AS. Due to this, we suspect some form of alien origin to the Crisis. What is less clear is whether this was a Nomad weapon, or the activation of an Artifact of some kind. Reports from Meningen also confirm that the Suhl Anomaly’s expansion has accelerated sharply. To safeguard Rheinland, the MND must urgently contain the Suhl and establish the true cause of the Blackout. Resources and assets are being transferred to Meningen to prioritize research into stopping this threat. Combat forces have been put on high alert in case this is a prelude to an alien attack.

[831 AS/747 AGS] 'Blackout' Causes Jump Network Fail

MANHATTAN -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- Two days ago Jump Gates failed simultaneously across Sirius, freezing commerce and neural net access across the sector. When the network resumed 31 hours later, restored communications broke the news of Bretonia's loss of the Dublin system. This twin shock has plunged the market into chaos, prompting fears of sector-wide economic recessions. Interspace estimates indicate that the stoppage alone caused billions of credits in losses. Gallia immediately accused Liberty of culpability for the outage, claiming the destruction of Dublin's jump gate instigated a cascading failure in faulty Ageira infrastructure. Ageira has sharply refuted the allegation, claiming such a systemic effect would be physically impossible. Independent researchers in Cologne and the Edge Worlds have also announced that a hyperspace pulse of unprecedented strength was detected moments before The Blackout, with data about 'The Pulse' being widely shared across the neural net in recent days. House authorities have remained tight lipped, refusing to comment on their own observatories' data.

[830 AS] Bessemer Struck by Corsair Raiders!

MAINZ -- 830 AS -- An Ageira Technologies research vessel, the ATS Bessemer, has come under a Corsair attack during its final venture through the Munich Jump Gate. The Bessemer, dispatched on a joint expedition by Ageira and the University of Berlin, was en route from the Raubling junction to the Frankfurt gate when it was waylaid by Corsair raiders on the edge of the Schwarzwald cloud. The RPU Dohna, a police gunboat tasked with overseeing the gate during the expedition, was quick to respond, but not before the raiders dealt significant damage to the unprepared civilian vessel. Anonymous sources report that as many as five Ageira employees lost their lives in the attack.

The incident came as a shock to the public and the law enforcement alike, as pirate activity was believed to have completely died out in the desolate Munich system. The frequency of strikes, from both Corsairs and domestic pirates, have steadily declined ever since the antimatter storm first ravaged the system. While the chaotic evacuation efforts from Nuremberg had initially caused a spike, as the system's population decayed to just skeleton crews and Junker scavengers, the criminal element became nearly absent. Some theorize that the Corsairs were there for the Bessemer specifically, intending for one last taunt at Rheinland's people. Thankfully, the Dohna and her crew were there to thwart their efforts.

The ATS Bessemer was dispatched into the Munich system in order to deploy a network of specially reinforced satellites, meant to monitor the advent of the antimatter storm's core. According to the University of Berlin, the core will wash over Munich around the end of this month, stripping away planetary atmospheres and most likely collapsing all remaining jumphole anomalies. The probes deployed by the Bessemer will provide the scientific community with first-hand data of the storm and its effects, transmitting it back to Berlin through a central relay nested within the safety of Raubling's hulk.

With the task complete, the Bessemer was meant to be the final ship to make the jump from Munich, with the Jump Gate being shut down later the same day. However, due to the damage sustained in the attack, the RPU Dohna did the honours instead, covering the Bessemer's departure to ensure its safe return.

[828 AS] Cologne Aftermath

COLOGNE – 828 AS – The siege of Planet Saarbrucken proved that the reunited might of Rheinland is a force to be reckoned with; the Hessians have largely vacated the system. In preparation for the assault, the miners turned pirate had weaponized the nearby Tholey Station to slow down the advance of the military. In order to bring a swift end to the fighting with minimal casualties the commanding officer ordered the station be neutralized rather than boarded, resulting in its destruction.

Despite the success of the Military, it seems the Hessians flagship; Battleship Kassel, has managed to escape virtually unscathed. Rumors on Heisenberg Research Station speak of Hessian prisoners taken by Corsairs and Unioners alike. It's no secret there is a lot of bad blood between these groups and the Hessians and this reporter shudders to think of what fate awaits those poor deluded criminals.

[828 AS] Hessians Flee Under Rheinlands Might!

COLOGNE – 828 AS – Under pressure from both the emperor and elected officials for a quick and decisive resolution to the ongoing Cologne crisis, the Rheinland Ministerium of Defence ordered the Altenburg battlegroup to advance onto the Red Hessian position at Planet Saarbrucken. The Red Hessians recently received additional reinforcements as it became clear the former miners planned to dig-in and would need to be uprooted from their position.

The Siege of Saarbrucken is currently underway and it has been reported that the Red Hessians have begun evacuating from the area. It is speculated however that the Red Hessians intend to make the Rheinland military suffer for every meter they take.

The Rheinland Military has offered a reward for any Red Hessians that are caught fleeing from the siege. The military has also advised caution as they have reported several other pirate groups in the area, with some claiming these groups are striking out at the Hessians. This reporter cannot help but think this situation goes to show, that there is no honour among thieves.

[825 AS] Hammersee faces uncertain future

HAMERSEE -- 825 -- Administrators of Sigma-15's Hammersee colony have announced that the project faces insolvency within a matter of months unless the government urgently intervenes to provide a bailout. Daumann blames repeated attacks by the Gas Miner's Guild and Kusari Office of Intelligence for the troubles, which include mounting debts, cargo losses, and a plummeting workforce retention rate. Thousands moved to Hammersee after being evacuated from Planet Nuremberg in Munich, however many of these emigrants have since departed after facing unexpectedly harsh conditions. The safe harbor of Freeport 8 has attracted many of these people, due its neutrality in the ongoing war with Kusari.

[825 AS] Kusari declares war on Rheinland

SAIGON -- 825 -- In a solemn speech, Chancellor Neumann has condemned Kusari's declaration of war as "a misguided day of sadness for both our Houses". Kusari asserts that Rheinland destroyed Ibusuki Survey Platform in Sigma-21, killing 61 Kusari citizens. The Battleship Bayern had been ordered to enforce an eviction order removing the staging point for Gas Miners Guild terrorists, but was shocked to discover the station's wreckage upon arriving on the scene. Kusari has since released logs from the station's distress beacon, which it claims incriminates Rheinland forces. Anonymous government sources believe these logs have been fabricated, likely to provide a pretext for Kusari's own territorial ambitions in Sigma-21.

[825 AS] GMG Enemies of the State!

HAMMERSEE -- 825 -- Pilots of the Battleship Altenburg have deployed to counter acts of GMG terrorism in Sigma-15. The Kruger vessel Velbert was brutally destroyed by Guild pirates, killing all aboard. The perpetrators were pursued to a nearby Jump Hole, and are believed to have escaped to Sigma-21. Taking a bold step to secure Rheinland’s interests, Chancellor Neumann has declared a counter-terrorism operation against the GMG. She vowed to pursue all means available to defend Rheinland’s territorial sovereignty and citizens, including the territories of Sigma-15 and 21. The GMG are ordered to withdraw all forces from both systems and surrender the murderers of the Velbert. The arrival of the Battleship Bayern in Sigma-21 will allow Rheinland to directly enforce its demands.

[825 AS] Specter of Conflict in the Sigmas

FULDA -- 825 -- Rheinland has accused the Gas Miners’ Guild (GMG) of an unprovoked attack on Frankfurt, and vowed retaliation over the incident. Released footage appears to show a wing of GMG bombers arriving from Sigma-13 before launching a salvo of torpedoes at Fulda Border Station and nearby transports. The GMG has denied all knowledge, vehemently protesting that none of its ships were involved in the incident. Rheinland Military patrols have deployed into Sigma-13 to secure the space around the Frankfurt Jump Gate for the first time since the Colony Wars. Rheinland reinforcements have also been dispatched to Sigma-15, including the Battleship Altenburg. The GMG has threatened to fire on ships found in breach of the First Treaty of Honshu.

[825 AS] Evacuation order issued for Munich

MUNICH -- 825 -- A formal evacuation notice has been issued for the entirety of Munich, after researchers confirmed the Dark Matter storm was on a trajectory to consume the entire system. The population of Planet Nuremberg has crashed since the storm's initial arrival in 821 AS, with the planet rapidly becoming the most dangerous and lawless destination in Rheinland. Gangs of looters and slavers have exploited the chaos, despite the best efforts of the Battleship Regensburg to maintain order. The Rheinland government is now offering seats on evacuation transports to Hammersee and Holstein for the remaining residents trapped in the system.

[824 AS] Rheinland security forces eliminate Corsair lair

BATTLESHIP SCHWERIN -- 824 -- Following an anonymous tip-off, Rheinland authorities located and destroyed a Corsair base in Frankfurt's Hausenfeld. Squadrons from the Battleship Schwerin and the MND cooperated to put an end to the pirate menace, securing trade throughout the system. Admiral Baader noted that this was the largest Corsair incursion into Rheinland space since 815 AS, when the Koblenz fleet repelled a similar attack. MND sources believe the Corsair attacks are primarily motivated by a feud with the Red Hessians, rather than any particular interest in Frankfurt itself.

[825 AS] Rheinland Pushes Forward With Sigma Ambitions

HAMMERSEE -- 825 -- Despite the ongoing dispute with the Gas Miners Guild over the status of Sigma-15, Rheinland has announced plans to construct a Jump Gate to Frankfurt. Many believe the move brings Rheinland one step closer to formally annexing the system. A secure jump connection will reduce the cost of supporting the colony on Hammersee and nearby Bochum Refinery, removing the need for expensive and time-consuming deep space haulage. Controversially, EFL Oil and Machinery has been contracted for the work, provoking furious criticism from Bretonia and Liberty who accuse Rheinland of funding Gallic military aggression. The GMG called the project a reckless act of Rheinland hostility.

[824 AS] Rheinland and GMG Clash Over Sigma Claims

SIGMA-21 -- 824 -- Daumann deep space explorers have announced the discovery of the Sigma-21 system, filing a territorial claim on behalf of Rheinland. The Gas Miners Guild disputes these claims, pointing to the First Treaty of Honshu that ended the 80-Years War. At that time, Rheinland conceded territorial sovereignty of the Crow Nebula to the GMG. The Guild argues that any newly discovered Sigma systems fall within their domain by default. Rheinland has acknowledged the GMG’s rights to the system’s southern nebula wisp, but strongly rejects the assertion that the Treaty extends to the areas outside it. As this dispute escalates, the GMG has also rebuked Rheinland’s claims to Sigma-15.

[824 AS] Rheinland completes Colony War reparations

HONSHU -- 824 -- Rheinland and Kusari officials have met in a somber memorial service, commemorating the losses of the Colony Wars. The occasion marks the 20th anniversary of the Second Treaty of Honshu and the final reparations payment for damages Rheinland inflicted during the conflict. The Treaty arrangement also included privileged access to Rheinland markets for Kusari corporations, to facilitate the reconstruction of the Kusari Naval Forces. This special deal has now lapsed, meaning Kusari will be required to pay full market rate for goods and services. Samura and Kishiro stock prices have fallen on the news, amid hopes an extension would be agreed.

[823 AS] Liberty and Rheinland formally end conflict

NEW BERLIN -- 823 -- President Powell and Chancellor Neumann have signed the Treaty of Atka formally ending the state of war between their two Houses. 6 years of devastating conflict has seen tens of thousands killed and both Houses severely economically damaged. The agreement sees Rheinland cede all claims on Planet Atka, while Hudson and Bering are split in half, creating two security zones. The boundary between these two zones remains neutral territory, to be policed by the Bounty Hunters Guild under a joint contract. In return, Liberty has agreed to immediately end all economic sanctions, and fund 85% of the Jump Gate cleanup and reconstruction project.

[822 AS] Schulte removed through no confidence vote

NEW BERLIN -- 822 -- Chancellor Schulte has been ejected from office after the Reichstag passed a constructive vote of no confidence. The motion is believed to have been tabled after sensitive private correspondence was leaked from his office; it is alleged these documents detailed Schulte's plans to sabotage peace negotiations with Liberty, supposedly as a means of extending his wartime powers. Former Trade and Industry Minister Luisa Neumann has received the necessary votes from Reichstag representatives to be appointed Chancellor. She has vowed to end the war, while securing reasonable concessions from Liberty.

[821 AS] Dark Matter storm sweeps Munich

MUNICH -- 821 -- Scenes of chaos reign as formal evacuation orders are issued for Augsburg Orbital Colony in Munich. Federal authorities have been caught flat footed by the arrival of a substantial dark matter storm on the system's edge -- it now seems inevitable that much of the system will be consumed, starting with the prestigious Augsburg Colony. Even though no evacuation order has yet been issued for Planet Nuremberg, tens of thousands have already fled. Opposition parties have accused the government of negligence, pointing to the dissolution of the Federal Observatory Service in 769 AS on cost saving grounds.

[821 AS] Chancellor resigns over health concerns

NEW BERLIN -- 821 -- Chancellor Rheinhardt has resigned from office, stating that deteriorating health has prevented him from fulfilling his duties. The Reichstag thanked the outgoing Chancellor for his service, before nominating Maximilian Schulte through a majority vote. Chancellor Schulte served in Rheinhardt’s administration as the Minister of Defense; he has vowed to uphold Chancellor Rheinhardt’s policies, stressing his own unwavering resolve to achieving Liberty’s military defeat for their unjust aggression. Schulte’s inaugural speech hailed members of the Rheinland Military as heroes, whose sacrifice had secured Rheinland’s greatness.

[820 AS] Liberty sabotages ceasefire talks

PLANET CAMBRIDGE -- 820 -- While fighting has largely ground to a halt in Bering and Hudson following the destruction of the Hamburg Jump Gates, Liberty and Rheinland remain locked in a state of cold war. Rheinland officials have confirmed for the first time that mediation with Liberty has been attempted over recent months in Bretonia. This good faith negotiation has been impeded by the Liberty aggressors’ bad faith conduct and attempts to impose laughable conditions. During these talks Liberty has continued to launch terrorist strikes at Hamburg civilians, intended to coerce Rheinland into capitulation. As a result, no common ground could be found, with Chancellor Rheinhardt vowing to fight on until Liberty’s criminal ambitions are defeated.

[820 AS] Weimar locked down over Gotha crisis

PLANET WEIMAR -- 820 -- All operations on Weimar have been locked down and emergency containment protocols enacted. By order of the Director, all further excavations of alien ruins are to be suspended immediately, pending a full review of the Gotha situation. Preliminary findings indicate that the activation of Complex 36 and the extraction of the Drachenei Object had unforeseen consequences, causing a runaway effect in a previously undetected subterranean complex on Gotha. Whatever was present deep under the surface appears to have detonated with enough force to blast the planet apart. An enormous planetary debris field has been ejected towards Thuringia’s star, worsening navigation hazards across the system.

[820 AS] Wartime powers delay elections

NEW BERLIN -- 820 -- Relying on wartime powers, the Chancellor has announced that elections will be indefinitely postponed until the current time of crisis has passed. In a solemn speech to the Reichstag, Chancellor Reinhardt announced the formation of a wartime coalition government to tackle the looming threats of Liberty aggression and Red Hessian terrorism. A number of opposition representatives will join the Chancellor’s government as ministers, most senior being Maximilian Schulte of the Rheinland Conservative Bloc who will serve as Defense Minister. The Reichstag passed an uncharacteristically united motion providing support for the move.

[819 AS] Liberty invasion thwarted by bold action

BERING -- 819 -- Owing to the deteriorating situation in the Independent Worlds, Rheinland has been forced to withdraw all remaining Military units from Bering and Hudson. Intercepted intelligence on a planned Liberty invasion of Hamburg sadly proved true, forcing the execution of an unspeakable contingency plan. As the Liberty fleets began docking with the Jump Gates, charges were detonated, crippling the connection. Rheinland engineers then triggered the anti-tamper devices on Hamburg’s gates to prevent a connection from being re-established. Chancellor Reinhardt expressed his sincere regret for the move, but maintained it was necessary to repel Liberty imperialism. The destruction of the Gate connections also severs any hope for a quick post-war resumption of trade.

[819 AS] Liberty invasion plans leaked

HAMBURG -- 819 -- An anonymous Rheinland source has leaked detailed intelligence intercepts of a Liberty Navy plan to force a "knockout blow" in Hamburg. The plot involves massed Liberty battleships simultaneously breaching Hamburg’s Bering and Hudson Jump Gates, followed by Marines landing on the planet and seizing key infrastructure. This marks a significant escalation of the conflict, which had previously been confined to the Independent World border systems. As the news spread, scenes of chaos erupted on Planet Hamburg as citizens swarmed the spaceports in an attempt to flee off-world. Chancellor Rheinhart has called for calm in this grave time, promising his administration were “examining all options, no matter how severe” to protect Rheinland’s citizens.

[818 AS] Liberty front “grim but manageable”

HUDSON -- 818 -- The escalating combat in Bering and Hudson has already claimed thousands of lives, with Chancellor Rheinhardt confirming the loss of the Battleship Westphalia in a somber speech to the Reichstag. The Westphalia’s destruction represents the single largest loss of life for the Rheinland Military since the Colony Wars. Rheinland has so far continued to hold positions in both Independent Worlds, but is believed to have been pushed back to the Wrangell Field in Hudson, and close to the Hamburg Jump Gate in Bering. LSF raiding parties have also been sighted in Hamburg, disrupting civilian shipping. Despite this bleak picture, analysts have drawn hope from Liberty’s entanglement in the conflict between Bretonia and Gallia, which has already seen reinforcements diverted.

[818 AS] Military promises weapon to turn the tide of war

SCHATTEN -- 818 AS -- Daumann engineers have today unveiled the product of many months of development, designed to support Rheinland’s operations on the front: the Elbe class carrier. Financed in part by New Berlin’s wealthy Rutger family, the prototype hull has met with rousing approval by Military examiners, with the Carrier Soltau to be deployed in the coming weeks. Designed from the ground up to supplement Rheinland forces against the Libertonian invader, its light and nimble design has been tailored to counter Liberty doctrine. The Chancellor’s Office affirmed that the public announcement of the new class was intended to signal Rheinland’s eternal resolve to resist aggression, regardless of any temporary setbacks in Bering or Hudson.

[817 AS] War with Liberty!

HUDSON -- In response to Liberty’s encroachment in Hudson, state sponsored terrorism in Hamburg and attacks on classified research stations, Chancellor Reinhardt has taken decisive steps to secure Rheinland’s interests. Military patrols have been deployed in force to Hudson and Bering; Liberty responded to these reasonable steps by intercepting forward elements and attacking. Several are believed to have been killed in the clash. Liberty has feigned ignorance of their aggression, using the incident as a pretext to declare a formal state of war. Rheinland does not relish such a return to conflict, but we will do whatever is necessary to safeguard our House and people. Our proud Military will ensure the sovereignty of Rheinland, and the autonomy of the Independent Worlds.

[817 AS] Jena Station raided

JENA STATION -- 817 -- Thuringia has been placed on high alert and patrols doubled after an attack on Jena Station. MND investigators are still attempting to reconstruct the sequence of events that left dozens dead and many more wounded. Initial evidence indicates a cloaked LSF wing breached Thuringia’s perimeter before eliminating local patrols, boarding the station and detonating a bomb aboard. An initial survey of the damage reveals that the Weimar Excavations Lab was likely the intended target. Artifact samples, senior Scientists and databanks all appear to have been snatched, with many crew killed. The assailants are believed to have escaped through a Jump Hole leading to Hamburg. Immediate retaliatory action is planned.

[817 AS] Rheinland shocked by Gallic discovery

NEW BERLIN -- 817 AS -- Shocking reports from Bretonia have revealed the existence of the previously unknown House Gallia beyond the Taus. Jump Holes into Gallia were apparently intentionally hidden within vast mine fields, and only recently breached by a Gallic dissident group named The Council. They describe a House commanded by an isolationist and militaristic absolute monarchy, with whom they are locked into a bloody civil war. The revelation that a French Sleeper Ship arrived in Sirius in 84 AS has sent shockwaves through Rheinland, with many calling for immediate diplomatic contact to be established with the Gallic state. The star cluster settled by Gallia is believed to be the most remote part of the Sirius sector colonized by humanity.

[816 AS] Daumann expands Holstein ambitions

HOLSTEIN -- 816 -- Daumann has announced plans to reignite the failed terraforming project on Holstein. Originally started by the Old Empire, the terraforming spluttered to an ignoble end after Rheinland incurred heavy debts during the 80-Years War. Holstein was left in an unpleasant state that many consider barely habitable. Now, fueled by income from Boron salt extractors and recently opened Fertilizer plants, Daumann has pledged to turn Holstein into a new paradise. Anonymous Rheinland officials have confirmed that Planetform Inc will be barred from any contracts associated with the project, due to their involvement in the current Hudson dispute. Consortium investors funding the project include the Rheinland Government, Daumann, Interspace Commerce and Synth Foods.

[816 AS] Houses clash over Hudson terraforming

PLANET ATKA -- 816 AS -- Rheinland has reacted with outrage at the discovery of Cold Bay Depot, a Planetform terraforming outpost recently constructed in orbit of Planet Atka. Hudson’s status has been the subject of friction between Liberty and Rheinland for decades, however Liberty appears to have grown tired with the impasse and unilaterally commissioned further terraforming surveys and ground preparation. Rheinland has set an ultimatum for the “illegal” station to be dismantled within one month, threatening to do so by force if the neutrality of the contested Independent World is not respected. Liberty has rejected the demand, and declared that it is prepared to defend its intrinsic economic interests in the region.

[816 AS] Journalists assassinated in arson attack

PLANET HAMBURG -- 816 -- Hamburg’s spaceport has been locked down after a masked assailant entered the media offices of WahrheitBericht, gunning down many staff and setting fire to the building. RFP counter-terrorism officers immediately responded, pursuing the gunman to a nearby abandoned hab-block. In the resulting firefight, several officers were killed before the attacker detonated an explosive device, killing himself in the blast. WahrheitBericht had recently published groundbreaking claims about illegal Liberty research programmes. Chancellor Reinhardt has furiously condemned the murders as “political assassination”; the MND have taken control of the investigation.

[816 AS] Rheinland media alleges illegal Liberty research

PLANET HAMBURG -- 816 -- The Hamburg investigative outlet WahrheitsBericht has leveled explosive accusations at Liberty, claiming illegal research activities. Citing anonymous sources, the report alleges the existence of a previously unknown star system code-named “Alaska”, where the Liberty Security Force has recently been authorized to carry out human experimentation and Artifact research prohibited by the Denver Convention. Liberty has responded furiously to the broadcast, with President Powell dismissing it during Congressional questions as “baseless, lurid conspiracy theories”. WahrheitBericht has promised more “bombshell” revelations in the coming days, advertising a full length documentary they will self-publish next week.

[815 AS] Corsair Menace Threatens Frankfurt

BATTLESHIP KOBLENZ -- 815 -- Over recent weeks, Corsair attacks on Trade Lane shipping in Frankfurt have increased by over 600%, seemingly to test Military readiness levels across the system. This pillaging was later revealed to be a prelude to a larger threat with the arrival of a Corsair assault fleet. The Battleship Koblenz and its squadrons were immediately dispatched to intercept what was later estimated to be a force of over one hundred Corsair raiding ships - the largest known grouping of Corsairs reported to date. An improvised force of RM, RFP, MND and even Bundschuh and Red Hessians repelled the attack, scattering the marauders back into the Tannusfeld. It is currently unclear what the Corsair motive for the attack was, beyond an instinctive need to cause bloodshed and mayhem.

[815 AS] Blast on Ingolstadt Kills Executives

INGOLSTADT -- 815 -- A bomb has been detonated aboard Ingolstadt Station in Munich, targeting a Republican Shipping executive board meeting. Over 70 people have been declared dead so far, while emergency responders work tirelessly to repressurize damaged decks and access trapped crew members. The Unioners have claimed responsibility for the attack, with a broadcast claiming they had targeted Republican CEO Andrea Kirsch. Kirsch has confirmed that she was not in attendance at the meeting. Republican has previously submitted a formal complaint to New Berlin over Munich’s lax security environment, which relies on patrols from the distant Battleship Koblenz. Government officials confirmed that they were examining all options.

[815 AS] Ehrengarde movement outlawed

PLANET STUTTGART -- 815 -- Known as the Honor Guards of Niemann, Ehrengarde conspiracy theorists assert the disgraced Chancellor was forced into hiding during the Colony Wars, while the Federal Republic was replaced by an “unconstitutional fictional state” in the aftermath. The movement first came to authorities’ attention after several members attempted to carry out arson attacks on Stuttgart municipal government buildings. An MND spokesperson confirmed the agency became involved after intelligence sources warned the extremists sought to collaborate with Wild terrorists, believing them to be a vanguard force of "Niemann restorationists".

[814 AS] ALG announces Sigma-13 milestone

HELGOLAND STATION -- 814 -- ALG representatives have announced that all commercially viable salvage has now been retrieved from the Yanagi Cloud debris field in Sigma-13. This means the project now enters its second and most hazardous phase, which focuses on the clearance of material deemed too contaminated or dangerous to be recycled, such as unexploded mines and heavily irradiated or otherwise contaminated ship hulls. ALG’s cleanup effort has repeatedly missed project milestones, which the corporation blames on poorly motivated Junker subcontractors. It now forecasts final debris clearance for 824 AS.

[814 AS] First Next Generation Battleship deployed

NEW BERLIN -- 814 AS -- Following a packed opening ceremony, the Battleship Westfalen has launched from Oder Shipyard: the first product of the Next Generation Bismarck programme. Chancellor Reinhardt’s inaugural action saw the original designation of Bremen scrapped, instead commemorating Rheinland’s longest serving Military vessel. The Chancellor confirmed that the original order had been extended to two more in-progress hulls, with a delivery date of year end. Senior Military commanders have confidently asserted that the Westfalen is currently pound-for-pound the most dangerous warship in Sirus, and expect that it will serve with distinction in Hamburg and the adjacent Independent Worlds.

[812 AS] Daumann battleship contract greenlit by courts

ODER SHIPYARD -- 812 -- Following a protracted legal dispute, the High Court has dismissed ALG’s legal challenge to the award of the Next Generation Bismarck contract to Daumann Heavy Construction. This clears Oder Shipyard to begin serial production of the Battleship Bremen. The tender award to Daumann attracted significant controversy after the Schweizer Commission found that the corporation’s practices during the buildup to the Colony Wars were likely fraudulent or deceptive. As a result, the government has proposed clawing back paid funds by garnishing income from any state contracts and mineral sales. Anti-corruption activists have protested that this is effectively rewarding criminal conduct with repeat business.

[810 AS] Reichstag slashes battleship contract

NEW BERLIN -- 810 -- Funding for the ‘Next Generation Bismarck’ programme has been slashed part-way through the contract award process. Following furious arguments in the Reichstag, a vote narrowly passed that halved the project budget, reducing the order size to one hull. Detractors argued against the large expenditure at a time of financial crisis, while raising additional concerns about how the other Houses would react to new battleship construction so soon after demilitarization had been completed. Chancellor Steller expressed his disappointment in the vote, chastising Representatives' behavior "chaotic and destabilizing".

[809 AS] Defense review paints bleak picture

NEW BERLIN -- 809 -- A strategic defense review has left Reichstag representatives shocked by the consistently bleak findings. The Military failed all the examined metrics, ranging from recruitment and readiness to sustainment and procurement. The paper made a number of recommendations, including reviving the Bremen ‘Next Generation Bismarck’ programme to replace the ailing Battleship Westfalen. Accounting for current state finances, the paper proposes a gradual modernization of the Military, and an expansion of capital shipbuilding contracts over the next two decades. The Reichstag provisionally allocated funding two new battleship hulls.

[807 AS] Colony War Demilitarization Complete

ODER SHIPYARD -- 807 -- With the deconstruction of the Battleship Goethe, the Rheinland Government has announced that the post-Colony War process of demilitarization has been completed. The Federal Audit Office has also provided a damning report to the Schweizer Commission, indicating that the bulk of the hulls examined were built to cheap, 80-Years War grade, rather than the modernized standards billed for by Daumann and Republican. Opposition politicians have called for the corporations to be charged with fraud. Addressing the Reichstag, Councillor Stellar announced that the day "closed a door on a dark period of Rheinland’s history".

[806 AS] MND director dismissed

NEW BERLIN -- 806 -- Anonymous government sources allege Director Von Claussen of the MND has been dismissed over an unspecified "fatal conflict of interest". The decorated war hero was appointed as the fledgling agency's first leader and given a mandate to purge Rheinland of the traitors who facilitated the Colony Wars. It is believed that this work led to a severe breakdown in relations with the Rheinland Military, who bore the brunt of the resulting purges. The Rheinland government have refused to comment on the situation; Director Von Claussen himself was unavailable for comment.

[806 AS] Victory marred by betrayal

WEIMAR -- 806 -- Planet Weimar has been fully cleared by the 15th Hamburg Rifles and Thuringia purged. Sadly, this momentous victory for the MND has been tarnished by bitter treachery. The last Thralls were destroyed protecting an ancient underground ruin, with a live Artifact at its heart. Despite the naivety of our politicians and director, field commanders knew The Order was not to be trusted. As a matter of House security, their agents were expelled from the site. Avaricious and bloodthirsty, The Order returned soon after, murdering the site guards and stealing the Artifact. The Osiris has cloaked and fled the region. The Order are enemies of Rheinland and to be shot on sight.

[808 AS] Klaus Schulze murdered following arrest

MAINZ -- 808 -- Republican Shipping’s stock price has plummeted following the arrest and then assassination of CEO Klaus Schulze. In a shocking move, MND agents raided the facility on Planet Nuremberg where Schulze had been hiding, charging him with treason. Reminiscent of the killing of Wolfgang Daumann five years ago, the prison convoy carrying Schulze was intercepted and destroyed by multiple squadrons of Bundschuh in Frankfurt. Federal Police responders from Fulda confirmed that no survivors were recovered. Schulze was a reclusive figure that had rarely been seen in public since the end of the Colony Wars, claiming fears for his safety.

[804 AS] Treaty of Honshu eases Colony War wounds

HONSHU -- 804 -- Dignitaries from Rheinland and Kusari today ratified the Second Treaty of Honshu, officially normalizing relations between the two Houses and ending Kusari’s embargo. Rheinland has formally accepted sole culpability for the Colony Wars and agreed to a 20 year reparations package. This includes preferential rates for Kusari corporations on military goods and resources needed to rebuild the Kusari Naval Forces, and financial compensation for the damages inflicted in Honshu itself. Chancellor Steller offered his sincere condolences to Kusari over the war, and promised a brighter future of mutual prosperity.

[803 AS] Purge of Thuringia captures Weimar orbit

WEIMAR -- 803 -- MND and Order agents have defeated the Nomads in Weimar orbit. The Battleship Osiris is securing the area, as the bulk of the missing Rheinland Northern Fleet remains unaccounted for; no sightings of the battleships that withdrew from Honshu have been reported. Hostiles still hold positions on Weimar in old Imperial bunkers, with breaching actions revealing extensive traps and ambush points. Already we have discovered significant new excavations that are not recorded in Rheinland archives. It’s unclear what the Nomads are trying to uncover. Infected forces continue to launch raids from the nebula, and seem intent on regaining the planet.

[803 AS] Westfalen retirement deferred

HAMBURG -- 803 -- The aging Battleship Westfalen has received a reprieve after the Rheinland Military extended its service life by a further 10 years. Following demilitarization efforts and the desertion of the Northern Fleet 3 years ago, the Westfalen was once again left as Rheinland's sole active service battleship. The 80-Years War survivor was not deployed during the Colony Wars over 'readiness' concerns, and will now continue in its role suppressing piracy throughout Hamburg. Military sources have cautioned that acute financial pressures and the Westfalen's degrading capabilities will likely adversely affect coverage of the Liberty border worlds.

[803 AS] Rheinland recession bites deep

BONN STATION -- 803 -- Interspace has officially confirmed that Rheinland's economy has entered a sharp recession. This is largely a consequence of the devastating Colony Wars, Kusari's trade boycott, and the gradual tapering of the 'lifeline' loans Liberty had used to sustain the Provisional Rheinland Government. Anonymous government sources also commented that audits of Niemann-era records were revealing bizarre patterns of extreme short-term borrowing and expenditure that amounted to ‘financial sabotage'. Chancellor Steller has announced a raft of measures intended to address the economic crisis, including renewed negotiations with Kusari and targeted state investments.

[802 AS] New task force hunts war criminals

NEW BERLIN -- 802 -- NEW BERLIN -- 802 -- Chancellor Steller has announced the formation of the Marinenachrichtendienst, an autonomous Federal taskforce with a mandate to investigate all echelons of the Rheinland Military. Steller has decried his predecessor, Niemann, as a traitor whose insane wars of aggression were enabled by an insidious, revanchist rot at the highest levels of civil and military leadership. In a fiery speech, Steller ordered the MND's newly appointed Director Von Claussen to 'root out' these 'war criminals' and bring them to justice. Rheinland officials are now believed to have ended the Liberty Security Force’s involvement with the investigation, describing it as an 'internal security matter'.

[802 AS] Chancellor Steller elected to office

NEW BERLIN -- 802 -- Following emergency elections, the Provisional Rheinland Government has been dissolved and Chancellor Alfred Steller voted into office by the newly seated Reichstag. Steller has vowed to return Rheinland to a state of normalcy, and undo the damage inflicted by the traitor Niemann and his enablers. Steller has promised to uphold the Provisional Government's policy of demilitarization, and has committed to make amends with Kusari and the other Houses for the unprovoked aggression of the Colony Wars. President Jacobi offered her congratulations and Liberty's support to Chancellor Stellar's new administration.

[801 AS] Rheinland High Command missing?

NEW BERLIN -- 801 -- As the smoke clears following the cessation of recent hostilities, citizens across the Colonies have two simple questions: what happened, and why? As the Rheinland Provisional Government looks to answer those questions, it has become apparent that the House’s senior military leadership has vanished. According to anonymous sources, the whereabouts of the Military High Command is unknown, with numerous Admirals disappearing along with their flagships. The Rheinland Federal Police and Liberty Security Force have posted bounties for the missing officers after formal desertion charges were pressed.

[801 AS] Mass amnesia sweeps Rheinland Military

BATTLESHIP WESTFALEN -- 801 -- Thousands of personnel recently released from the Rheinland Military are reporting symptoms of amnesia in what is coming to be known as “Colony War Syndrome”. It is currently unclear what is causing the affliction but many say they have little recollection of their time in service, describing a “hazy” or “dreamlike” fugue state that ended with the collapse of the Niemann regime. Psychologists remain baffled by the unprecedented situation, but suspect the consistent symptoms may be a form of mass hysteria provoked by feelings of shame or guilt over the unjustified war.

[801 AS] Provisional Rheinland Government demilitarizes

POTSDAM -- 801 -- The Provisional Rheinland Government has begun urgent and immediate demilitarization. PRG representatives advised this was an absolute necessity to prevent Rheinland’s imminent financial collapse, and had been a requirement for both Bretonia and Liberty to drop heavy reparation demands. It is expected that these cuts will reduce the Rheinland Military’s headcount by over 80%%, leaving tens of thousands unemployed. This will reduce the force to levels last seen in 794 AS, prior to Chancellor Niemann’s build-up programme. Already huge formations of capital ships have been mothballed in orbit of Potsdam, awaiting shipyard space for deconstruction.

[801 AS] Kusari imposes embargo on Rheinland

NEW TOKYO -- 801 -- Shogun Edo has announced that a full economic embargo of Rheinland will be imposed by Kusari due to the outrages of the Colony Wars. Liberty’s President Jacobi has taken a leading role in mediation between Rheinland and the other Houses, with the Provisional Rheinland Government offering a message of condolence to the Kusari people for the actions of the toppled previous regime. Despite this, Kusari has remained resolute that no normalization of relations will be considered until full reparations are made for the devastation in Honshu and New Tokyo, and the many crimes Kusari alleges were perpetrated there.

[801 AS] Rheinland ends all hostilities

FULDA -- 801 -- With the disappearance of Chancellor Niemann and the installation of the Liberty-backed Provisional Rheinland Government, an immediate cessation of all hostilities has been ordered. Rheinland forces have begun withdrawals on all fronts. Reports from Kusari have confirmed that the Northern Fleet has retreated from New Tokyo and Honshu, however it has not returned to Rheinland or recognized the authority of the PRG. Government sources believe the fleet may have deserted, with Rheinland's remaining loyalist security forces being ordered to high-alert as a precaution against pro-Niemann coup attempts.


Detachment 16
  • I was talking to a tech from deck twenty the other day. He says they have made some kind of breakthrough with what they were working on. He didn't say exactly what it was they were doing; something to do with bending visible light. To me, it sounds like they were either working on a gravity well generator or maybe some kind of cloaking device. My bet is on the second, seeing as there were plenty equipped on Rheinland ships during the nomad war. The problem with those is even though they have been mounted on human fighters, no one understands how they work. There are rumors that the Libertonians managed to create one themselves, but it was as large as a battleship and unstable at that. If the techs down below can find out how the smaller nomad devices worked we may just see a golden dawn for Rheinland.

  • Ever seen the guards around here? Creepy aren't they? I can't wait to get transferred away from this station. The constant security around here is just too much for me. When they told me I would be working for the good of Rheinland they didn't mention I would have cameras in my bunk and have tests once a month.

  • The work here isn't that hard, the problem is getting through station security. Security checks are constantly going on around here. Even if you are just moving from one level to another, you have to go through at least one layer. This is especially true for the core decks.

  • After the attack on Munster, most of the nomad research has been shifted over here due to security issues. The top brass is trying to hide it, but we can all see the transports coming and going from the Hamburg jump hole. Whenever they get here, the whole mooring deck is evacuated. There is no other way they would get that kind of security unless they were moving things over here from what's left of Munster.

  • Did you know this isn't the first station to occupy this space? During the nomad war, there was some spooky stuff going on here by the old Rheinland Government. There were even high-level nomad experiments going on here. A lot of the work going on in the core levels has something to do with the station that was here previously, though the guys down there never talk about it openly. You know what I think? That they are going over pieces of the old Schatten. That would be one hell of a treasure trove if they could ever garner information about what they were doing here before it was destroyed.

  • I was talking to a tech from deck twenty the other day. He says they have made some kind of breakthrough with what they were working on. He didn't say exactly what it was they were doing; something to do with bending visible light. To me, it sounds like they were either working on a gravity well generator or maybe some kind of cloaking device. My bet is on the second, seeing as there were plenty equipped on Rheinland ships during the nomad war. The problem with those is even though they have been mounted on human fighters, no one understands how they work. There are rumors that the Libertonians managed to create one themselves, but it was as large as a battleship and unstable at that. If the techs down below can find out how the smaller nomad devices worked we may just see a golden dawn for Rheinland.

  • Ever seen the guards around here? Creepy aren't they? I can't wait to get transferred away from this station. The constant security around here is just too much for me. When they told me I would be working for the good of Rheinland they didn't mention I would have cameras in my bunk and have tests once a month.

  • The work here isn't that hard, the problem is getting through station security. Security checks are constantly going on around here. Even if you are just moving from one level to another, you have to go through at least one layer. This is especially true for the core decks.

  • After the attack on Munster, most of the nomad research has been shifted over here due to security issues. The top brass is trying to hide it, but we can all see the transports coming and going from the Hamburg jump hole. Whenever they get here, the whole mooring deck is evacuated. There is no other way they would get that kind of security unless they were moving things over here from what's left of Munster.

  • Did you know this isn't the first station to occupy this space? During the nomad war, there was some spooky stuff going on here by the old Rheinland Government. There were even high-level nomad experiments going on here. A lot of the work going on in the core levels has something to do with the station that was here previously, though the guys down there never talk about it openly. You know what I think? That they are going over pieces of the old Schatten. That would be one hell of a treasure trove if they could ever garner information about what they were doing here before it was destroyed.

NOTE: Page generated on the 15/12/2024 at 15:51:01 UTC