The FSRs have proved to be immensely helpful in assessing the current health of factions and catching up with forgotten work. The dev team has also taken notice of the points brought up in the FSRs and you may have been contacted by a dev team member regarding what you previously wrote.
Well here we go, a lot has happened in April (or not) and we'll like to know how your faction has been doing since the last FSR.
You have seven days to submit your reports.
No posts except status reports, thank you.
Faction Status Report Border World Exports - Bowex)
Provide a brief summary of what your faction has done this month - Bowex) and BMM- changed their leadership and managed to get a stable activity
- Bowex) is working much closer together with BMM- and BMF|
- Bowex) is supplying several stations from BMF| in New London
Provide a brief summary of what your faction has done this month. Came back from the dead. Bit late, but still.
What roleplay has your faction been involved in?
Nothing too Sirius, just combat assistance a few times to BAF in New London and Leeds, logistic support on one occasion at Marine transportation to Leeds backdoor, finally got time to deal with the last JM scrap delivery, generic logistic activities in friendly space to fund the movement, etc...
Is your faction experiencing problems the community could help with? Low member base. And love Gallia, please.
Are there any outstanding requests linked to your faction? We are outstandingly requesting cannon fodders brave revolutionaries to join the faction.
Is there anything you would like to add?
I didn't like the original formatting, so I decided to fix it. Tadaa!
Potential recruits may be interested: I'm still working on a mission board spiced with an attribute system (xp, five skills, three levels...), tied to mid-command ranks. Partially working already and is being tested, many thanks for Neptune for that. Would be good to have more testers though, for both of us, it's a win-win really.
Faction Status Report Prime Artificial Intelligence - PRIME|
Provide a brief summary of what your faction has done this month Since there was no report last month this one will contain information about the previous two months.
Since PRIME's main focus is in the Omicrons it was only a matter of time before we got involved in the Zoner - Core affair. So apart from that there has been some work behind the scenes concerning future RP and continuing current RP.
Is your faction experiencing problems the community could help with? Below is what I wrote in the last faction report. Since nothing changed about that I'll just leave it here. If something about this changes, I'd be happy if someone coud hit me up on skype (philipk96)
Objectively seen we're feeling a little neglected regarding recent changes in the game. There were and won't be any changes to promote us as a faction, rather the only change that's even linked to us will be shrinking one of our planets to a station and scaling down our territory from having a home system to having a quarter of a system. We might not be the largest faction but I think we'd at least deserve something that would make us more appealing to new players and improve the immersion (references in infocards, shipwrecks, objects in space).
Are there any outstanding requests linked to your faction? Nothing as of now.
Is there anything you would like to add? Even if the whole clash between the Core and the Zoner brought forth an event or two I think what I wrote last month still applies. I think I'm speaking for all leaders of Omicron based factions if I'm saying that we'd appreciate it if the Omicrons would get some active support on behalf of the admin team.
Is your faction experiencing problems the community could help with? We could use some more members.
Are there any outstanding requests linked to your faction? Nope.
Is there anything you would like to add? Zoner drama in Delta has taken quite a bit of activity away from Liberty, so we're off to a slow start in terms of activity.
Provide a brief summary of what your faction has done this month Our usual Sunday fun times, trading delegates is a nice boost to our cash and we even dipped our toes into the Freeport 11 event slightly.
We continued our dealings with the Hellfire, attempted to help a new LWB faction, had our services engaged by the IRG and sold a liner to the Detriot Muntions folks.
Is your faction experiencing problems the community could help with? Nope, all smooth sailing so far.
Are there any outstanding requests linked to your faction? Not directly, however any information on the proposal I submitted regarding passenger routes would be great
Is there anything you would like to add? Thanks for getting our faction stuff sorted, I'll get Nemo off your backs whenever I can find a crowbar.
Provide a brief summary of what your faction has done this month Started working on our official application, I guess. In game activity can be surmised as mostly trading and smuggling in small scale, some stand-off appearances here and there, and little to no fighting.
With our small crew, we have been (trying to) emulating the whole of the Hogosha myriad of syndicates and free members that work in Kusari and abroad, trying to expand our area of operations, and the number of business and markets that we are involved with.
Attempting to organize some small but frequent skirmishes with our enemies, more on that on the next monthly report.
From time to time, your highly successful and not-at-all biased North Star Bulletin News delivers yet another shocking news article that will show you the harsh reality of Sirius we want you to see, the way we want.
Is your faction experiencing problems the community could help with? Manpower, Manpower, and more creative Manpower.
Asking for more members is like asking for more rain in the desert. You can beg more, but that wont change the probabilities.
We also have one ship (Irezumi) that has been marked to receive a new model. Any modelling powers out there that could take a look at it would benefit us greatly. The Association would appreciate any time spent on this matter.
There is also some consideration for asking a gunship of sorts for the Hogosha/Farmers/Imperial(?) side, but that idea is a bit more sketchy at the moment.
Are there any outstanding requests linked to your faction? I believe we have presented none in recent times, nor have we been informed of any proposals or requests related to the group and the faction it represents.
Is there anything you would like to add? We would like More Feedback.
Hope everyone can work with us for our second trial month, and from then onwards. (bow)