The old Keepers faction membership is now officially dissolved. The cause for this are internal issues and warnings were ignored. As it is the faction has ran out of its original course, deviated too far into the state that I found was unacceptable. Showing no sings of reversal I've made this decision. I wish there were certain alternatives, unfortunately none were available. The members were informed of the decision two weeks ago and were provided extensive explanation as to why such measure was taken.
Does it mean the end of the faction and playable nomads? It would seem not. Ah who am I kidding, it was never the goal. Instead a restructured and reimagined replacement emerges, led by fellow crazy HuggieSunrise. Why crazy? Let's be honest - whoever leading this faction is definetely crazy to some degree, others don't last long in charge it seems. But jokes aside it means I now transfer the reigns to the faction to him, to reshape it, making it different, in modern day buzzwords to reimagine it into Keepers 2.0. It's important to notice the replacement faction will primarily consist of new fresh players, almost everyone from the old faction are out, and I think it'll aim to be more recruitment-friendly whilst much less inclined to let in burned out community vets. Not much can be done if the old guard is tired, apathetic and barely stays afloat. Furthermore I've taken the distance and letting the new guys to figure it out, let them make their own ideas, take the concept to a new level, may be trying out other things. Either way they'll have all the creative freedom to do so and I'm not involved in that in any capacity. Will they succeed? Time will tell, I hope they will. Either way it's obvious the changes are coming, most of the old programs are now discontinued, such as faction affiliate program. Pretty sure recruitment procedures will be given complete overhaul. Basically everything of the old is gone. What mostly seem staying intact is the lore, but even it might be given update and overhaul. Management-wise and player-wise it'll be a different faction, old guard is being phased out to give a way for new players. Faction ships of now ex-members will be put into Bastille (once Joe comes online that is), personally I have donated my very own flagship Harbinger to the new faction, and my former scorpion gunboat goes to Das Wilde. It'll take some time to get everything up and running, so if you feel like nomads to be your primary faction, have the time to put effort into - contact HuggieSunrise, I know there'll be a tons of work to do.
Nonetheless I'm proud and happy for what the old Keepers have accomplished, it's been a great run while it lasted and I knew it would come to a slow stop eventually. Those were good four years. Some things I've set were done, others never made out, and some turned out different from what I expected them to be. I fully acknowledge that to accelerate and move on the faction needs new players to replace old ones, myself included, so all characters I got left now are indies and non-nomads. It was fun designing nomad RP and writing lore, loved doing that, but it is the time to pass it to fresh new players and give em creativity. I wish the new incarnation of the faction good luck.
To sum it all up: pretty much almost all players of the faction were pointed to the door, the faction is redesigned by a whole bunch of new players with HuggieSunrise as a lead.
On an interesting note aside from that several months ago I've filled a proposal to make nomad faction publicly accessible, its aim was to run an experiment for two-three months during which certain nomad ships and a region-locked nomad ID would be publicly accessible. Originally the proposal had three groups deciding upon whether the experiment had been successful or not, based on three aspects: community (fun), admins (rules) and keepers (lore). Unfortunately it seems the proposal ended up in a vote tie and goes nowhere.
It has been an honor and a privilege, thanks you and all the guys for the great fun! I bow before you all. Best of luck to HuggieSunrise but for me things will never be the same again so I won't be giving it another try.
' Wrote:Unfortunately it seems the proposal ended up in a vote tie and goes nowhere.
All good but this?
Exactly who voted? Admins? Keepers members, Community?
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
To explain.. Us continuing the faction will be acting out rp that will seem strange and alien to you and it may not make..
.... sense...
On a more serious note we all love yuri and those wonderful guys in the past for having contributed the most exotic rp ive gotten...-anywhere-... that you can only find here in this community.
The faction section for keepers is being re written and drafted.. i type with two fingers and im legally blind... so please have patience. i vow to have everything set / see able and ready to go with UPDATED LORE PDF.. on or around the first of the year.