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* The woman whispered to the two Marines standing behind her *
Ye two stay 'ere, oy got tae talk. Roight ?

The red-headed, then, walked nonchalantly with a rolling gait to the center of the room, where she hoped she could be seen and heard perfectly.
And after clearing her throat, she proceeded.

Roight, ladies un' gentlemen,

So, dhis be 'bout 'Sars, naow , un' nae dhat Bretonian fleet dhat entered deh system ? At least accordin' tae deh Brets...

Sars... Sars...
Hell knows deh HATRED, deh people o' Dublin un' Derry, oos, deh Mollys feel toward dem, fer what dey did...Mesel' included !
She added, not even trying to hide her blood boiling inside.

Un' oy would say, oif t'was only tae oos, we'd be kickin' deir radin' party's arses in O-fourty-noine alreaday !



Dhat's been done Alreaday. Oy mean we did it.

Along widh deh Red Hessians un' deh Coalition, we DID defeat deh Fes Fleet, 'ere, in O-fourty-noine. Un' deir be probably lickin' deir wounds in some dark un' filthy hole, where dey belong.

Un' where were deh Brets, back den ? Oy'll tell ye, people : dey were probably sittin' in New New London, drinking Tea
At this point, the red-haired woman start mimicking a pompous and arrogant Bretonian Nobleman drinking a cup of tea with the little finger raised.

Look darling, zhoose dirty peasants are doing zhe job fer uus, zhat's so convenient ! Who would have believed it ? Zhat's hilarous, huhuhuh !

At this point, the woman stopped her an impersonation of how a Bretonian Noble would act, according to her. And stared at the Bretonian delegation with delight, looking inordinately pleased with herself.
Adressing anew to the assembly, she carried on.

Nae, nae, ladies un' gentlemen,
* Pointing the finger at the Bretonian delegation *

Doses people are pretending dhat dey's bringing a war fleet 'cause o' deh 'Sars. Naow dhat deh threat dhat represented deir fleet be gone !?
How convenient ! But tink 'bout it. Oif dey'd really cared 'bout dhat, dey would have acted years ago. But dey dinnae. Nay e'en 'gainst deh Fes Fleet.

Un' oy'll tell ye whoy :

Deh 'Sars 'ere be an excuse tae bring deir war fleet 'ere. Trust mae, doses peoples be full o' shoite !
Un' oif ye dun alreaday believed what was said, listen tae dhis :

First tin' dey did, un' deeds dun loye. First tin' dey did was bringin' deir war fleet 'ere.
Den, when dey realoized, people reacted tae it, dey sent oos dhat paper-pusher, claiming dhat deh ol' treaty was void.
* Blod' looked straight at Steiner, cleared her throat conspicuously, and did spit on the ground *

Gobshoites, oy say !

Un' naow, dey're pulling aout dhat 'Sars loine, seriously ?!

But, what unravel deir real mind, be what ser Davis said : Deh Kingdom o' Bretonia wants tae have a saying on deh New Laws fer O-fourty-noine.

Lemme translate fer ye : Deh Kingdom o' Bretonia will soize de whole system , enforce deir law, un' , exactly loike he said fer omega-three, be parked in reserves where ye would have yer wee law fer ye. Jus' Loike omega-three.

Make nae moistakes, ladies un' gentlemen, dhis be how houses act !
Un' deh Kingdom o' Bretonia be nae exception tae dhis.
Dey did it fer Omega-three, Tau-Fourty-wun, Orkney, Tau-twenny-three. Look a deir claim : inverness, Derry, . Deh Titles o' deir queen : Empress o' deh Taus, Sovereign o' deh near Omegas...
Finally, dey ain't different frem Gauls...In Fact, dey're deh same.
Ye Zone', will probably end up loike in Pennsylvannia o' indigenous reserve.

Naow, Ser Davis talked 'bout where deh people o' Bretonia should fall back.
Dhat's interresting , indeed !
Tis nae loike some Bret refugees alreaday found a place tae loive on Gran Canaria, un' dey dinnae needed a war-fleet tae do so.
In fact mos' o' em were deported tae Sprague, un' some on Cambridge. Nae loike Bretonia lacks any place where dey could send deir people.
More den dhoses planets, 'cause dey'll argue dhat dey got nae place fer doses o' New London. But Naow dhat deh Libertonians built dhat abomination in Poole. Deh Refugees could be sent tae Liberty where dey would be safe.
But nae, dey choose a system, dhat nae house controls, dhat dey, brets, ain't controllin', yet.
Un' oy guess ye remember how bretonians people where used boye deir government tae annex deh Whole Omega-three system ?
Ye forsee what will happen ? Billions o' brets on Gran Canaria, turnin' ye , Zone' intae a wee minority.
Dhat's a strategy o' colonization.

Un' hence whoy dey'd bring a Warfleet !

Naow, oif someone still believes in negociations, un' do nae trust what oy said, ye could troy sumtin'.

First o' all, deh Bretonian fleet should leave afore negociations start. Oif dey disagree, dhat would prove what oy said 'bout deh 'sar fleet already gone. Deh Bret fleet ain't nae 'ere fer 'em bloody 'Sars.

Second : Dey want deh 'sars off deh Planet ? Foine, but in exchange, deh Bretonians on planet GC should leave too.
Den, let oos see how dey'd react.

Third : oif dey brets be gone, negociate a treaty where deh kingdom have absolutly nae roight o'er deh system. Dey'd have nae reasons tae refuse dhat, oif dere' nae Brets anymore, 'ere... Unless o' course, oif what oy said was true.

Un make nae moistakes, oy wish oy was wrong.

Dhat would be all fer naow, Ladies un' Gentlemen, tank ye fer listenin'.

Duma Lexington totally had enough of the "peaceful negotiations", so he pretty much lost his uttermost patience he had with Steiner.

If this man, or none of Bretonian representatives, are not here to negatiotiate any solution with their invasion force removed first, I think this summit it pointless. To me, by Mister Steiner's words only - and attitude of the few - this is what my organization had been saying all along: to submit Gran Canaria under the cowardly Bretonian boot. I thought someone from The Kingdom would be way more careful with his words. Why? Because Zoners are still a force to recon with. Their neutrality lies in damn interest of all people inside Omega-49.

You, Mister Steiner, failed to comprehend that if Bretonia would try to claim Gran Canaria by force - it would only lead into yet another front open for your cowardly Kingdom of scared nobles and cowardly soldiers. With Gallia being at your own orbit - I do think Queen does not want that. But, if you are not here to even negotiate ANY deals -- you are needless to us.

I say that, for safety of Omega-49, we should make Steiner and any other Bretonian present in this room our political hostage. If Bretonia do not want to resolve to peaceful solutions, Gran Canaria should use the language United Kingdom of Bretonia understands.

Maybe then the arrogance of Bretonians shown ever since this summit started now should falter once their representatives are on the gunpoint. And it won't be us to pull the trigger, but your Admirals within Bretonian Armed Forces
Megaera spoke to the Anti-Bretonian front.

"Let us not take anyone hostage. We are all here as guests to Doctor Holliday. Normally I would enjoy how this thing is escalating, but today I came here to support a friend and I will enforce his house rules if necessary. Secondly, your plan is that of coward aswell. There is nothing more cowardly than to take unarmed people as your hostage. I have no idea who you guys even are, but if you say more stupid stuff like that, I will drag you out that door myself."

She pointed to the entrance.
[Image: ai.jpg]

The Ai-Robot didn't say a word at all the discussions. But it seemed that it heres every word.

"To understand this situation. Omega 49 is an independent System that not belongs to any House-Space. When one of our Harvesters is going to any House-Space we have luck, if we wheren't shooted and just would be requested to leave.
This is simple: If a Zoner-Battleship would enter the Brenonia House-Space, it would break the Bretonian Charter of Interstellar Law, 4.7 - Foreign Warships.
So if it is the Law of Bretonia that a Capship that not belongs to the United Kingdom of Bretonia would cost at least 5.000.000 Credits fine, the United Kingdom of Bretonia hast to pay this to the Zoners. And maybe the Corsair, or who else have a base here. Than the Ship has to leave, if the Faction with a base her would request it.
Everything else is a warlike act!

So, who of the Factions with a base here in Omega 49 request teh Bretonia Battleship to leave this system? And is there a Faction with a Base here who would like that it stays here?"

The robot looked arround at it's last words.
Upon hearing the Coalition's retort, Nathan burst out laughing. This went on for a couple more seconds, before he regained his composure. He briefly sighed, shook his head and then shot a glance back at Ivan. A wide smirk stretched itself across Nathan's lips. He ahd been waiting for exactly this moment - a challenge - and someone had finally answered the call.

He raises his index finger on his left hand upwards, to signify a number. "One. History lesson. The Core has been operating throughout the Omegas for well over a decade - further if you stretch back to the Bounty Hunters Guild. Since then we have been consistently supporting the operations of Military and Corporate elements in hunting scum such as yourself on their borders and beyond".

He next raises a second finger, his middle finger, up. "Two. Between all the villainy in attendance here, someone has to at least by sympathetic to Bretonia and see things from their viewpoint. The Core, a Bretonian ally, arrived to provide at least something towards balancing the participants".

Lastly, he raises his ring finger, and makes his third point. "Three. The Core are experts on dealing with Corsair colonies, notably how we flushed them out of Omicron Delta. I'm the context of our discussion, our expertise in dealing with them is very valuable here. Meanwhile you are the exact opposite of experts. Not only have you never made any significant gains against the Corsairs, but you even managed to let the Corsairs penetrate the so-called 'impenetrable' defences of Omega-52, nuke your homeworld, and reduce your population by over 300,000 people. I don't know who's more incompetent: you for allowing such a tragic break in your defences, or the Corsairs for not finishing the job".

He turns and points to Grachov. "And you, you think you are anything more but an infant among the stars? Bretonia has stood for centuries, and is still standing after this war. If Gallia so much as breathed on you, you'd be reduced to dust. So with that said, no, The Core didn't come to shoot your research center because we feel no need to entertain your desperate attempts to make your failing ideology relevant". Nathan then smiled "It's funny that you both love to wave around your precious NAP. Who needs it more do you think?".

Nathan then exhales, signifying the end of his scathing critique. He then addresses Voncloud, in a more polite tone. "Voncloud, conflict with the Corsairs could be inevitable. If Bretonia falls, it won't be Dunkirks knocking on your door. It will be Valors flanked by Corsair warships".

Lastly, after carefully watching Duma threaten the Bretonian, Nova moves in between the two. "Careful, Zoner. The only force to be reckoned with is my fury if you even try to lay a finger on Davis and Steiner". She looks Duma dead in the eye.
Voncloud Glares at Duma at the suggestions he made and would love to just storm over and punch him in his idiot face. But he wasnt the first to jump onto him and likely not the last.

"What the hell kind of idea is that coming from a So called Zoner! Taking people hostage?! You have NO IDEA what is needed for the saftey of this system nor the planet. Its people like YOU who give Zoners a bad name, your up there with The Zoner Alliance, The Zoner Militia . All of you just as bad as each other, do nothing but cause proper Zoners nothing but trouble! Your and whatever crackpot followers you managed to fool with this Idiot movement are a disgrace to the Zoner way. From this point forward id recommend you watch VERY CAREFULLY what you say considering who you state you represent, because if you carry on with talk like that your going to do nothing but risk the planet. And i wont let that happen, so if you don't want to find out exactly the sort of things i do to protect my people and this Planet, either remember who you represent, or shut up.

Voncloud takes a deep breath, it could be said he had steam rising from him. he looks to those present.

"Now, Megaera is right, we are all guests here, and we are here to talk, let us not get wound up with rivalries between people, as that doesn't help the situation, if you want to play who has the biggest package, take it elsewhere.

He then looks to Nathan
"Your right, it could be inevitable, however i doubt the Corsairs are ones to share territory *he looks to the Corsair representative* If Gallia does roll into Omega 49, they risk their new found friendship with the Corsairs if they were to attack the Planet. Also the Gauls likely wont wish to provoke more people to Bretonias side, Zoners, Core the Coalition in this regard. There arn't as many tactical benefits to be had from entering Omega 49 for the Gallic fleets. They will want to keep the Corsairs that have allied with them on side.
I would however like to hear from the Corsair representative to see if they can shed any light on why they have sided with Gallia"

Username removed

Ivan looked at Nathan as he was talking and he busted into laughter.

Touche, Nathan. Said Ivan as his laughter got even more hysterical.

A move well placed. Said Ivan as he came back to his normal self.

But not a check mate, because for a failing ideology, never in our history since our arrival have we stood stronger than now.

Even as this summit drags on, people from all over Sirius flock willingly to New Moscow to join our revolutionary cause, do people flock towards the Core in the same willing fashion? Do you buy them or force them? Because I have sat with the locals at Freeport eleven and I heard the things they have to say about you.

They call you tyrants, occupiers, they view you as nothing more than an oppressive regime that installed itself upon them when the Order was at it's weakest point.

At least they knew what the Order is doing out there, you on the other hand are shooting at the people who devoted their lives to keeping the dangers of the Omicrons confined to the Omicrons, so let me ask you this: Where is YOUR "humanity"?

As for the history lesson regarding your influence in Omega 49, that's just that, history.

I dare to look you in the eyes and claim that the Core doesn't even have a spatial installation anywhere near Omega 49. I dare you to prove me wrong.

CAN you?
Doc noticed things heating up. He understood the anger between groups but the main focus of why they were all there was going by the wayside. Again, he began making his way through the delegates.
"Gentlemen, please," he said kindly and addressed Ivan and Nathan. "I do not mean to downplay the events in the Omicrons and Omegas but we gathered here to address another issue. If you wish, we can discuss that after this."
He then stood in front of Megaera, "No one and I do mean no one will be taking hostages or dragging people out the door."

He then stood in an open area. "Mr. VonCloud is right. To just demand the Corsairs leave would create more conflict that none of us wants. As it is, a lot of the Corsairs now residing on Canaria are largely women and children, children who were born on the planet. Canaria has been peaceful that is, until an old warship parked not far from the planet and its intentions revealed."
He then walked over towards the Bretonian delegation. "Point blank, Mr. Steiner, this is Zoner space. Even those who are not Zoner on the surface live by our law and leave theirs behind. Bretonian law has no place here nor will it..." He paused as he stepped forward towards Mr. Davis, "......or are your plans more sinister? Bretonia lost territory to Kusari but made peace with them...or do you still hold a grudge against them? I hope not." He takes a look at his daughter before returning to Mr. Davis, "She is more Kusarian than she is me, her late mother, my late wife, was from Honshu. In fact, it was the Bretonian navy that killed her uncle, Kentaro, in Tau 31 and yet my daughter forgives. You could learn much from her." There was a tear in Emiko's eye as her father spoke of the events and loss of her mother.

"Mr. Davis, I know....we all badly the war with Gallia is going for you so listen to me. Rather than leave your own home world and take one from people who are no bother to you, you might do having your queen swallow her foolish pride and sue Gallia for peace. I mean, has Bretonia been at war long enough? The more you fight, the weaker you make yourselves. I would even go as far to offer myself as a diplomat for the process. I know this, you take this system, Gallia will not be far behind. You could not stop them in Bretonia. I highly doubt that you would do it here and they would be closer to borders of other people."

He took a couple of steps away before turning back, "So consider my offer of diplomacy but know this as well, while I am a man of peace, a man who has walked both sides of the law and killed his share of men in his life, I will not hesitate to burn these robes and take up arms if there is a hostile take-over of this planet."

In the corner where Emiko stood listening, she began shaking her head as the tears fell while listening to her father. Softly from her mouth she could only say, "Daddy, no."
When Doc stopped talking Megaera turned her attention to Nathan Archos and threw a grape at him to get his attention

"Hey Core grunt, Calm your ego a little. This is not about you and your band of pirates. Do not take away the speaking time from people that matter. Sit down and grab yourself a drink."
Duma looked at the gathered and sighed in a very theatrical - yet unforced - manner, seeing Doc Holliday as the only reasonable man in this room. Steiner and Davis already acted as if it Omega-49 was already the Bretonian territory.

I fully support Doc Holliday in here. I may have used very strong rhetoric before, but we are not the ones to provoke all that mess in the first place.

This summit is done under the barrel of a gun held by Bretonia, aimed at Gran Canaria. They came into Omega-49, not only violating the independent territory, yet - as you could hear from the representative of Bretonia - BAF will not be withdrawn. Conclusion? They play with us, mocking this summit from the very beginning, while openly threatening us with their heavy assets that can decimate our homes.

I, as a damn Zoner and inhabitant of Gran Canaria, have full right to be afraid there might be BAF ships awaiting in Poole just to strike down anything not wearing The Kingdom's colours in Omega-49, be them Zoners, Corsairs, Coalition or whatever else Queen Carina and her cabinet see as unfitting their rule.

If that does not convince you, think about damn neutrality, balance and relative peace within Omega-49 we finally achievied. Presence of Battleship Stirling is like making a huge dump onto the status quo Zoners worked on hard for so long.
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