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Full Version: Friends, Rivals and Tenstions: The Summit at Tombstone
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Steiner looked around that the remaining people in the room, he straightened his robes and said very clearly, in a slightly somber tone.

For those of you who are still here and are still interested, put your fears aside, no harm will come to those who choose to stay here in peace or choose to leave. Be forewarned however that those taking up arms against us will be treated as combatants. But if you wish to remain, you are free to do so, in peace.

With that, he gave a curt bow returned to the soldiers, collected his bag and walked outside, intent on having a long quiet pipe to himself.
The redhead looked at the man approching her, and surprised could be seen on her face. The two Marines standing behind her, stepped forward, shields on.
With a gesture of the hand, she made them stop. The guards took a step back, lowering their shields. After she took a look backward, to ensure everything would not escalated, she answered Doc's greeting :

Me pleasure tae meet ye. Un' Oy want tae tank ye fer welcomin' oos in yer house. Also, ye dun have tae worry 'bout adressin' mae personally afore, fer dhere were so much important madders tae discuss un' tae listen. Oy guess dhat was deh point o' dhis meetin', wasnae it ?
M'well, it turned a boit tae chaos, but dhat was tae be expected. Me bet ye should have met afore among yer koind, un' found an agreement afore callin' deh Brets tae dhis summit.
But oy guess, dhis be how ye Zone' do...

Anyway, ye heard dem, Brets ? Stirling ain't leavin'... un' War is naow comin', dere ain't nae step back, oy fear.

Blodwyn closed by and whispered to him.A proivate meeting ? She asked sceptically.
Would dhat be appropriated ? What would it be fer ? Maybe unner odher circumstences...

Stepping back, she stopped whispering to him, and carried on out loud.

Naow dhat dhis meetin' be o'er, oy guess we should leave. Un' tank ye again fer yer welcome.

Slán agaibh , ladies un' gentlemen.

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