This is coming together faster than I expected, but I think we're already in a good place to take the next step. The credits can be found on PF-Idunn.
Planetform, Inc.
Creating Worlds
"85 years ago, we dedicated ourselves to accomplishing the impossible. To transform, in less than a century, a frozen, lifeless world into one capable of supporting life. Many said it couldn't be done, other said it shouldn't, but we persevered. As a boy growing up on Los Angeles, I used to follow the progress of the terraforming of California Minor, both on the neural net and with my own backyard telescope and spectrometer. Like many others, the idea of a world remade in my lifetime captured my imagination. In our own, small way, we were harnessing the power of the gods. Humanity was accomplishing a true miracle, a monument to human progress through the power of science. Due to the efforts of countless scientists and engineers, our efforts have not been in vain. As of noon tomorrow, the geothermal vents will be shut down. It brings me great pride to announce that the California Minor Terraforming Project is complete!"
Dr. Norman Gray, CEO, Planetform, Inc.
Excerpt from a speech on Planet Anaheim, 22 July 826 AS
Basic Information
Planetform ID/IFF
PF-Shipname (Transports, Gunboats)
PF-First.Last (Freighters, Fighters)
Due to a relative paucity of habitable worlds outside the core worlds claimed by the Republic of Liberty, a group of scientists and engineers from Cambridge saw an opportunity. Founded under a Royal Charter in 411 AS, for centuries Planetform has worked to transform otherwise uninhabitable planets into vibrant worlds, capable of sustaining life.
Due to the expense involved in terraforming, Planetform's customers for terraforming services have exclusively been House Governments. Aside from planetary terraforming, Planetform also make a considerable profit from the production of FloraGro, which sees extensive use in both planet-based and space-based synth and traditional agriculture. Planetform also produces a popular line of Xenobiotic and Nanomembrane filtration systems for stations and spacecraft.
For most of its history, Planetform had faced no opposition until the rise of the Gaian eco-terrorist movement in 740 AS. The Gaians opposition to Planetform's mission quickly turned violent, a conflict that has continued, unabated, until the present time.
Bases Canterbury Station, New London
Planetform Headquarters in New London. Though the station sustained damage during the Gallic offensive in New London, it remains operational, and the Board of Directors continues to meet there.
Planet Anaheim, California
Planetform's success story in California. Though the terraforming project is complete, Planetform continues to administer the planet. Once the Libertonian Government has taken over administration, Planetform will retain a base on Anaheim to monitor conditions on the planet and make adjustments as necessary.
Merthyr Tydfil Mining Station, Poole
Mining base in Poole purchased from BMM. Processes raw materials extracted from Torfaen Asteroid Field to produce terraforming gasses critical to other Planetform operations.
Cold Bay Depot, Hudson
Base established in Hudson to coordinate stage one terraforming efforts on Planet Atka. Cold Bay also serves as Planetform's production facility for Xenobiotic and Nanomembrane filters.
Planetform Projects Planet Anaheim, California Status:Complete
Planetform's greatest success, Anaheim was terraformed in a record 85 years. Anaheim stands as proof that, regardless of what the company's detractors claim, Planetform delivers on its promises as advertised. Planetform is currently in the process of transferring administration to the Libertonian government. Planetform will retain a base on the planet for the foreseeable future to study the long-term effectiveness of the terraforming process and to make adjustments as needed to maintain the planet's environment.
Planet Harris, Tau-31 Status:Stage 3(Stalled)
Harris is Planetform's oldest project, dating back to the company's founding in 450AS. Though the subject of constant cost overruns and setbacks, Harris was slated for completion in 820AS. Attacks by Gaian terrorists followed by the Tau War slowed progress considerably, and the outbreak of the Gallic War halted the project entirely. The project was briefly restarted by EFL Oil & Machinery, though they made very little progress before the Crayter Republic forced Gallic forces off the planet. The Harris project is currently stalled pending an agreement with either the Kingdom of Bretonia, the Crayter Republic, or both. Once the project is restarted, Planetform engineers estimate 7-10 years to completion.
Planet Atka, Hudson Status:Stage 1
Atka is a frozen world targeted for terraforming on behalf of the Republic of Liberty. Planetform engineering teams are currently in the process of installing and activating hardware for stage 1 terraforming efforts. Simulations predict that the project will take approximately a century, and will result in an oceanic world.
Planet Saarbrucken, Cologne Status:Stage 2
The Rheinland Bundestag contracted Planetform to improve Saarbrucken's climate with the intention of turning the planet into an additional agricultural world to supplement Stuttgart. Because the planet's atmosphere was already in a marginally habitable condition, the decision was made to proceed directly to Stage 2, establishing an artificial biosphere to modify and regulate the planet's climate to be more suitable for human colonisation. Research is ongoing into the application of Saarbrucken's native flora to terraforming projects on other planets.
Planet Forres, Inverness Status:Pre-Stage 1
Unlike Planetform's other projects, Forres is not being done on behalf of a House Government. Forres is currently under the control of the Junker Congress, who are receiving a steep discount for work on the planet. Despite appearances, however, this is not an act of charity. The primary challenge facing a terraforming project on Forres is the runaway greenhouse effect that devestated the planet's native biosphere approximately 35 million years ago. Because most of Planetform's projects have involved warming cold worlds, Forres poses new challenges and requires new technologies. Planetform's management hopes to use technologies perfected on Forres on a future attempt to repair the damage done to Planet Leeds by the Gallic bombardment.
Planet Ayr, Edinburgh Status:Stage 1 (Stalled)
Planet Ayr is a geologically active world with an arid climate and a thin atmosphere. Ayr was targeted as a prime candidate for terraforming, and Stage 1 efforts began in 752AS. The project is currently stalled due to the Enclave occupation of the Edinburgh system, though it is not officially cancelled. Planetform hopes to continue work as soon as the Enclave is evicted from the system.
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person