Then play as "transport" or "freighter" or "fighter" next time and you wont have trouble. If you bring warship and it is not announced on the proper channels with the proper approval it is still foreign warship no matter what or how you "play" it.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
I'm late to the party, but I'll chime in because I know everyone loves to hear my opinion.
' Wrote:What makes good RP? People that go with the flow. What makes bad RP? Single minded douche-
Going to have to disagree. In effect, what you are stating is that someone should have to alter their RP to make it easier for another person to RP how they want. This is not good RP. You posted examples, so I'll comment on your examples later.
Quote:1) Everyone in the game is playing the "I'm too Badass For You."
2) Everyone in the game is a single minded douche-bag.
I'll agree with you here. Everyone does seem to be in the habit of being a badass, but that's understandable since people can't do this in real life without either getting beaten up or arrested. I don't find it surprising at all that people would want to emulate something they consider cool deep down without any real repercussions.
Quote:Now, again I know this is extreme, but can you people point out bad RP here? Let me help, first
off, ItBFY gives Starflier only thirty seconds to comply. You should NEVER, force a time limit on
someone. This just causes stress and makes the encounter twelve times more unfun. If the
person starts to run, or doesn't comply in say, a minute, THEN determine appropriate measures.
Time limits are never fun, especially for people that type slow.
The next problem within this example is the fact that ItBFY isn't listening to Starflier. He doesn't
give two s**ts what he has to say. Of course you can play a character like this but, there is no fun
in it if your constantly threatening someone and they don't get a change to talk or RP their way
out, more on general interaction in the next section.
Well, I'm going to point out that if someone is in a place they shouldn't be, and someone is telling them to leave immediately, they should leave immediately. Stumble onto the any US military property (OMG REAL LIFE EXAMPLE, RUN FOR THE HILLS!) and you will be forcefully evicted or arrested. Now, if you are a roleplaying a military officer and a civilian stumbles onto restricted space, your roleplay demands that you remove the civilian.
Quote:Another big flaw in RP is the point that no one goes with the flow. I also feel as if people don't
want to RP, or that they are always aggressive because they don't pay attention to RP of another
player. This makes it frustrating for people that have cool back-stories and are unable to RP in an
fun and enjoyable way. If someone is playing a pacifist, and no one listens to them and just yells
at them to leave/get-out/f**k off/whatever how do you expect that person to RP?
Roleplay is a two-way street. It is you interacting and you responding to other people's interactions. Just because your pacifist is a against violence, it doesn't mean that someone playing a cold hearted pirate out to rob to sustain himsel should adjust himself to appease the paficist. If anything, the pirate will find your pacifist an easy target, and would probably be even more aggressive.
You cannot expect others to change their roles so that your "cool back-story" is more easily roleplayed. That's selfish, and if it relies on others being more accommodating, its probably not what anyone would consider good RP. Regardless if everyone and their mother is a badass. If it happens, you roll with it. You certainly don't expect them to change so that you have an easier time doing what you want.
Quote:The amount of people that seem blood-thirsty is both unbelievable and irritating. All I'm saying is
give the other person a chance, don't just start shoving them out of the system. Try going it the
flow for once, see what the other person is trying to say, you might see an opportunity to make a
twist in the conversation that could even make it humorous.
Again, people will act out their fantasies online and in video games that they can't in the real world. Why do you think the Grand Theft Auto franchise was so popular?
Quote:Bad RP
Setting: New York
AiCore: Ai Cruiser
LNBS: Liberty Battleship
This is just to show an example of the ignorance of the players on the server, who either don't
care or don't seem to care about others.
Your example was lost in the quoting but this is the one where the Navy officer correctly played his role in attempting to remove a warship away from a populated area. It is not bad RP in the least bit. Maybe if he opened fire after just giving one line, but that only makes it bad RP from a rules point of view. He played his role correctly, and some people just don't realize that you can't bring a warship into a heavily populated system and expect to be left alone to do your thing, especially if there are laws against such behaviour.
Quote:Setting: New York
AiCore: Ai Cruiser
LNBS: Liberty Battleship
I hope people can take that as encouragement in which to spark the better RP within everyone.
Yes, your listed example might be more fun, however, that doesn't make it better roleplay.
Quote:Initiating Battle
Don't disagree with anything there, however there are times where quickly removing an opponent is in your interests, especially if you know what within 5 minutes that one opponent might multiply into 3.
I'm not saying you shouldn't, I'm not saying you can't, I'm not saying you have to do it peacefully,
but there are some general guidelines that people should follow when pirating.
1) Don't ever use countdowns, as stated before it just puts stress on the person
2) If the person either tries to run, or doesn't reply for say one minute, then use hostile force, but
give them time to type! Not everyone types one-hundred words a minute.
3) I believe this one is a rule, I could be wrong though.
Don't tax an overly large amount of money. Say about five-million MAX is a good number. Adjust
as you please, but going above seven to eight is really pushing it.
4) If your demanding cargo rather than credits, demand an amount the equals around five-million.
If a miner is out mining in Dublin and has a full cargo of 2750, don't demand the full cargo.
2750 x 10 000 = 27 500 000
By no means is that anywhere near five-million. Don't be a jack-ass, only demand around five-
I generally agree with everything except #1. When a trader is stalling for time, it's usually for one reason: calling for help. I'm out to get paid if I'm pirating, not fight two lawful ships while I'm destroying the trader who refused to pay and called for help.
Quote:Don't be a douche, go with the flow.
As well as some pointers about pirating.
As a final example of why its wrong to "go with the flow" there was an incident where someone brought a Zoner destroyer into Liberty, and I stumbled onto it with my LN pilot. Now, I did exactly what my role said to do: enforce the laws of Liberty, and remove the warship from Liberty space. Nowhere does it state that if they are peaceful they can stay. If you're cruiser and above, you can't stay. Period.
Now, a few moments into this encounter I get a pm saying something along the lines of "leave us alone, you are disrupting our RP." Now, if I were to ignore the ship, or allow to stay there while its doing its thing I would be forced to abandon my RP so that someone else can enjoy theirs. This is wrong simply put.
You cannot ever place your role as higher priority than someone else's, and that's what many people in here don't understand.
Quote:You cannot ever place your role as higher priority than someone else's, and that's what many people in here
don't understand.
I didn't mean it as one side needed to change for the other. I do know it's a twoway road, I wanted to point
out that BOTH sides should "go with the flow." Not in a way that would distain from your own rp, but if
someone were to keep an open mine, they would see opertunities that conform to the rp of both players,
not just oneself or the other player.
In regard to the "good rp" the Liberty person got the AiCores out. Was it not "in their rp" to remove said
vessels from Liberty space? Throughout the conversation between the two, the AiCore agreed to leave after,
being able to scan a human.
Thus, I assume that the objectives both players had were completed.
Liberty got the core out
The core got to scan someone.