We have finished our contract. SSL is no longer going to give you the loan you asked for.
To: SLA Manager.
We have to inform you that we have in our database a loan request from Mr. Ashford for 30 millions SC too. So, we are not going to give the loan to this person.
Identified as; James Degull, Gallic trader. Civilian.
Bonjour! I am interested in purchasing a Vache Gallic train, to help facilitate my independent trading business. However, obviously, this is a expensive investment that I am not capable of doing without outside help.
I am seeking one hundred million credits, sent to my vessel, Honest.Chance, at the earliest possible convenience.
I Mr. Degull would like to request loan package 1A, in the amount of 100,000,000, and agree to the terms stated by Sirius Loans and Assurances.
Quote:I Aldous McDuff (ship name The.Betty) would like to request loan package 2A, in the ammount of 150 million, and agree to the terms stated by Sirius Loans and Assurances.
However, Sir, could we possibly make the arrangement that if I pay back in half the time, I have to pay half the interest, i.e. 6% interest and 4 days as opposed to 12% interest and 8 days?
Signal Source : Liberty, New York
Signal I.D. : Civilian
Comm I.D. : Silithus
Subject Matter: Questions and Business
I have just read your company advertisment and I thought that I would like to start working for my self, no more bosses etc. I was thinking to start a trasport company and for that i would need the sum of 150.000.000 credits which will be paid in 8 or less days. By this I understand that I have to pay back the sum of 168.000.000 credits.
I will be expecting the sum of money on the ship named Silithus.
Greetings, Mr. Silithus
Unfortunatly recent times have forced us to be most careful about who we loan credits to and so i am afraid we will have to decline your request as your credit is not quite well established as of yet.
I, Captain of Lost.Destiny would like to request loan package 1A, in the ammount of 55milion credits, and agree to the terms stated by Sirius Loans and Assurances. I am guarentiing this loan with my ship, Lost.Destiny.