My name is Mason Hunt, Operative of her Majestys Secret Intelligence Service. I've been given permission to extend an invitation towards you. The Secret Intelligence Service has the opportunity to facilitate a Meeting with one of Rheinlands most important people. We would like to facilitate a meeting between yourself, Herr Mayer and Hans Freidrich Von Albrecht, Head of house Albrecht, a name you might be familiar with in Rheinlands past.
What the topics of this meeting are, where it will take place or even when, will be kept at discretion until such time that you agree for the safety of Herr von Albrecht, but I can assure you that it is a topic you should listen to.
I await your response.
For Queen and House,
Mason Hunt
Secret Intelligence Service
SOURCE: New Berlin
I am aware of House Albrecht, thanks to my father talking about how things were in Rhineland’s past. Hearing that name again has peaked my interests.
Please be rest assured that I am very happy to be meeting someone from House Albrecht, let alone the head of House Albrecht. With regards to safety and security of Herr Von Albrecht, I will ensure that he will not be in harm’s way. I’ll be having my personal security detail with me, as you know the Unioners are an issue for us. I will take the necessary measures to make sure all is well though and that I am not followed.
I am pleased to hear that you are willing to meet with Herr von Albrecht and listen to what he has to say. If you have a place where we can hold this meeting, where Herr von Albrecht can be safe, then I am happy to bring your suggestion to the table and arrange a meeting from there on out.
Please be aware that Herr von Albrecht will also be travelling with a security detail for obvious reasons.
For Queen and House,
Mason Hunt
Secret Intelligence Service
SOURCE: New Berlin
ID:NIKLAS MAYER LOCATION:Duisburg SUBJECT:Meeting Guten tag Mr Hunt,
I can suggest two places for us to meet. First place would be at Duisburg, Republican Shipping HQ. It is in the heart of Rheinland, the other option I have is maybe a bit easier for you. It is at Freeport X in Bretonian space.
Very few people know of this station, as it is extremely well hidden. I believe BAF knows its location, due to the previous owner informing them with regards to Bretonian laws.
I believe this would be the quickest alternative.
I will be waiting for your reply. As soon as I you inform me the details, I will leave immediately to where you may need me.
Location: Battleship Karlsruhe, Stuttgart System Sender ID: [SIS] Hanna Wyghtham Recipient ID: Nicklas Mayer Concerning: Meeting the Priz von Albrecht
Good day mr. Mayer,
I am sorry to interrupt this conversation, but the prince is in Rheinland at the moment. He is meeting with the Rheinwehr and the Prinz invited you to the meeting as the time runs.
I can fetch you up at Duisburg and will bring you to the meeting, a friend of mine, a Rheinwehr Offizier will fly the ship. Please answer me as soon as possible, as we have not much time left.
Hanna Wyghtham ,Intelligence Officer
Secret Intelligence Service