I've had more of a thought about it and if anything making caps more expensive will probably effect the indies who do use them properly than the lolwuts who don't.
We've already established that lolwuts will grind and grind as much as is needed regardless of how much that value is. A few more hours is very unlikely to put them off.
Whereas people who like me, who will tollerate grinding but not to such an extent will probably be put off getting capital ships all together.
I decided a few weeks ago to actually bother to trade my way up to the funds for a possible future upgrade to my LABC. And I've already decided theres no way in hell am I ever doing it again.
When I do eventually decide to get an LN Dreadnought, it will probably be the only Battleship I will ever own. And possibly even the last capital ship I'll ever buy. Tradeing is far too boring for me to consider doing any more of it.
Prices of equipment and ships will be revealed when the new version comes out. Prices are not revealed so as to prevent people from abusing game mechanics between the versions to make money.