Is it normal?
Yes. Though most wouldn't demand cargo, though it DOES happen.
What should you do?
Either conform, attempt to run, or attempt to RP your way out.
Does he conform to role play rules?
Are you justified in saying you did a cargo run for nothing over a few credits?
You should be earning much more than he is as a miner/trader/hauler. You shouldn't be complaining over a few credits lost. (Yes, a few million is a few credits if you have a 5k.)
Is that guy's demands too big?
There is no such thing as too big. But, generally, people don't ask for all your cargo. I personally find it too evil (hey, I'm too kind a person) although some if not most players would do so.
Is it normal?
Yes. Though most wouldn't demand cargo, though it DOES happen.
What should you do?
Either conform, attempt to run, or attempt to RP your way out.
Does he conform to role play rules?
Are you justified in saying you did a cargo run for nothing over a few credits?
You should be earning much more than he is as a miner/trader/hauler. You shouldn't be complaining over a few credits lost. (Yes, a few million is a few credits if you have a 5k.)
Is that guy's demands too big?
There is no such thing as too big. But, generally, people don't ask for all your cargo. I personally find it too evil (hey, I'm too kind a person) although some if not most players would do so.
Hope that answers your questions.
1: i agree
2: Agree
4: agree
5: disagree players should try to keep it reasonable its one of the reasons i stoped tradeing ive been pirated times when i CLEARLY DIDENT HAVE THE CASH <thelevel was a dead giveaway> and i got shot inside of 10 seconds not even enough time to drop or givecash anything <this happened sevral times>
one day your gonna either run oitta traders or its gonna turn back into the sigma 13 bhg campers
theres being a pirate and being a <censored>
remember other people want to play the game too and not everybody bothers to obsess themselfs with pvp
it be preety boreing if you drove people away by greifing them
5: disagree players should try to keep it reasonable its one of the reasons i stoped tradeing ive been pirated times when i CLEARLY DIDENT HAVE THE CASH <thelevel was a dead giveaway> and i got shot inside of 10 seconds not even enough time to drop or givecash anything <this happened sevral times>
one day your gonna either run oitta traders or its gonna turn back into the sigma 13 bhg campers
theres being a pirate and being a <censored>
remember other people want to play the game too and not everybody bothers to obsess themselfs with pvp
it be preety boreing if you drove people away by greifing them
Ok dammit. One off.
Now see, the example you have given is a lolpirate that pirates for the sake of blue messages. What I am assuming is that the pirate in question is the average pirate with decent role play ability (but that isn't average already) and generally doesn't go around with the intention of getting blue messages.
In the case of a pirate demanding cash from a low leveled player and gives less than 10 seconds for demands to be met, the pirate is, to quote you, "being a <censored>". I already find it bad form to take away too much cargo or to pirate for exorbitant amounts. I am disgusted by pirates who stoop to pirating for blue messages.
Meh. Now I remember why dropoff sites in borderworlds weren't a bright idea... Still, the silver run to Harris is a smuggling run. You got the GRN and GRP who should be shooting at you for trying, so a junker making your life hell there.
Meh. Just meh.
Long distance route with a big payout. Hire help. Or don't whine.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
Why didn't you just dock when you saw the junker near Planet Harris? I guess he was a transport or a slave liner that he demanded your cargo so you could thrust for quite long and dock before he destroys you.
' Wrote:Why didn't you just dock when you saw the junker near Planet Harris? I guess he was a transport or a slave liner that he demanded your cargo so you could thrust for quite long and dock before he destroys you.
You are aware, that PTrans are one of the most deadliest ships [looking away from GBs] to face 1on1 in a Transport ?
' Wrote:Getting a repairship escort is not a realistic expectation at all.
It'd be interesting to see if said Junker would think it was 'fair' if taxed/pirated/fined for forty million credits.
If my junker have expensive cargo and you rob me I would bargain. But in general I would give the cargo if there is no other way- I don't want my junker dead. If somebody is going after the blue msg I would drop the cargo shoot it and bounty him for 100m.
Fair? Are you crazy? It is space not Ponnyland where everyone hugs you, space is dangerous,look at the scull near the server name before you log, deal with it.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)