Considering there are a lot of traders, and to get in the good books of a trading faction, you have to 'get out there and kill some pirates', or bribe them. While both are... relatively logical, its not a good thing for a trader in a trading ship. Therefore, why not have the ability for peaceful trading missions?
Possible method:
Spawn a re-skinned and renamed 'Escape Pod' item into the cargo hold, and set a way point to the destination, where you have to dock. Meaning, take this item, and take it over there.
Simple, in theory. But there needs to be some flaws and balancing to consider right?
What if you are pirated and told to drop the item? If the pirate destroys it, you fail the mission. Simple that, but what if the pirate steals said cargo item? Instant cash prize? Or make it so only the trader can tractor it? That's a problem.
Another issue is, should the item take up 1 unit of cargo space, or more? Maybe in the missions information, it says you need X amount of free cargo space to take the mission?
Another issue is, how much should it pay out? I think it should make about 50-75% of a typical trade route relative to the quest station, to the destination. It's a handy mission, but taking things yourself on your own initiative it more profitable.
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Don't think its technically possible. The closest I can think of would be to have a station kill mission spawn a cargo depot which would drop cargo when destroyed. Well, that wouldn't work. Would need to be a return prisoner mission with the wing leader defined as a depot. Freelancer is veeery rigid in what can be done with missions, so far as our current understanding goes.
There are transport trip missions on the vanila server. They even get advertised in the console chat, so to alert pirates.
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(05-07-2013, 03:12 PM)sindroms Wrote: There are transport trip missions on the vanila server. They even get advertised in the console chat, so to alert pirates.
I'm guessing these aren't run through the game engine, and are instead organised by server staff or FLHook. Not really what we're discussing here - taking a trade mission from the NPC job board.
its not a bad idea. But i recall someone did do an event too a time back buying some commodity on a player base for a fixed price. It might be an idea to do something like this again? But its like jammi stated its organised then. Curious what will come out of this trading missions idea..
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If it was possible, I think the trade mission would have to be a transport of goods etc through several systems for cash that's good for starting traders but not sufficient for those with large cargo holds. Otherwise, it'd ruin the point of trading.
You'd have to have set groups of ships that intercept your path, being possible to destroy but not too easy. Then you'd have human player pirates to worry about as well. There's probably more things to be taken into account as well.
OP's mission ideas are good as well but it kinda seems a little pointless. It's a good concept but it'd require a lot of thought and head stress. I have no idea what coding etc for FL is like either but i'm just posting my opinion on it from the thoughts that came into my head.
You can spawn a depot (or even a ship that won't do anything, a practical wreck) by the station you're taking the mission at that will drop a renamed and re-skinned cargo pod, and then drop it on some other random base. OR alternatively, spawn a depot far away from the base you've taken the mission at (when you get to 4k range, or w/e is the norm for that), perhaps even a few systems away, and you go there and do the same.
For example, for ageira technologies:
"Some smuggler stole trade lane parts and managed to crack it up. Our forces have neutralized his ship but the cargo remains. We need someone to get out there and retrieved the hacked trade lane parts so we can better study the way he did so."
You might even encounter some NPC pirates on the road that will try to steal that precious cargo on the way back. Make it a rather rough mission that will span across a few systems and will pay very well. BUT, the "cargo pod" could be stolen by PLAYER pirates and later sold for a nice sum at local unlawful bases, for that I will continue my example:
The player, after he retrieved the cargo is required to go back to the base. The mission will yield him 5 million credits (it could be lower, but lets stay with the 5 millions now), however, the cargo is worthy 1 million at a local unlawful base, so our brave transport working for Ageira is going down the lanes while suddenly stopped by a pirate player:
Pirate: "Well well, seems that this guy have some materials that will have high interest for the Lane Hackers at Mactan, 1 million of those "interests" to be exact".
Trader: "Argh, yeah, thought those scums will be interested in this piece of cargo. Tell you what, I will give you 2 million pieces of "interest" if you will let me keep going, and I will stay on about my course."
Pirate: "Fair enough, just make the transaction and be on your way"
Of course I expect the amount it is worthy for the trader to be route depending. We could also add some high risk missions for smugglers that also require them to go off lanes with waypoints (or let them use lanes, but make it less time-costly than flying off them)
It's an example for something that is do-able within the game's engine and FLhook's help.