[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Major Friedrich Dresner - RHA SOA]
You vere granted one ov die armee's finest pieces ov ekuipment not long ago, und now ve have noticed it being used improperly. Zat ist nicht something ve ov die Oberkommando vould tolerate. In ze attached gunkams you'd notice ze ship ist neutral to Rheinwehr, Bundespolizei und Kruger Mineralien - All ov three vhich are direkt hostiles to die Rote Hessens.
Vhen ve granted you zis ship unzer kondition ov proper uzage, zis vas not vhat ve expekted unzer ze definition ov 'proper'. Zerefur, ze pilot in ovnership ov zis kraft ist to fix its reputation und report back to us as soon as possible, und meanvhile refrain from klaiming any kills on our board. If zis one simple requirement ist nicht met konsequences such as disqualifikation from our board vould follow.
However, ich vould like to point out zat zis transmission ist in no vay a threat, but only a formal reminder, und so it ist to be treated as such.
It's not even funny. First you give away ship with production defect, and now you complain that I shoot same people who shoot you. Now it's not very natural for Hessians to give away their asgard line, so I'm not surprised that some comms and radars weren't working well. Seems to be one of the older ship's... diffrent colour patches of hull plating, a lot of scratches and some rust.
Anyway. I've consulted people who work with such matters, and they said they can't really fix it, becouse they lack some parts.. this is what you can expect having such ship. Limited market for spare parts. That leads to conclusion that such ship can only be repaired at one of your bases.
Problem. Inproper usage. Pfff. Take a good look at second visual image one more time.
I won't be visiting hessian base anytime soon. For now I'm taking residence in one place where free movement is.. hmm, how could you say. Complicated. And what is exactly complicated, my personal issues or identity is none of your concern.
At any rate. I'm looking forward to fix that old bird soon. And what I mean by fixing, is not just comms.