' Wrote:While me (Kaze here btw, cba to switch accounts, that drunk again, ye) had some.. bad taste, but even so, decent interactions (which i could say it was a lot better than some official factions) with the Rorry boys and him,
Guard Systems are free game.
One of the Mods that posted the 101st bounty offers a bonus for killing CR in their system, and us Reavers were known from time to time (when there was enough booze in our blood, true fact, last raid we had two drunk persons going "WOOOOOOOW" "I'm getting sick here." "Need another shot.") to raid O-52 (bow-out to SCRA for being awesome and commie like).
And ye. Veygaar is defending his creation, and after countless pages of negative/positive feedback.. No wonder the man decides to throw the "File a sanction plz.".
So don't give him a hard time for saying that.
If it was the Reavers, i would say the very same thing. If i was drunk as i am now. Which i am.
Very well said Kaze <3
Now gents, I believe I said a few pages back that we all should calm down and relax and just play the game.
If there is something more that has already been discussed before in this thread, either take it to PM's or file a sanction as Veygaar asked you to.
Otherwise I believe the gents wants new comments and/or compliments!
I want to compliment Veygaar for not going off the handle with this and trying to keep an cool head even with this situation (:
By the way, the sig that you made for me is worth every bluemsg i made.
And good luck on the fund raiser, Veygaar!
Drink one for me!
And another!
And other for Serp!
And other for Mamoru!
And other for... You get the general idea.
There were some changes to the tech chart a while ago and some areas that certain ID's can operate with Gallic tech changed. Since there was no such restriction on the Merc ID before, it stayed the same, meaning there is no restriction on where a merc can use gallic tech. Please stop bringing that up as if it is some kind of rule violation. It is clear to be seen to anyone who takes the time to look at the tech chart.
I thought this was admin green. Guess that solves that 'issue', though.
Edit: Probably should add something on topic though. I brought an issue I saw with a member of the RR violating a couple of rules to Veygaar, and he took care of it quickly and politely. Hope to have more positive experiences with you guys in the future.
User was banned for: Unacceptable behavior
Time left: (Permanent)
' Wrote:My issue with Renegades in 44 is when there is no one IN 44.
Therefore, stop invading 44 to try and draw out CR so you can blue message.
Its rude.
Guard systems are part of the game, not some holy sanctuary that shouldnt be violated. If you think they are just going there to draw you out for the blue message, dont log in to fight them. Simple enough, but Guard systems are part of the rp, and the environment of the game, they should be used.
' Wrote:There were some changes to the tech chart a while ago and some areas that certain ID's can operate with Gallic tech changed. Since there was no such restriction on the Merc ID before, it stayed the same, meaning there is no restriction on where a merc can use gallic tech. Please stop bringing that up as if it is some kind of rule violation. It is clear to be seen to anyone who takes the time to look at the tech chart.
Thanks for clearing that out for me. It would be nice to edit your post from "Generic ID's with Gallic tech" to "Generic ID's with civilian Gallic tech" in order to avoid confusion. A simple word makes a big difference.
I'm out of this, for good this time. I guess time will tell is the RR's are doing it right or wrong
' Wrote:current ones that have not been paid for will be removed.
You have to claim the ones already killed.
Claiming on miners/transports that aren't hostile is, while some would say iffy as far as rules and interpretation and whatnot goes, within the spirit of the bounty and a minor matter.
Not claiming them after having shot and blown them up is a definite major violation that carries a hefty penalty.
gone four years, first day back: Zoners still getting shot in Theta :|