So it is like yesterday i had ~200 wild pilots and now i have 0, i had some codies(a lot of them) and now some of them are gone. I have a lot of RP cargo and some of it is gone too. What is the problem and how should i fix it?
Are you sure you didn't get killed? Alternatively, sometimes a server crash causes you to lose cargo too, it happened to me already, actually. The server crashed twice yesterday evening afaik.
' Wrote:Are you sure you didn't get killed? Alternatively, sometimes a server crash causes you to lose cargo too, it happened to me already, actually. The server crashed twice yesterday evening afaik.
This is my armory, if it gets blown up i will probably scrap the ship. +i wasnt online with that ship when the server crashed.
Don't hold me to it, but I think it has to do with the total number of hardpoints+lights+items in your cargo hold not exceeding a certain number. So the more more lights/hardpoints etc. your ship has, the lower the number of different items you can have in your cargo hold. In general it's a good idea to just keep the bare necessities or RP items that are hard to come by, or have your stuff spread out over several armories.