' Wrote:Please forgive my ignorance, but what stops nomads/wilde from building bases in their systems, and using transport-to-transport exchanges with human collaborators to supply them?
Don't get my wrong... I think nomads should get cloaking devices, probably more so than most humans.
But I'm really interested in the answer to the above question. It would have great potential for fun to have to be creative in both supplying and interdicting nomad base traonsports.
I would think mostly metagaming against Wilde transports and the fact that it would be nearly impossible for a group like the Wilde to keep it supplied. Not to mention some lolwut cap comes along and pops the base.
And this is ignoring the whole you need Nomad parts for the cloak.
For nomads it isn't. They didn't wait for Wilds to appear to blow up FP7 using cloaked ships. Nomads technically have them built-in.
' Wrote:The problem with giving the bases cloaks to begin with is the Nomad players will no doubt take then and oorp switch them to non-nom ships for their own exploiting.
A entirely new cloak would be required that is only mountable on nomad ships for this to work.
If that happens, then I will be 100% approve, but using current cloaks is not a good idea.
/cloak without module for K'Hara ID, or Nomad Cloak module that differs from common ones that can only be used on K'Hara/Wild ID (which both are official factions with very high requirements and kept an eye on by the admins I guess). But I think your genuine paranoia of everything can be abused killed you on this post Andrew xD
' Wrote:/cloak without module for K'Hara ID, or Nomad Cloak module that differs from common ones that can only be used on K'Hara/Wild ID (which both are official factions with very high requirements and kept an eye on by the admins I guess). But I think your genuine paranoia of everything can be abused killed you on this post Andrew xD
' Wrote:Please forgive my ignorance, but what stops nomads/wilde from building bases in their systems, and using transport-to-transport exchanges with human collaborators to supply them?
Don't get my wrong... I think nomads should get cloaking devices, probably more so than most humans.
But I'm really interested in the answer to the above question. It would have great potential for fun to have to be creative in both supplying and interdicting nomad base traonsports.
could be possible with outcast help... but.. Even with My Oracle? they wouldn't work to reproduce ..essentially Nomad tech. Possible? sure.. making sence? nah.. not really.. that and cause recruitment been so slow Im not in a rush to make my oracles into smugglers and traders..
Nomads are.. Rply self sufficient. I mean we plant a powercell and grow all manners of things via stellar dust. So no.. we just wont use it.
I also dont want to pressure the dev team to create a totally different system for little old us either (bases... cloaks im hoping to god they will at least TRY). The current system works its just not for us (again bases...)
Since it would be stupid of them to shoot their own- add copies on the normal cloaks on their normal bases usable only with nomad ID- however make them expensive as they should be-
Mk1 Cloak 300m
Mk2 Cloak 600m
Mk3 Cloak 900m
So the nomad players would have the same stuff with the others without having any advantages or disadvantages.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
Gentlefood Wrote:I would think mostly metagaming against Wilde transports and the fact that it would be nearly impossible for a group like the Wilde to keep it supplied.
Dunno about that cause I never tried to supply one. But arent there more nomads and wilde together than there are... I dunno... DSE? It would be challenging, sure. But isnt the challenge the thing that makes games fun? In my opinion having a goal like that would be more fun than to fly around spamming ***RP*** at people without any other goal. Many players who think being a nomad is boring may feel the same.
Theoritically wilde and nomads should collaborate on exactly that: getting stuff from humans for the goals of the nomads.
Gentlefood Wrote:Not to mention some lolwut cap comes along and pops the base.
We all gotta take our chances on that.
Gentlefood Wrote:And this is ignoring the whole you need Nomad parts for the cloak.
As far as I know the ID ninja-reps you back to full green every time you land (or die). So theoretically, you could get those parts more easily than anyone else. Ok it would be weird to shoot your own kind, but hey... nomads wouldnt be the first. Black Widows do it. Ant and termite colonies do it. Territorial chimps do it. Humans do it. Shark babies eat each others up in their mother's womb, and the strongest one is the one to survive and get born.
HuggieSunrise Wrote:could be possible with outcast help... but.. Even with My Oracle? they wouldn't work to reproduce ..essentially Nomad tech. Possible? sure.. making sence? nah.. not really.. that and cause recruitment been so slow Im not in a rush to make my oracles into smugglers and traders..
Nomads are.. Rply self sufficient. I mean we plant a powercell and grow all manners of things via stellar dust. So no.. we just wont use it.
What you are saying there is in absolute contradiction to freelancer lore.
In Freelancer lore the nomads were totally dependent on humans to build their ships (rheinland ship factories), and used humans with the help of "infected" or "possessed" indivuals to do their work for them.
Nomads could be stronger now, but that doesnt mean that they cant make use of the same tactics again. It would actually make sense if they did. Isn't that what the wilde are all about anyway?
HuggieSunrise Wrote:I also dont want to pressure the dev team to create a totally different system for little old us either. The current system works its just not for us.
Gotta agree on the cloaking. Nomads should be using it more than humans. Especially if they fly around in house space. But I thik the devs intended it to be difficult to get a cloak, so that not everyone and their dog has one. And as far as I can tell... it IS possible for the nomads to get them with the current system. At least I havent seen the contrary so far.
' Wrote:Since it would be stupid of them to shoot their own- add copies on the normal cloaks on their normal bases usable only with nomad ID- however make them expensive as they should be-
Mk1 Cloak 300m
Mk2 Cloak 600m
Mk3 Cloak 900m
So the nomad players would have the same stuff with the others without having any advantages or disadvantages.
but this players must have or specific Cloaks (Nomad *insert ship type* Cloaking Device) to prevent using it on non-nomad ships. or some people will just buy cloaks and sell if quitly or transfering on their ships