' Wrote:Ok well I will put it like this. I joined the RM on March first and since then I responded to two calls, two calls that were not dealing with the RR. I have only seen the RR in gunboats, save for yesterday when I saw a single Sabre and some kind of bomber. And I fly a Wraith. When I get messages from every single trader that you poke to go and help them or that there are RR in system, it is hard to do much else. Being on the lawful side I am obligated to do something about it, even it if it just flying there to tell you to go away, which you do at times but on most occasions you just move into Stuttgart and camp the gate. The RM skype chat is usually spammed about it as well. And with a military tag I cannot run away as easily as I would like to either, so I always need to at least do something just because of my position, which usually leaves me facing 4 gunboats that know how to fly very well.
Here was the last, and second smallest distress call I responded to: http://i391.photobucket.com/albums/oo351/k...7/screen291.jpg
That was two gunboats, a bomber, and a fighter, which I guess is not bad, but like I said, rather small force, and no backup was at hand until a random unarmored BS showed up and gave me and the RFP time to escape.
You say that the hostility has increased RM activity, but if I see a big group of you online I will just switch characters, it is not very fun to deal with you, especially when there is so little I can do. I do feel powerless on my military character when I know one of your ships is in Rheinland space'¦ sure say get a cruiser, blow up the gunboats. Well I do not want to get a cruiser, I don't want to invest that much money into a ship specifically to get rid of your gunboats, and I don't want to be part of a system that is encouraging cap spam. And I can't call for help over skype either if that is another point you want to bring up, I cannot effectively run the program while in game, so I am offline skype for the most part when I am playing, so I am alone unless a random person logs in or an indie shows up. Additionally the attitude of some of your members is frustrating, especially veygaar, who acts in a kind of elitist, always knows best kind of way.
I just want to play the game to have fun and relax, I am dealing with a few real life issues at the moment that I need to de-stress from, things which include but are not limited to loosing the house and car'¦ which is the main reason I have been so high strung as of late, but this is the first military character I have had in ages and sometimes I want to use him, but I can't when you are in Rheinland, I can't just ignore you when I am in space, I get enough PMs about it. Even when I beam to conn to practice people still tell me to get back there and get rid of you.
Luckily Bowex has banned trade runs into Rheinland so I don't see you when I am trading.
And please don't just say not to play as an RM, I want to play as an RM character, but I at least want to deal with Rheinland criminals... there is so much potential in Rheinland for all kinds of political stuff, the criminals there are some of the most politically motivated in all of the houses, but I never run into them anymore, just you.
There is quite a few that only fly bombers and fighter (including me), right now its around that time where finals have rolled around toward the end of the term, and activity is pretty low. The people on are usually the same group, they just happen to generally use gunboats. Activity on the fighter side should pick up within the next few weeks.
' Wrote:Actually, how are you on bad terms with the hessians when you attack the Corsairs in unison with them, staging from their bases?
That is only disliking each other on paper, in reality you get along as good as if you were allied.
My advice: less friends, more enemies -> start a turfwar(which would be reasonable for the hessians more than for you but that is another story)
As for the mix and match tech: Sure you can do it all the way as the system is now "open" anyways - and yes you rped around getting your toys, too and no one doubts it.
What folks here try to point out is that it makes no sense no matter how many pages you reason for it. The "storyline" is really awesome and cool for the Rorry char, but for a complete faction one can't take it overly serious- and that way you will always have folks claiming that you got your stuff via buddyism, which simply hurts your image.
-Again, smaller ZOI (think about folks like Xenos, Bundschuh, Unioners and so on...all small, localized factions that are still lorewise bigger than rorries gang and have maybe a third of your ZOI)
-Less friends just because it is convenient-it is also far fetched
-More enemies, as your pirating should annoy not only companies and lawfuls but everyone else, too cause you are messing on their turf! (And with all the nationalistic rheinland unlawfuls who want a better rheinland you should surely share no love!)
=>be inconvenient, it is worth the efforts and i wish you guys the best!
There are many unreasonable things in life. How is it unreasonable to obtain ships and weapons through alliances and favors? Were flying a ship around in space shooting glowing nomads and space pirates, with cliche accents and personalities.
For the same reasons why Mollys cannot use 2 allied factions on 90% and we are forced to use sammaels at 75% and stick to our ****ty guns on our ****ty ships because of the balance reason, for the same reason we also received a no-go with SCRA guns and Molly ships, and I am speaking about faction that have long standing RP reasons to use Rogue tech- because both factions share the same ship-line etc. I cannot see any RP reason why faction operating in Rheinland should use Gallic technology- if you are so much in need of Ascos stick to Taos only.
You might like it or not but it is there for all groups not only for yours.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
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' Wrote:There is quite a few that only fly bombers and fighter (including me), right now its around that time where finals have rolled around toward the end of the term, and activity is pretty low. The people on are usually the same group, they just happen to generally use gunboats. Activity on the fighter side should pick up within the next few weeks.
Your response to someone claiming your group makes playing a lawful in a specific House miserable is, "we're at low activity at the moment"? As a matter of a fact, your reply has largely circumvented the vast majority of Kikatsu's post, by the look of it.
Quote:There are many unreasonable things in life. How is it unreasonable to obtain ships and weapons through alliances and favors? Were flying a ship around in space shooting glowing nomads and space pirates, with cliche accents and personalities.
With that kind of reasoning i want to be taken serious as a 2 year old catgirl commanding a fleet from outer space and looking totally cool and sexy while doing it O.o
=> yes it is a game...still i think as it is an rp game some reason and serious thought helps to promote the fun, not lessens it.
And as there are quite a few people voicing their opinion in a certain direction it might be wotrth the effort to listen and talk a bit, not just close your ears and jeopardize some well ment advice.
' Wrote:Actually, how are you on bad terms with the hessians when you attack the Corsairs in unison with them, staging from their bases?
That is only disliking each other on paper, in reality you get along as good as if you were allied.
My advice: less friends, more enemies -> start a turfwar(which would be reasonable for the hessians more than for you but that is another story)
=>be inconvenient, it is worth the efforts and i wish you guys the best!
The thing of the hessians are like.... "circumstancial allies" you know, many times of coinciding in the Omegas and the 'crons, pewing sairs, be for cash like us, or for their faction RP like hessians, make some contact and some need of coordination, we already tried to be in better terms with them, but didn't worked really, so instead of true allies, we keep that "circumstancial allies" since some of the "alliance terms" are not feasible
' Wrote:Your response to someone claiming your group makes playing a lawful in a specific House miserable is, "we're at low activity at the moment"? As a matter of a fact, your reply has largely circumvented the vast majority of Kikatsu's post, by the look of it.
No, my response was that your encountering the same people, and if you think I am going to pass out cookies and throw credits out like Pacman Jones every time you come around to please you instead of sticking to the RP of a cutthroat. No.
' Wrote:With that kind of reasoning i want to be taken serious as a 2 year old catgirl commanding a fleet from outer space and looking totally cool and sexy while doing it O.o
=> yes it is a game...still i think as it is an rp game some reason and serious thought helps to promote the fun, not lessens it.
And as there are quite a few people voicing their opinion in a certain direction it might be wotrth the effort to listen and talk a bit, not just close your ears and jeopardize some well ment advice.
Leave Jeremy out of this. :P
I leave that to Veygaar to decide about the tech. This has been brought up again and again. The stance on it remains to be the same as page 1.
Ok... Looks like we've made Military and Traders mad. Seems like we're doing a good job in that aspect...
One thing we should all try to remember folks in a RP game. Hate the character, NOT the player.
Now then, to answer some outstanding points/questions.
' Wrote:My advice: less friends, more enemies -> start a turfwar(which would be reasonable for the hessians more than for you but that is another story)
Yes, this is something currently under heavy discussion. A hostility with the Hessians. I will update this page when a solid stance on this is taken.
"|RR should leave Rheinland simply because they 'cause trouble.'"
Yes it may be true we are quite the trouble makers in the form of criminal activity in the heart of Rheinland. I cannot argue with that. My only answer to such is: That is our Role Play.
"|RR is 'elitist.'"
Well I sure hope not. Some of us may be good at certain things, but that does not make us better than any other individual. kikatsu I am personally interested on why you hold this train of thought as you have been invited to join |RR multiple times and I have personally given you lots of advice on combat and the likes. I only have high hopes for you, as I do for most everyone here on Disco.
"|RR charges extreme amounts in piracy."
For the VAST majority of encounters, this is far from true. We do however hold a standard of Role Play in which, depending on the target's past or actions against/with the Renegades, we may on occasion ask a price above that which is normal. These cases are far and few between, and at times when the target is willing to Role Play back (instead of putting up an angry wall like many do to a large demand) he will get those credits sent right back to him directly after the encounter oorp. I should make a note that |RR see's much more transports paying and passing by than one's that we shoot down (directed to Vrabcek's false accusations). So final point: We are reasonable, yet still consider the Role Play that is at hand.
"|RR uses only GBs."
This is far far far from the truth. We may use -more- than most. But the amount used is balanced out with snubs almost perfectly. If you take a look at our activity tracker you will even see that our most active ship is a transport, and that in the top 10 most active ships, 5 are of a class other than Gunboats. So the use of those ships may be high, but not in over abundance.
- Now to let me explain to some extent the use of Gunboats in our group.
Our tags/names, which are widely known, bring to us, at almost all hours, a vast superior number of enemies often in superior ships. The other day I flew out in my bomber, alone and without back up. Within 20 minutes, not a single trader had passed, I found myself surrounded by not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5, not 6, not 7, but EIGHT Rheinland Military and BDM vessels consisting of one Gunboat and 7 snubcraft (about half were official faction). It was just 3 at first which engaged me, I was happy to combat them and take on the challenge. In mere seconds each other vessel showed up, gave it's engagement notice, and joined in the fight against my lone Roc. I of course quickly died, and PM'd the fellas fighting me giving them "GF" and "Kudos" PMs as is |RR's standard when being killed -> "Taunt inRP, be polite in PMs" The reply back from one of the players was this: "Sorry about the gank, but |RR is famous."
So by nature, our group is ganked at most times. I do not mind this happening, but one still must look for a way to counter it. That being the case, is it not wise to use a ship which best counters such actions from the enemy? Yes.
So yes we may have a large amount of Gunboats, but we still keep it within reason.
"|RR only ganks, and cries when ganked."
This is so very far from the truth. Yes we may inRP taunt you for having to "win by lack of skill, and only by greatness of numbers" but please take this as it is in Role Play and not personally. Yes we may have members that break away from our standard from time to time and complain, but everyone cries at some point and time; we continue to try to remedy this, as do all factions. But let me rest assure you that |RR is FAR MORE often on the receiving end of a gank then on the giving.
"|RR should not use Gallic tech."
The Renegades have a long standing relationship with the Gallic factions, most notable the Brigands. Such a relationship coupled with |RR's smuggling system and the fact that the Brigands are the black market kings of Gallia, we have established a steady supply of tech from that region, as-well as directly assisting in the unlawful efforts in the area. Gallia player activity is rather dead, so this isn't as apparent as it would be if things were different in the area; but it is well Role Played and time hardened. There are only 3 to 5 Asco's in Rhienland to my knowledge anyways, which isn't much at all honestly. The Role Play is there, it is solid, the ships are neither overpowerd nor overpiloted to make them much of a hassle for folks. I believe this whole "ewe, gallic tech" this is just a way of people complaining about one more thing to make an issue look bigger than it really is.
"What are |RR's ID tech plans?"
It would look something (but debatable) like this:
Slot 1: Faction Gear: Gallic Brigands (No nerf)
Slot 2: Civilian/Borderworlds Green Cell (No nerf)
Slot 3: Faction Allies: Outcasts (10% nerf)
Slot 4: Faction Allies: Council (10% nerf)
Slot 5: Faction Allies: Liberty Rogues (10% nerf) - I've been told no one gets 10% with their guns, if so set em for 25% nerf and ships at 10% if needed.
Slot 6: Faction Allies: Unioneres (25% nerf)
Slot 7: Faction Allies: Gallic Civi (25% nerf)
Slot 8: Faction Allies: Rheinland Civil (25% nerf)
All other tech: red Cell (90% nerf)
Keep questions and comments coming folks, but keep it civil. If you have a dispute, voice it with a level tone pretty please;)
(Tentacle Therapist: We may need to change that once/if encounters ever happen)
Also welcome to our new members: Spazzydragon, Aphanose, and Neo
Half of your top ten ships being gunboats is using them too much, especially since turret zoom was added.
I think you know very well just how ridiculously unbalanced turret zoomed gunboats are, and the ones trying to kill you know exactly how op they are.
As for other things...
Do you intend to SRP your current tech that you don't have on the aforeposted tech nerf?
and how was the corsair tech stolen.
Pls tell me you aren't just saying "i stole it".
gone four years, first day back: Zoners still getting shot in Theta :|