I don't agree with letting them F1 mine, but i do understand when there are no member's of you'r faction on and you need to make some cred's it's a good idea, but ya might as well let people run 2 instance's of Free Lancer..but because it's not allowed people have found away around it....So the ADMIN'S may as well bring back 2
instance's of Freelancer capability,but it won't happen
Problems been fixed already, by the admins in 4.86. Like in the other recent post by doggie chewing grenade. BUILD A FREAKING PLAYER BASE!!!! solves a lot if not all the problems.
Buy ore for a good sum at that base, miners will gladly mine, fly 20k dock and sell. Its probably a better money to time ratio than hauling it to sell. Plus that gives all sorts of RP activity around that base and the mine fields it covers, from players wanting to protect their ways of making quick money (the base) to more people being on at a time in the mining fields (reduces multiboxing due to high population) as it is now mining is so quick and you can fill up a 5k transport in 10 minutes nobody stays online! Get your miner, fill the trans log off miner while in transit = nobody in mining field = ez multiboxing. Base = more activity = more people/RP = less multiboxing/people being asshats.
Activity beats multiboxing, more activity in system = more eyes and screenshots = more bans. (as the current system fighting multiboxing works) Plus activity encourages if not demands RP. As an indie if some player faction came up and started talking inRP, what are you gonna do, **** on his parade and talk ooRP? not likely. if so, easy sanction (ooc system chat)
Also, I remember reading the new rules by Cannon about multiboxing that it IS specifically allowed for players to transfer cargo/equipment between ships, did I miss something? Why aren't people just doing that for mining instead of risking it to the space/F1 gods. And I guses I have a different experience with jettisoning/F1ing, the second there isnt another player in space the goods instantly despawn, at least thats how it is with fuel..
And to those people that mine and just leave their ore littered in space waiting on a transport, expecting nobody to steal "THEIR" ore? who do you think you are? really? your ore? its floating in space! And last I checked about 30k away people blow you up for way less then you get a 4 hour ban. In addition, I have gladly come in on full cruise, tractored in a 5k transport full of ore and flown off to sell, gotten called all sorts of nasty things, thats totally fair play in my book, its less dick than pirating IMO, at least I didn't put a 4 hour ban on you, or make you fly all the way back to the minefield. And i'd be ok if somebody did that to me (although i wouldnt be stupid enough to litter all that ore in the mine field in the first place)
And to the people who thought up an IP ban if someone F1'd? really? think that through lol. Bye bye lan parties (!!), bye bye rule 0.0 - people, especially indies will get pissed and start causing trouble since all their hardwork is getting **** on and they aren't able to play the game the way they've gotten used to..least thats how some would see it. Bye bye the ability to swap ships to help a buddy mine even! you're going to create a lot of problems and lose over half of the player base, but hey by the sounds of some of you its 'Play my RP style or get banned' ...le sigh, its not your game last I checked.
' Wrote:The problem with IP bans is: What about lag? What about when somebody has internet issues, or the server itself disconnects them, because let's face it the server isn't always at it's best. Should everybody who gets lagged out simply be IP-banned for 10 minutes over and over again?
Cannon Plug-in autokicked everything with more then 5% loss in the good old 4.85- but then the server was 2-3 times more populated, so back then none cared about lagers when each evening from 17.00 to 21.00 you needed to wait 3-5 min to log on 195 people on, F1ing and changing ships also was not possible because when you logout your slot is instantly taken,no laggers at all, no miners that instantly convert to battleships/TS GBs when unlawful enter the system, hell no even bot feeders running around for hours with 3-4 refills due to the 10k rule,together with more working instant kill weapons- such fun times, now the server is not worth logging much.
' Wrote:No thanks. Role play is subjective. If we don't want them F1 mining, bring back the Heg's ability to be a decent solo miner.
True that Role play is subjective, game mechanics are facts. Bringing back Heg in order to encourage solo-mining when the higher mining profit are based of the risk of staying in the field and the risk that group of ships present- indeed some things are facts other are subjective.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
' Wrote:True that Role play is subjective, game mechanics are facts. Bringing back Heg in order to encourage solo-mining when the higher mining profit are based of the risk of staying in the field and the risk that group of ships present- indeed some things are facts other are subjective.
I don't see anywhere that I said encourage, but I guess when people point out that your opinion is opinion while you are claiming it as fact makes you have to restort to putting words in people's posts in order to try to prop up your own opinion.
F1 mining breaks no server rules and isn't abusing any game mechanics; those are the facts. The admin team has put in place measures to make F1 mining (code camping, anything F1 related) less appealing and effective.
People F1 mine because they want to mine, but they have no one to mine with. This is likely due to a couple of reasons:
1) They are new and don't know anyone
2) They don't like team play so they solo mine
In instance one, we can rectify this by interacting with them and convincing them to join a faction or look for other players online when they want to mine before going solo. In instance two, you really can't do much and in their stubornness to be solo they're taking hits to profits, efficiency, and risking losing ore to thieves or pirates.
I don't see a differnece between this and people having multiple transports and logging the one in the region they want to trade in so they can trade. As opposed to logging the one half way accross Sirius in to fly accross Sirius just to start trading.
F1 mining doesn't hurt you nor I and the people doing it are already at a disadvantage. Why the heck does it bother you so much?
It hurts the non-IMG mining factions a lot- I stated several points why-this is the reason that it bothers me- I find strange that non-IMG mining factions have problems with activity in general when there are tons of indie F1 miners at the same time.
When the Mollys started we hit BMM so bad that they stopped to logg in Dublin, even with enough members, while the hordes of Indie Miners kept the place swarmed- it is bad that one tagged miner have less chance to make profit then one F1 untagged Indie- that is all.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
' Wrote:It hurts the non-IMG mining factions a lot- I stated several points why-this is the reason that it bothers me- I find strange that non-IMG mining factions have problems with activity in general when there are tons of indie F1 miners at the same time.
When the Mollys started we hit BMM so bad that they stopped to logg in Dublin, even with enough members, while the hordes of Indie Miners kept the place swarmed- it is bad that one tagged miner have less chance to make profit then one F1 untagged Indie- that is all.
so... you are saying that gank-swarming the tagged miners does more damage to mining factions than F1 miners
First things first. Solo mining IS more profitable for SINGLE person. Unless two people can somehow make the trip in half time, single person makes more solo. Though i am welcoming anyone to prove me wrong ingame for sake of some fun, competitive play and pushing my own knowledge of Disco another bit further.
However, only last few posts showed what the problem is. TAGs. Putting "normalized" tag on ANYTHING makes your gameplay do backflips. People can tell at single glance with 80% succes what are you flying, what are you doing at the moment and in case of profit oriented factions, even what is in your cargohold right now. All that from the other side of Sirius.
Guys, sorry. But... there are some myths that need to be busted:
Solo-mining is not more profitable than group mining.
=> A mining group (3 players is enough) that prepares ore clouds is so much faster, so much more efficient, so much more fun, so much safer.
Solo mining is not safer!
=> 3 Arrastras in a field 100 % kill a Ptrans, and if there is one who knows what to do they can fight off a mediocre Gb. Add a CAU4-6 transport (perhaps not a 5k but a battletransport) with type 1 and 3 and you got a mix that -cannot- be taken out easily. Plus: shooting is fun, while being shot with no chance is not.
F1 mining doesn't destroy much interaction.
=> The people who only grind will never want to chat with you. They have a goal. And they go for it. That's acceptable, even if not great. But hey, how many things are great? Most are okay. Some are below average. But... it's the way it is.
Difficult activity for house miners.
First... IMG is not sooooo safe. We have our very special fans, too, that log specifically for us. I am pretty sure they display more determination than the indie pirates that spot your tag on the player list. Just saying.:)
But on a more general notice: If I were a house mining corp, I would try to talk to the enemies. I don't think e.g. Rheinland miners and Hessians could not come to a solution like "we don't actually enjoy killing these working class people in their mining ships... let's find other means how you can support us...." BMM and Molly are likely the only pair between which a peaceful solution (like paying monthly, filling a transport of the enemy for free, etc) would not work.
The reintroduction of the old Hegemon would make people favour solo-mining again
=> No. It would lead to more and frequent traffic of easy targets through chokepoints thus giving unlawfuls something to do, thus giving lawfuls something to do. Remember California in the Dublin Gold Rush? And Magellan?
All indies always only want to solo mine
=> No. I have found many indies that would love to cooperate but they do not know how. Miners are mostly new players trying to get into the game. They lack knowledge and follow the little routine they have been told. It's the job of mining factions to guide them and to show them other ways. I have never met an indie that didn't say "thank you, that was cool" afterwards when we showed him how to do it, took him with us for a run, paid him well, treated him with respect, etc. The official mining factions have to be present and work with them, not complain about them, imo.
Just my peronal opinion taken from my experience of... many... many... hours of mining.
Mining for yourself is same as trading with NPC stations.
The transport STILL has to fly over to drop-off point, so it does not make different influence to player interaction whether transport is flying with ores that it mined, or commodities it bought from NPC station.
There is also same amount of interaction if you haul ores from player owned stations besides requestiong permission to dock with it.
this suggestion is forcing YOUR rp on someone else. you're forcing them to play as DHC/BMM?<insert faction here>, when they want to play as independents, grinding away to feed their families. they don't want to chat with you - because your RP is not interesting to them.
or this is a thinly veiled attempt at factionlancer.