For what it's worth, from an LPI perspective: We're cops. If chucking four Libbys at you is what it takes to take your VHF out without a loss to ourselves, we'll do it. We want to go home at night and bed your wives, eat donuts and get another coffee, not have a 'fair fight/duel/whatever is the buzzword this week.
As for the LOLberty navy, LAC and dreads with no armour, firing primaries at snubs and firing missiles at folks when there's friendly snubs engaged at close quarters. Frankly, adding another 500 million to the purchase price of capitals would be no bad thing. A CAU8 dread should be 2 billions worth of time spent RPing your way around the server.
Point is, both sides are dicks to an equal degree.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
When I'm on my [LN], I try to make sure that I keep fairplay in my mind, and that any indies who might be flying with me, also do the same.
But at this point, many many many people in that area are used to nothing but ganks and counter-ganks all the time, so they forget sometimes that you don't need a horde of ships.
Most lawfuls in Liberty are used to fighting hordes of pirate bombers/caps or hordes of Rheinland caps, so all they know is to fly in mass groups just to 'survive' and 'win'.
But on the other hand, it isn't just Liberty, and it isn't just the 'lawfuls', fairplay is on the decline no matter where you look in Disco, and that, to me, is a very bad thing.
The best advice I can give though is this, If you want to see more people pay mind to fairplay and things like that, encourage those you're flying with to do so, whether you're flying lawful or unlawful. Be the change you wish to see.
Corny? Maybe, but it's seriously the best way to change this type of attitude in people.
Hmm yeah only the navy ganks, right? Sorry but i seem to remember having 9 rogues sitting on a trade lane each demanding 2 mil or dai from traders, and killing them(as none would pay 18mil) even rhinos.
So whining navy ganks falls on def ears here mate. Pirates can kill me arse. Or as some like to put it. Why INRP would navy send ships only to match enemy numbers? Hmmmm? Do not like it? leave Liberty, and go play in Omicrons, they need more there.
This topic is really funny:
It whines but on the opposite side.
Other funny thing that I remember about BHG is when once we got 3-4 ships and the BHG had only one we offered him fair duel with ship of its class, since our pilot was better the BHG saw that he is loosing and instantkilled one of our not moving watching the duel ships in order to score a kill before dieing. So ye space is dangerous.
The conclusion is to learn to doge. Also askin 2m from small freighter does not make you better then LOLNS you are LOLRat some thing just different side.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
There's more ganking in LOL then in Lolberty - Here, Lone fighter navy - I just returned from Virginia, Went to texas, Attempted to go to NY, saw a whole fleet of RM at tradelane. I kept away 8k or so. They only send, one fighter at me
RM does know fair play.
LN counter attacked and reinforced me as we speak, but at that time, the whole texas system became a graveyard. (Was at least 10vs10 or so with fights all over the three tradelanes. XD)
As to Navy setting everythign on pirates/unlawfulls. Thats the risk of playing an unlawfull. In RL, There is usually 5+ cops going after a fleeing criminal.
So is it here. You may think its nto fairplay, but it is in RP perspective.
Sure, Sending four caps on a few bombers/fighters w/e the enemy ships are, is a bit to much.
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(02-03-2013, 08:16 AM)FrostTransport Wrote: For what it's worth, from an LPI perspective: We're cops. If chucking four Libbys at you is what it takes to take your VHF out without a loss to ourselves, we'll do it. We want to go home at night and bed your wives, eat donuts and get another coffee, not have a 'fair fight/duel/whatever is the buzzword this week.
While true, even us wimpy LPI keep in mind fair play when we can. At least I do.
We might be patrolling with four Liberators, if someone shows they're prepared to fight one versus one (or two versus two.. etcetera), I'm all up for it.
Now, if they lose the fight and start to run, those other three Liberators might just decide to also start shootin'.
Why should a fighter attack a fleet of caps anyways?
It's like throwing stones at a tank. And all the tanks shoot back.
At that point: Capital missiles should be limited.