(06-23-2014, 08:41 PM)SkyNet Wrote: How about you make MK1 cloaks for indies and MK2 cloaks for official factions?
I know you will nerf them anyway, sooner or later becouse some people will abuse them somehow.
Officals shouldn't be punished for the fault of indies. They should be rewarded for their efforts in RP.
I am sorry to disappoint you, but there are indies around here who put as much efforts in RP as official faction members, and even more.
If you start pulling some retarded stuff such as splitting equipment strength by officialdom, then why not just put all indies in MKI ships? So they can't cause trouble for official factions? And then you can enjoy the mod with said 30 or so people.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
(06-23-2014, 09:35 PM)sindroms Wrote: If you start pulling some retarded stuff such as splitting equipment strength by officialdom, then why not just put all indies in MKI ships? So they can't cause trouble for official factions? And then you can enjoy the mod with said 30 or so people.
Quote:I think this will make what is already functional, more complicated and be far more work than will be worth in the end. A few tweaks to the light cloak and making it available to SHF's would be good to expand its use beyond bombers.
Fighters, gunboats, half of freighters and battlecruisers can't use cloak as it is - quite a half of ships you meet ingame. On the other hand, liners/transports staying in cloak for hours is something wrong.
Perhaps, adding some kind of scout ship, which can use nomad/wilde like cloak, but won't have significant regens/weapons can fill the role of cloaking liner.
All gunboats can use cloaks, all cruisers and battlecruisers can use cloaks. I have used a Sagarmantha with a cau5 armor and large cloak and still had a few minutes of cloak time. if i had axed the armor, it would open it up even more space for fuel. Its the same with all these combos, you typically sacrifice high level armor for your cloak, so all these ships that 'can't' use cloaks, can, just not with super jacked up armor on top. Now, people will mount cloaks and no longer need to sacrifice cargo space for fuel, and can slap that cau8 on with a large cloak and get the same guaranteed cloak time.
And as stated, liners and the likes (with no armor) could get a max of about an hour. I get about 8 mins. To me, we make our sacrifices for the cloak time we get, and use it as we can, some for intelligence, or in my case, simple short term stealth. I don't see it as excessive when I can only do so much damage, its the same with a freighter. Most ships that can get that long with a large cloak, are transports/liners that also sacrifice battle ability, and are greatly compromised when not cloaked. as well, they're only so capable of offensive action. Its not like anyone has the ability to cloak for an hour on their battleship right now.
EDIT: I will throw in that no one seems to have considered supporting a cargo space buff on ships like GB's so they could use cloaks more practically. The medium cloak was pretty much made with the GB in mind, but its true, even without armor, you're looking at 2-3 mins of cloak time, including charge up, which leaves little room for error. That's why I use a pelican as a gunboat basically, i can actually cloak for decent time, but have a fraction of the armor of a GB, and maybe somewhat comparable firepower (with no heavy weapons, also referred to as the 'poor mans gunboat, and rightfully so). I would be using a GB instead if it had like 700-800 cargo spaces, so it could mount a UAU8 and get 5-7 mins of cloak time instead. If they buffed GB cargo space, the medium cloak would have a whole new life breathed into it, and you'd see real cloak piracy take off. For some reason, the devs (i guess?) decided they didn't want the GB used for that, without being SEVERELY disadvantaged. The cloaking system is fine, its the ships that need to be re-adjusted. Like raising the light cloak cargo limit to allow SHF's.
(06-23-2014, 07:54 PM)Snake Wrote: yeah Charge time is realy slow, 15 Seconds for Cruisers 20 Seconds for Battleships, is fine. Gives you enough time to CD it, if you're able to notice.
Your proposed times are insane
Well.. But srsly cloaks arent jumpdrives which consumes alot of energy to jump far distances, which logically takes time to charge. Cloaks don't require so much charging, it should even work in just 5 Seconds if you have the necessary energy source ready on board.
Quote:All gunboats can use cloaks, all cruisers and battlecruisers can use cloaks. I have used a Sagarmantha with a cau5 armor and large cloak and still had a few minutes of cloak time. if i had axed the armor, it would open it up even more space for fuel. Its the same with all these combos, you typically sacrifice high level armor for your cloak, so all these ships that 'can't' use cloaks, can, just not with super jacked up armor on top. Now, people will mount cloaks and no longer need to sacrifice cargo space for fuel, and can slap that cau8 on with a large cloak and get the same guaranteed cloak time.
Exactly. Now, who will sacrifice his cau8 on BC/gunboat in order to get 2 minutes in cloak?
Quote: The cloaking system is fine, its the ships that need to be re-adjusted. Like raising the light cloak cargo limit to allow SHF's.
You know, that it's simplier to add 3 new ammos to bases than completely rework cargoholds of dozens ships?
Quote:Cloaks don't require so much charging, it should even work in just 5 Seconds if you have the necessary energy source ready on board.
You've just tried to apply logic to arcade space shooter, please don't do this again, try balance next time.
(06-23-2014, 10:49 PM)Zayne Carrick Wrote: Exactly. Now, who will sacrifice his cau8 on BC/gunboat in order to get 2 minutes in cloak?
You know, that it's simplier to add 3 new ammos to bases than completely rework cargoholds of dozens ships?
Yeah, that's the thing, the current system discourages CAU8 cloaking battleships/battlecruisers, or CAU8 cloaking gunboats. With capital ships, you would have to sacrifice your CAU8 for a few minutes more of cloak time, if you plan to go farther cloaked. You get more time to gain tactical advantage, or intel, but lose the blanket of maxed armor. Yes, people are sacrificing their CAU8 for a few extra minutes. I see no problem with this.
I think not changing the current system is much less work than the latter, and that changing the cargo holds of GB's (just as an example of a few possible tweaks) would result in less uncertainty in the outcome. Its a far less minor a change, as far as effect on the gameplay goes, than overhauling the whole cloak system. Averaging the cargo hold size on GB's to around 600+ is good for cloaks yes, but also to increase their general usage ability. Since most can already mount a CAU8, is it that threatening to add on 200 more units for cargo? Then GB's would have the option to go armorless, or simple UAU, and get decent cloak time of 5-6 mins (and perhaps not even on all gunboats) I know its a beta, I just find that adding a new countermeasure or buffing cargo holds, is less damaging to the current gameplay many people are invested in, not to mention the effect on the RP side as well.