Even with chat enabled it was against the rules. So why was this change introduced? To disable the ability of cloaked vessels RP before attacking so that hostiles would get more time to respond?
1. I feel like I'm repeating myself but breaking radio silence while cloaked makes zero sense as it would ruin your cover and reveal your position. Unfortunately game mechanics do not support the latter.
2. People would spam endless crap while flying next to you. It kinda makes a difference if they are on the other side of the system.
3. To make it harder for lolwuts to insta-kill people without breaking rules.
4. It was voted and most people agreed with it. Did you vote with all your alts there too? Because you did so in the TLAGSNet thread and there is no reason to think you didn't do it in an anonymous poll.
(07-23-2014, 11:58 AM)Alhimik Wrote: Oh my Lord...
This of cause good idea, but maybe you add some equipment who can help detect cloacked ships?
There is no need for such things as CDs can render cloaks useless, even the light ones, CD spam will follow cloaked person. I say better focus on fixing that then making up some anti-cloak device.
Because only things with insane cargo can cloak for long periods of time, snubs and such can't.
As for chat disabling while cloaked, maybe just disable local chat, while having enabled System chat? As nom nom you can't really just uncloak and /l1(ps: didn't mean insta shooting somebody, just as some form of surprising human and such)
(08-18-2014, 11:29 AM)Advent Wrote: There is no need for such things as CDs can render cloaks useless, even the light ones, CD spam will follow cloaked person.
CDs can only prevent cloaking, but can't negate it's effect. Good luck locating an already cloaked ship with your CD.
(08-18-2014, 11:29 AM)Advent Wrote: There is no need for such things as CDs can render cloaks useless, even the light ones, CD spam will follow cloaked person.
CDs can only prevent cloaking, but can't negate it's effect. Good luck locating an already cloaked ship with your CD.
Keep spamming CD after person cloaks and it will follow him/her. Worked on me, later tested it with friend, even if the cloaker is behind you, CD semi-follows him while he is behind you.
(08-18-2014, 11:29 AM)Advent Wrote: There is no need for such things as CDs can render cloaks useless, even the light ones, CD spam will follow cloaked person.
CDs can only prevent cloaking, but can't negate it's effect. Good luck locating an already cloaked ship with your CD.
There is a glitch (afaik is still not fixed) that if you had a ship locked, even if it successfully cloaked, your CD's will still seek it out if its in range of your CD. It won't kill the cloak but it will disrupt your engine still and let you follow them, keeping them from going to cruise. I already reported it, and for the most part isn't something that's cataclysmic ...but should certainly be fixed. However under the new rules of 6.9 Abusing Game Exploits, I will be reporting the next person that tries that little trick on me.
I suggested earlier making a form of 'Cloak Disrupter' that would only work on the large cloak, mountable on battleships or cruisers. Something like a flak turret, that if the cloaked ship is hit within the blast zone, it would be forced to drop cloak. No its not biased, its just that this whole thing seems provoked by the cloaking taunting, and it was really only a problem from large cloaks since they only ones that can cloak for extremely long periods and sit with impunity. This way official factions would actually have a chance at catching or at least scaring off a cloaked liner or etc. if they 'suspect' they are in their guard systems spying.
(08-18-2014, 02:56 PM)TheUnforgiven Wrote: There is a glitch (afaik is still not fixed) that if you had a ship locked, even if it successfully cloaked, your CD's will still seek it out if its in range of your CD. It won't kill the cloak but it will disrupt your engine still and let you follow them, keeping them from going to cruise. I already reported it, and for the most part isn't something that's cataclysmic ...but should certainly be fixed. However under the new rules of 6.9 Abusing Game Exploits, I will be reporting the next person that tries that little trick on me.
Hold on, hold on. If this is to be removed, cloaks would become more OP. For me, cloaking IS a game exploit in each way.
Cruise disruptors following cloaked ships are completely out of logic. Ship is cloaked, eyes can't see it, scanners can't detect it. There is not reason to make tham followable by ammo since you don't see them! I know that situation. I bought device for my cruiser, for 350M. I was battling a gb, I successfully cloaked and the gb kept spamming CDs, this is called bugusing, because it is bug. Making cloaked ships followable... That is waste of credits. Don't make expensive devices useless please. And.. I will report people spamming CD on my cloaked ships too.
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