This is how it looked from our side. Let me just say that, at least at first, it did not look as a "lol easy fight let's gank them".
What do you think?
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From the video yeah sure, it doesn't look as malicious as it felt, I'll give you that. While I was pretty angry about this all last night, I'm not anymore.
I am sorry if I came off as bitchy or something in my initial posts, but I mean I wasn't actually mad about the fight itself, mostly it was the battleship's involvement that made me so upset, seeing as whenever [LN] comes into a fight we generally try to actively discourage indie battleships, or even our own faction caps from engaging when they're not needed, (and people raise hell when we don't do this) so all I'm saying is that I thought y'all would act similarly to keep things relatively fun for both sides.
Please don't think I'm gonna hold a grudge or something though, 'cause I'm not, I was just seeing red last night, so to speak.
Oh and for our part, we shouldn't have pursued you back into Cali from the gate, that's true xD
Honestly, there was nothing said or done that deserved an apology in the first place.
The problem here is that, believe it or not, we do not have much experience in calling off caps from fights, since we do not have battleships and do not usually end up in fights where we come out on top or have more caps. So it is hard to judge how much is too much to throw at gunboats. These days when TS an TZ offers any level of skilled players the chance to be some snub's wakeup call, it is also hard to consider that the boats were not a threat in the first place.
Hell, after you scored the first two blues, I already told whoever it was that asked if we need help to jump in. You might have noticed I did not even scan to see who the hell it was, that much unsure I was at the time as to what would be the outcome.
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Lets simply put it, the LN does plenty of It, so I believe the rogues have just as much of a right to do the same, Like when have you seen a perfectly fair fight (apart from an organised event of course!) There is no "fairness" as such, however some fights are fair purely by coincidence, but that doesnt mean that every fight should be fair!
Im not saying I enjoy having the upper hand or anything, but no faction has the exact same number of ships to the opposing faction, and not everyone will be online at the same time, Now I have seen some fights In my time on disco, 0 of them were fair, either I was on the side with the upper hand, or on the side who were more likely to lose, but some of the battles dont go as expected either, the side with less ships could easily win if the side with more was being "ignorant" about it and not bothering because they knew they were going to win, and lost, not every battle is perfect, and you cant really change that either!
(07-14-2015, 09:19 AM)TheFreelancer Wrote: Lets simply put it, the LN does plenty of It, so I believe the rogues have just as much of a right to do the same, Like when have you seen a perfectly fair fight
Hello. Thank you for summing up the entire stance I have on this issue.
As someone who deals with leading a faction that tends to shoot a lot of people in a lot of areas, I've gotten many complaints about how we contributed to "unfair fights" and the like, and not only myself but many of the HC have tried (mostly in vain) to bring indies into line and keep them out of fights they shouldn't be in.
My stance on this issue is simple: fights in disco are never going to balanced, so don't try to. You can have four snubs against four snubs, have them all be VHFs, and one side will still get slaughtered, because the winning team had good pilots in it. So, instead, I've started to prefer the ideology of "bring what you can, slam the enemy as hard as you can, and if you don't win, well, that's a shame." Of course, that isn't fun to the losing side. But losing in disco is never fun, at least to some people - I've heard people rage over the enemies only fielding good pilots and how we're all bad, and yet, the numbers were perfectly balanced. And when there's an imbalance in groupings, there's still a problem. I had one time in [LN] where we actually had a numerical advantage and still lost, and everyone was still down about it. A few grumblings of "oh, well, they're all strong pilots, this is unfair". It'd be a lot better if the competitive edge was removed from people, but it's human nature so it's not like that's going anywhere.
People are going to be butthurt about fights and there's nothing any of us can really do about it, so I've stopped caring about balance in fights against people who don't care about it either. I'm glad LR- has taken the same road, because it means we can just throw everyone in and blow everything up rather than sitting around trying to do math and calculate the statistical advantage of the LNS-CrumpetSouffle being added to the fight or if LR-I'm.Only.A.Pirate.On.Tuesdays is going to be enough of a threat to allow me adding a reinforcement VHF. It takes a load off of me and my HC, and it's not like these pseudo-balanced fights we had before were any more fun than the ones we've had and are going to assumedly have in the future.
Amen to that. Sit tight, I will post a thread soon about this topic. I will give you a faction that you will love to pile everything on 8|
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Heya, got a bit of feedback. Or more like friendly advice, so please don't get mad. I like Rogues, I like LR- etc. etc. etc.
I've been stalking you guys a couple of times and you log in massive numbers and with full fleets. There are more Scyllas and gunboats than there are snubs, practically. That makes it nearly impossible for anyone to really interact with you. At the moment other factions can't really log on a regular basis in numbers to match yours. That means everyone will avoid you, and all you will get are newbie traders and lone LNS'ers that won't be able to put up much of a fight against your horde.
The day before yesterday, you were grouping up in this fashion again and sitting at the NY gate in Colo. I stayed at range waiting patiently for someone to be too busy on teamspeak to keep focused on the game. When you all went to dock because no one was able to come out and meet you, that actually did happen. One of your Barghests was too slow to move with the rest of you, so I started pewing him. Stripped him of his shield, and then he jumped through the gate and suicided on a nova before I could get through and finish him off.
I don't really mind that behavior (all that much), but when you play in this way with huge numerical advantage, it is disappointing to see that you won't even leave your opponents a chance even when you mess up due to your own complacency, and would rather suicide than become a Bounty Hunter's blue. The novaram-suicides are a bit like this as well - it is frustrating to fight against you and do one's best to stay alive against a horde of opponents, only to have some guy novaram you, not caring that he loses his own life in the process (from an RP perspective it makes no sense either - how can LR- afford all those ships and keep a steady supply of suicide-willing pilots around? They are selfish pirates, not selfless lunatics on a crusade).
There is no point in interaction with you, short of piling on an even bigger gank than yours, if you solely play to win. That kind of race to the bottom works in other games, but in Disco it isn't good for anyone. I know for sure that the next time someone says "LR- in Liberty" in some skype chat, I will only be logging if I know we have enough cloaked battleships to make it another no-contest, this time in favor of the Lawfuls. Otherwise I'll just avoid you too. It's not conducive to more and better activity.
tl;dr: Try logging in more reasonable numbers / ships and fun can actually be had, rather than set up a situation where players have to avoid one another until they log off in boredom.
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To add on Mimir's post, I miss the days when LR- would raid with 10 Barghests and beat the hell out of Liberty caps with novas. Plus, the double novas are fun for groupfights, as LR- showed us numerous times. Especially when you blow up 3 more ships with you. Too much Scyllas nowdays, even on indies. The playerbase is just not big enough to fight it in most of the cases.
Give me the name of the bomber that novad himself not to become a blue, I will look into it later today once I get home.
As for the ships and numbers- that is hard to do. Due to the reputation LR- has, logging alone is practically suicide. The Torpedo wing in particular is built around this and you will find them intentionally charging into fights that are not winnable.
The members who actually want to have fun, however, log ships that they can fly. That is the main bulletpoint in the current LR actually. I have not given the faction restrictions on ships or tech, because I want the person to log and be comfortable on whatever it is that they are flying.
It just so happens that LR- currently have only 3 players who I would call decent in snubs. The rest have to rely on either larger ships or just the ability to TS/TZ.
Yes, the Rogues log in huge numbers. Yes it is most of the time hard to deal with. But the other side bringing a huge gank fleet is what said rogues are waiting for, often bumping the emergency chats while doing so.
You guys do not have the RM to kill anymore. Perhaps this will give you more motivation to log now.
Or not.
I do understand where you are coming from, but you also know how Disco works. When a fun group is up, everyone wants to join and suddenly you are flying around in a fleet that encompasses half the ships online in all of Liberty. Maybe you could split the group in two and try to lockdown a system or something similar, for the sole purpose of giving other players incentive to come out and fight you? It will look more manageable on the player list.
Everyone uses it, let's not kid ourselves, so you can quickly see if a large lawful force is building, so you can regroup to take them on. Back in the RNC vs LNS days or even with GNG not so long ago, both sides were aware that you need to allow each other time and space to build up a fleet, otherwise there won't be a good fight. In the long run it's more fun to fight a fleet than to take out ships one by one.
I understand that you don't want to duel in snubs, and in no way should you be forced to (besides there were fighters alongside you from other factions who were looking for duels, so all that is just fine), but had I popped through that gate in a Liberty Dreadnought all by myself, I am pretty sure all of you would have piled on me and deleted my ship, simply because it gets boring sitting around in a large group with nothing to do. I can't know this of course, but I would personally be even less inclined to log to meet you in a cap, because I would be a sitting duck. It's not a question of snubs vs. caps, it's more of a play-style thing that leads to no-contest or non-interaction.
I mostly play unlawfuls and in Liberty, and I mostly play solo, so I know it's dangerous. But you can easily back down from a fight and use cunning (*cough* playerlist) to stay alive, there's no need to be an ace that kills everything you meet. Sometimes you even have to let traders go. It's not suicidal at all compared to flying a nova barghest in a group raid, if only you play somewhat smart, so I don't really buy into that.
EDIT: You weren't being retards either, you didn't send your entire fleet after me and so on, so I am not criticizing that at all. I just hope we could find a way to get some good fights, since you are so many.