This is nice for propaganda from both sides. When the RHA pop a POB, they could make a news report about another victory of theirs, and the RheinGov would make one about another indiscriminate aggression by the Hessians.
(10-18-2016, 05:12 PM)Lea Wrote: The thing is I say what is on my mind and I am being honest. If you don't like it well...
I'm at best indifferent about your wievs on Rualri. What I don't like and it doesn't matter where I see it, is dragging people down instead of using arguments. I don't know wheter Rualri is or isn't a good RPer, but your posts tries to negate his argumets by disqualifiyng the person who said it and not your own aguments. You just feed the negativity.
He's a very good roleplayer and knows his stuff, but past actions in the Community have left a lot of people skeptical about behavior.
Because it's true. Whining on their feedback about their RP decisions isn't going to fix anything. But if you want to go ad personam, sure, we can do this.
The 'corrupt government worth their salt' isn't doing anything to reglement the working conditions on those bases, neither are they trying to limit Kruger's and Daumanns expansionist politics. Aside from that, the Red Hessians are, as their name suggests, red terrorists. Terrorists. People that murder to get a point across, and in this case, this point is violent revolution against the capitalists.
Murdering civilians is part of what terrorists do, and interestingly enough, this has never stopped people from supporting them. If you look at pretty much any example of terrorist or revolutionary uprisings, you will find a pile of dead civilian corpses in the wake of all of them - and still, all of them had, at least to some extent, support from the population. I find it only consequential that the hessians do this, and in the process emphasize on the growing disparity of their piratic nature and their revolutionary goals.
So, to end my point: The Hessians do RP. And I don't see them complaining about the tons of PoBs appearing in their territory, I see them react in a roleplay manner to it. Instead of trying to argue how they are wrong ooRPly, you could maybe react in a roleplay manner too.
EDIT: Got ninjaed. This is directed @"Soldiers.Fortune"
(10-18-2016, 04:41 PM)Wesker Wrote: Fear leads to submission. People hate corruption more than a revolution no matter how violent
Ah... what? Last I checked people were fine with just about any level of corruption so long as they stayed alive.
Which means an equation. Whichever side is more likely to protect their people more effectively from death gets the loyalty of the citizenry.
So if the RH make the mistake of going all-out brutality which ends up catching some citizens in the crossfire, any corrupt government worth their salt will use that against you to prevent more citizens from joining up.
You are giving the government the ability to feign that they are the good guys as you slowly become the very thing you are fighting.
lol thats the point.
We are the bad guys for a reason. People aren't fine with corruption, those that want to make a difference and eliminate daumann kruger and re-adjust the government by force are the ones that join the Armee. Obviously it works, given we got the manpower to take over dresden and virtually all of the omega systems.
(10-18-2016, 05:26 PM)Char Aznable Wrote: Instead of trying to argue how they are wrong ooRPly, you could maybe react in a roleplay manner too.
EDIT: Got ninjaed. This is directed @"Soldiers.Fortune"
First, this is a feedback thread where the intended purpose of my post was to address what I saw as flawed ideology. This is where whines go.
Second, I have not been personally wronged by the RH in any way. I was simply contributing to the discussion.
Third, if the RH player faction is not careful what you will see is a very practical example of what I was talking about with the desire to "not die", though the actual mechanic is more ooRP.
If players die enough times to RH players or lose enough property or credits to them, they will leave your space. Players will not want to interact with a faction that they feel is abusive, whether this is actually the case or not. So you can RP as close to the line as you please. But in the process you may find that you are alienating yourselves from the playerbase and slowly killing Rhineland activity.
(10-18-2016, 05:26 PM)Char Aznable Wrote: Instead of trying to argue how they are wrong ooRPly, you could maybe react in a roleplay manner too.
EDIT: Got ninjaed. This is directed @"Soldiers.Fortune"
First, this is a feedback thread where the intended purpose of my post was to address what I saw as flawed ideology. This is where whines go.
Second, I have not been personally wronged by the RH in any way. I was simply contributing to the discussion.
Third, if the RH player faction is not careful what you will see is a very practical example of what I was talking about with the desire to "not die", though the actual mechanic is more ooRP.
If players die enough times to RH players or lose enough property or credits to them, they will leave your space. Players will not want to interact with a faction that they feel is abusive, whether this is actually the case or not. So you can RP as close to the line as you please. But in the process you may find that you are alienating yourselves from the playerbase and slowly killing Rhineland activity.
(10-18-2016, 05:35 PM)Soldiers.Fortune Wrote: But in the process you may find that you are alienating yourselves from the playerbase and slowly killing Rhineland activity.
Funnily enough the RHA is not killing the Rheinland activity, on the contrary, they're making it active.
(10-18-2016, 05:38 PM)Lea Wrote: Funnily enough the RHA is not killing the Rheinland activity, on the contrary, they're making it active.
And would this upswing in activity be mainly players joining the RH for power? Or has this activity been equally spread across multiple factions in the Rhine?
You are blowing me off, despite the fact that I am attempting to be constructive and warn you of a potential problem you are creating for yourselves.
When any ecosystem has an overabundance of predators who grow unchecked, they inevitably will wipe out their prey, leaving nothing to sustain themselves.
I would not assume that just because things have been golden "for years" means that a drought is not coming.