My and Nemo just had two hours wasted by your group for a couple of cheap kills on a freighter and unarmed transport, I am not impressed to say the least. I would recommend paying attention to the RP of your fellow Outcast groups and actually stick to your chosen route, the demand went from credits, to docking and finally the "alternate" options of Cardamine or die, or Cardamine or die.
You guys are veterans for goodness sake, please don't waste peoples time like this.
Edit: Just to show that I'm being literal with the time wasted, heres when the RP began.
[19.02.2017 23:00:42] L\-'Jinx': Hai. But what is your name, tomo?
and here is when it ended.
[20.02.2017 00:42:26] Death: >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat was put out of action by L\-'Asesino' (Gun).
I was only told the situation was you refusing to take cardamine, I never demanded money. That being said, that's unlawful RP for you, that's aggressive RP for you. I had no intention of going there to kill both of you, I went there to RP and make a statement. I don't know about the rest of the people present but I (Ezio) had my demands set out straight from when I arrived to when I left. If you had taken the cardamine, we would've let you go, you refused and made a big deal out of it using your character's morals as the reasoning. I have no problem with that, every character should have a set of morals and beliefs, that's what makes a character a character. That's the reason I RPd with the tone I did.
It wasn't a waste of time if you ask me, unless you'd prefer for us to just shoot you faster. I decided to RP a lot longer than I frequently do.
(02-20-2017, 02:27 AM)Captain_Nemo Wrote: So we're supposed to be grateful that you RP'ed with us before killing ganking us....oh boy
Well would you prefer for us to just shoot you with minimal RP? This is an RP server right?
"Ganking" oh please, what did you want, for me or vasko to duel you? Wouldn't of mattered if it was just one of us or all of us, you would've ended up dead.
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I don't think people tend to realise that this universe is supposed to be dystopian, full of death, darkness and anger. And I read the message dump logs, albeit skimmed a lot, it seems that the Commune were provoking them into doing things, stating that they were "powerless" - causing them to 'prove their power' in Maltese Space. It's actually a part of the Maltese Law for all transports requiring Cardamine in their hold to leave. (or at least, the old one was, not sure about the new one)
Had the transports simply complied and got Cardamine, they could have survived, or if the Commune didn't provoke them as hard, they may have gone a bit more lightly about it. They probably ganked you to stop you from insta-docking on the bases. (dunno where the fight happened though but just saying for perspective. )
I have the logs of all three demands spanning the two hours if you'd like to read through them Wesker. You may have demanded we take cardamine but before that we were asked for credits then demanded to dock on Valetta, which was somewhat poetic after your members actually stopped and accused us of spying by landing on Valetta. We were quite literally on the Tau 37 jumphole when we were told to go back, there was no mention of cardamine until after we were told to return.
[19.02.2017 23:00:42] L\-'Jinx': Hai. But what is your name, tomo?
[19.02.2017 23:00:47] L\-'Jinx': Hm.
[19.02.2017 23:00:52] L\-'Jinx': Please halt.
[19.02.2017 23:01:00] L\-'Jinx': Sumisasen. *Nods*
[19.02.2017 23:01:02] >\./<Daily.Derby: Ted: Afternoon
[19.02.2017 23:01:07] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: Hey, hows it goin;
[19.02.2017 23:01:09] L\-'Asesino': I'll... tell you later.
[19.02.2017 23:01:19] L\-'Jinx': Hm.
[19.02.2017 23:01:24] L\-'Asesino': "Sup.
[19.02.2017 23:01:29] L\-'Jinx': What do we have here, tomo.
[19.02.2017 23:01:55] L\-'Jinx': Any excuses, gaijins?
[19.02.2017 23:02:04] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: Just out for some sightseein'
[19.02.2017 23:02:08] L\-'Jinx': Ah.
[19.02.2017 23:02:09] L\-'Asesino': Smugglers, as far as i can see.
[19.02.2017 23:02:24] >\./<Daily.Derby: Ted: Now now, names Ted Thompson, guns /Wholeseller/
[19.02.2017 23:02:34] L\-'Jinx': *Her heads bobs in a weird angle* But smugglers bring goods and takes goods, hai?
[19.02.2017 23:02:41] L\-'Jinx': *Grabs a shiv*
[19.02.2017 23:02:53] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: Depends on whose payin' and for what
[19.02.2017 23:02:56] L\-'Asesino': Si, that's right.
[19.02.2017 23:03:20] L\-'Jinx': And who is paying you to be in Outcast space, gaijin?
[19.02.2017 23:03:35] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: Some old business friends
[19.02.2017 23:03:36] L\-'Asesino': I don't pay. I get paid.
[19.02.2017 23:04:02] L\-'Asesino': So we clear that up. Si?
[19.02.2017 23:04:27] L\-'Jinx': *Nods* Although Eliza-sama will like to know who are those friends.
[19.02.2017 23:04:44] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: You know a guy called Nomak?
[19.02.2017 23:05:16] L\-'Asesino': Heard of him.
[19.02.2017 23:05:27] L\-'Asesino': Commune, right?
[19.02.2017 23:05:31] L\-'Jinx': *Shakes head* No. *Sharpens her shiv*
[19.02.2017 23:05:42] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: Yeah, those guys.
[19.02.2017 23:05:45] >\./<Daily.Derby: I have a bad feeling Jimmy
[19.02.2017 23:06:07] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: Easy Ted, we either pay or we'll be gettin' paid
[19.02.2017 23:06:27] L\-'Jinx': Asesino-san.
[19.02.2017 23:06:47] L\-'Asesino': They seem suspicious. But then again, that's me. I don't trust nobody.
[19.02.2017 23:06:49] L\-'Jinx': Should I introduce them to my naughty side? *Grins*
[19.02.2017 23:07:01] L\-'Asesino': *smirks*
[19.02.2017 23:07:01] L\-'Jinx': Or should they pay for their trangression?
[19.02.2017 23:07:26] >\./<Daily.Derby: Next time they meet us at the Freeport
[19.02.2017 23:07:28] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: Transgression huh? Funny way of sayin' business.
[19.02.2017 23:07:41] >\./<Daily.Derby: Ted: Here I thought we were all friends
[19.02.2017 23:07:42] L\-'Jinx': All I saw was words.
[19.02.2017 23:07:51] L\-'Asesino': Up to you, hermosura. I'm not stoppin' you.
[19.02.2017 23:08:35] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: Send the bill to the Nomak and the Commune, let 'em know why their deliveries were late.
[19.02.2017 23:08:45] L\-'Jinx': Well, friend. *Bobs her head* Back at the Wall, they had a saying, hai?
[19.02.2017 23:08:48] L\-'Asesino': Friends? There's no such thing at first siggt.
[19.02.2017 23:09:07] L\-'Jinx': There is no friends like the ones that cover your back.
[19.02.2017 23:09:28] L\-'Asesino': *Nods*
[19.02.2017 23:09:34] L\-'Jinx': Want us to show us ours, you pay. Or I will show you my ugly side. Hai? *Grins*
[19.02.2017 23:09:52] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: Like I said, send the bill to Nomak
[19.02.2017 23:10:17] L\-'Asesino': Nomak isn't here.
[19.02.2017 23:10:19] L\-'Jinx': And? Did you get a memo on these two being allowed visitors, Asesino-san?
[19.02.2017 23:10:24] L\-'Asesino': We are.
[19.02.2017 23:10:44] L\-'Asesino': No, no i didn't.
[19.02.2017 23:11:02] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: Well you know why we're here, so I figure if you're wantin' paying you'd go to the man who brought us here in the first place.
[19.02.2017 23:11:11] L\-'Jinx': Oh.
[19.02.2017 23:11:31] L\-'Jinx': I get my pay one way or the other. But it is in the moment, gaijin. *Licks her shiv*
[19.02.2017 23:11:40] L\-'Jinx': Not in the past. Or the future.
[19.02.2017 23:11:45] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: This is gettin' really old, really fast.
[19.02.2017 23:12:01] L\-'Asesino': I doubt you wanna screw with her.
[19.02.2017 23:12:04] >\./<Daily.Derby: I don't wanna do business if we gotta pay import taxes, what is this, Rhineland
[19.02.2017 23:12:31] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: Bein' threatened is all part of this job
[19.02.2017 23:12:47] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: Won't be the first time, won't be the last
[19.02.2017 23:12:47] L\-'Asesino': Threat?
[19.02.2017 23:12:48] L\-'Jinx': When push comes to shove, gaijin... You will know I push very hard.
[19.02.2017 23:13:03] L\-'Asesino': Friend, i'm merely advising.
[19.02.2017 23:13:08] L\-'Jinx': *Smirks*
[19.02.2017 23:13:16] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: Heard that too, so lets cut to the chase huh. Whats the price
[19.02.2017 23:13:39] L\-'Jinx': *Sighs* Here I was thinking I would get some fun. Asesino-san?
[19.02.2017 23:14:07] L\-'Asesino': Up to you. I get paid in blood.
[19.02.2017 23:14:12] L\-'Jinx': I see.
[19.02.2017 23:14:21] Tip: Are you a new player? Discovery Freelancer is not the easiest game to get your head around. If you have any questions of any kind, do not feel discouraged or embarrassed to ask them on our forum or simply approach other players for help.
[19.02.2017 23:14:24] L\-'Asesino': You'll know that and more... soon.
[19.02.2017 23:14:32] NC-ET-Sorento: Gooooood evening.
[19.02.2017 23:14:35] L\-'Jinx': Konnichiwa, NC transport.
[19.02.2017 23:14:41] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: Hey, hows it goin'
[19.02.2017 23:14:47] >\./<Daily.Derby: Ted: Yo
[19.02.2017 23:15:03] NC-ET-Sorento: Well, we are at home now and that's good.
[19.02.2017 23:15:08] NC-ET-Sorento: What about you?
[19.02.2017 23:15:17] L\-'Jinx': We caught these two right here.
[19.02.2017 23:15:30] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: Bein' held up by the pointer sisters here basically.
[19.02.2017 23:15:31] L\-'Jinx': No goods in their holds coming from Malta.
[19.02.2017 23:15:43] >\./<Daily.Derby: oh thank god
[19.02.2017 23:15:44] L\-'Jinx': And no good deeds in their mouths.
[19.02.2017 23:15:47] (C~Jared.Nomak: greetings.
[19.02.2017 23:15:47] L\-'Asesino': Right.
[19.02.2017 23:15:50] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: Evenin' Mr Nomak.
[19.02.2017 23:15:54] >\./<Daily.Derby: Ted: Finally
[19.02.2017 23:15:58] (C~Jared.Nomak: Good evening.
[19.02.2017 23:16:11] L\-'Asesino': Visitors? More like spies.
[19.02.2017 23:16:15] L\-'Jinx': *Nods* Konnichiwa?
[19.02.2017 23:16:29] (C~Jared.Nomak: Respected Maltese.
[19.02.2017 23:16:34] (C~Jared.Nomak: These are my associates.
[19.02.2017 23:16:42] Death: Vorlon was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[19.02.2017 23:16:52] (C~Jared.Nomak: They are not spies. They just brought me the things I've needed.
[19.02.2017 23:17:02] L\-'Jinx': And they are traveling through our space without order, Nomak-san?
[19.02.2017 23:17:05] L\-'Asesino': Interesting.
[19.02.2017 23:17:38] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: We deliver, we leave, we don't ask questions.
[19.02.2017 23:17:47] (C~Jared.Nomak: Again, these here are my associates.
[19.02.2017 23:17:49] >\./<Daily.Derby: Ted: Works out pretty well..../most/ of the time
[19.02.2017 23:18:00] L\-'Jinx': And I bet you keep your eyes closed and your mouths shut during that time.
[19.02.2017 23:18:06] (C~Jared.Nomak: Woman, I've spilled my own blood before you even stepped into your craft, for this Nation.
[19.02.2017 23:18:20] L\-'Asesino': Watch it.
[19.02.2017 23:18:26] (C~Jared.Nomak: Have some respect. If it wasn't me around, you'd have no home.
[19.02.2017 23:18:28] L\-'Jinx': I am a woman, I spill blood every month.
[19.02.2017 23:18:41] (C~Jared.Nomak: Very well. These men are free.
[19.02.2017 23:18:48] L\-'Asesino': No.
[19.02.2017 23:18:52] L\-'Jinx': *Smirks*
[19.02.2017 23:18:56] L\-'Asesino': They aren't.
[19.02.2017 23:18:59] (C~Jared.Nomak: If you have anything against it, Hussaini is there and you can adress to it.
[19.02.2017 23:19:01] (C~Jared.Nomak: Yes, they are.
[19.02.2017 23:19:17] L\-'Asesino': Someone is going to pay us.
[19.02.2017 23:19:19] L\-'Jinx': Then Nomak-san.
[19.02.2017 23:19:22] L\-'Jinx': Explain to me.
[19.02.2017 23:19:25] Outcast--Dave: Problem here Outcast?
[19.02.2017 23:19:29] (C~Jared.Nomak: I don't have anything to explain.
[19.02.2017 23:19:32] L\-'Asesino': One way or another.
[19.02.2017 23:19:47] (C~Jared.Nomak: If you have any issues, adress to National Council.
[19.02.2017 23:19:50] (C~Jared.Nomak: And it will be solved.
[19.02.2017 23:20:02] L\-'Jinx': Oh. And they docked in Malta, too then?
[19.02.2017 23:20:15] (C~Jared.Nomak: They docked to Valetta, woman.
[19.02.2017 23:20:24] L\-'Jinx': Call me woman one more time...
[19.02.2017 23:20:26] (C~Jared.Nomak: Now please, do not waste nor their, nor my time.
[19.02.2017 23:20:30] (C~Jared.Nomak: And what you gonna do?
[19.02.2017 23:20:33] L\-'Jinx': And I will show you how to live like one.
[19.02.2017 23:20:44] L\-'Asesino': Nomak.
[19.02.2017 23:20:51] >\./<Daily.Derby: I bet I could get away, you....not so much
[19.02.2017 23:20:56] (C~Jared.Nomak: Are you trying to sabotage my operations?
[19.02.2017 23:21:06] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: Just sit back and watch the fun
[19.02.2017 23:21:11] L\-'Jinx': If your operations endanger Malta? Yes.
[19.02.2017 23:21:14] (C~Jared.Nomak: I have this one question, I require one answer.
[19.02.2017 23:21:21] (C~Jared.Nomak: Make it simple and quick.
[19.02.2017 23:21:22] L\-'Asesino': I don't care about you or your operations.
[19.02.2017 23:21:41] (C~Jared.Nomak: These men are free. If you have any issues, adress to National Council.
[19.02.2017 23:21:47] L\-'Jinx': No.
[19.02.2017 23:21:51] (C~Jared.Nomak: No?
[19.02.2017 23:21:55] L\-'Jinx': These men will dock in Valleta.
[19.02.2017 23:22:01] L\-'Jinx': And wait for the Council word.
[19.02.2017 23:22:08] (C~Jared.Nomak: No.
[19.02.2017 23:22:11] >\./<Daily.Derby: Ted: Told you we should have taken the day trip option Jimmy
[19.02.2017 23:22:18] L\-'Jinx': Are you the Council now, Nomak-san?
[19.02.2017 23:22:26] L\-'Asesino': Huh.
[19.02.2017 23:22:26] >\./<Daily.Derby: Ted: We could be in an airconditioned shopping center right /now/
[19.02.2017 23:22:28] (C~Jared.Nomak: Yes I am.
[19.02.2017 23:22:30] (C~Jared.Nomak: For you.
[19.02.2017 23:22:35] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: Yeah well, cardamine doesn't agree with me like it does you Ted.
[19.02.2017 23:22:41] L\-'Asesino': You're nothing.
[19.02.2017 23:22:46] L\-'Jinx': *Nods*
[19.02.2017 23:22:48] (C~Jared.Nomak: Again, I spilled my blood long before you even stepped into yoru craft.
[19.02.2017 23:22:55] L\-'Asesino': You are a traitor.
[19.02.2017 23:23:03] (C~Jared.Nomak: *he sighs*
[19.02.2017 23:23:04] (C~Jared.Nomak: Okay?
[19.02.2017 23:23:06] L\-'Asesino': And traitors die.
[19.02.2017 23:23:14] (C~Jared.Nomak: And I will die too?
[19.02.2017 23:23:23] L\-'Asesino': Depends.
[19.02.2017 23:23:25] L\-'Jinx': I don't care, Nomak-san. You brought two ships of eyes that do not belong to Malta.
[19.02.2017 23:23:31] (C~Jared.Nomak: *he bursts in laughter*
[19.02.2017 23:23:34] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: You got a pack of cards Ted? Could play go fish.
[19.02.2017 23:23:36] L\-'Asesino': Keep up with your attitude.
[19.02.2017 23:23:41] >\./<Daily.Derby rolled 3 / 6
[19.02.2017 23:23:42] (C~Jared.Nomak: You cannot do anything.
[19.02.2017 23:23:47] (C~Jared.Nomak: And you know it.
[19.02.2017 23:23:58] L\-'Jinx': Well, we can force these two back to Valetta.
[19.02.2017 23:24:00] /roll 1-6
[19.02.2017 23:24:01] L\-'Asesino': Neither can you.
[19.02.2017 23:24:04] L\-'Jinx': And wait for the Council word.
[19.02.2017 23:24:10] (C~Jared.Nomak: You cannot.
[19.02.2017 23:24:18] L\-'Asesino': But we can.
[19.02.2017 23:24:24] (C~Jared.Nomak: But you cannot.
[19.02.2017 23:24:27] L\-'Jinx': I can. And you can't stop us from protecting Malta.
[19.02.2017 23:24:30] (C~Jared.Nomak: Gentlemen.
[19.02.2017 23:24:30] >\./<Daily.Derby: christ sakes
[19.02.2017 23:24:48] (C~Jared.Nomak: Set your course towards the Tau 37 system. I will have a word with National Council afterwards.
[19.02.2017 23:24:52] L\-'Jinx': You move your ships.
[19.02.2017 23:24:53] L\-'Jinx': You die.
[19.02.2017 23:25:01] (C~Jared.Nomak: Open fire on these transports, and I will deal with you on my own.
[19.02.2017 23:25:01] L\-'Jinx': And I will have fun with your faces.
[19.02.2017 23:25:03] (C~Jared.Nomak: Capiche?
[19.02.2017 23:25:05] >\./<Daily.Derby: Ted: Jimmy, know what I could use right now, a stiff drink
[19.02.2017 23:25:08] L\-'Jinx': Move.
[19.02.2017 23:25:09] (C~Jared.Nomak: Am I clear?
[19.02.2017 23:25:12] L\-'Jinx': And you die.
[19.02.2017 23:25:15] L\-'Jinx': Am I clear.
[19.02.2017 23:25:20] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: Lemme guess I'm buyin'?
[19.02.2017 23:25:25] >\./<Daily.Derby: Ted: Like always
[19.02.2017 23:25:27] Outcast--Dave: Asisting Jared.nomak are we clear
[19.02.2017 23:25:41] (C~Jared.Nomak: Do we have a problem?
[19.02.2017 23:25:46] (C~Jared.Nomak: Huh?
[19.02.2017 23:25:49] L\-'Asesino': We do.
[19.02.2017 23:25:49] L\-'Jinx': Seems that we do, hai.
[19.02.2017 23:25:58] L\-'Asesino': Big ones.
[19.02.2017 23:26:06] (C~Jared.Nomak: Step away from the transports.
[19.02.2017 23:26:17] (C~Jared.Nomak: Jimmy, friend.
[19.02.2017 23:26:27] >\./<Daily.Derby: Ted: Hey, lets try not to strach the paint, its expensive to keep it looking nice
[19.02.2017 23:26:31] (C~Jared.Nomak: Have no worries. These are just pathetic attempts.
[19.02.2017 23:26:40] L\-'Asesino': Set course for Alpha.
[19.02.2017 23:26:45] L\-'Asesino': Now.
[19.02.2017 23:26:50] (C~Jared.Nomak: How about no?
[19.02.2017 23:27:07] (C~Jared.Nomak: Gunship, prepare your weapons, in case we need to open fire.
[19.02.2017 23:27:16] L\-'Jinx': *Smirks*
[19.02.2017 23:27:17] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: How about we just go back to Valetta and sort this out, I'm not interestin' in gettin' vented.
[19.02.2017 23:27:19] L\-'Asesino': I will not repeat myself, freelancers.
[19.02.2017 23:27:25] (C~Jared.Nomak: Okay, I got idea.
[19.02.2017 23:27:27] L\-'Jinx': See? A practical voice.
[19.02.2017 23:27:32] Outcast--Dave: Arming Missiles, locking Solaris in on targets
[19.02.2017 23:27:51] (C~Jared.Nomak: It seems like we need a representative of National Council here.
[19.02.2017 23:27:54] >\./<Daily.Derby: Ted: Practical, yeeeeeahhh, I wonder if they'll validate our parking again
[19.02.2017 23:27:57] L\-'Jinx': It seems so.
[19.02.2017 23:28:07] L\-'Asesino': Freelancers.
[19.02.2017 23:28:20] L\-'Asesino': Turn around NOW.
[19.02.2017 23:28:27] (C~Jared.Nomak: Who are you even?
[19.02.2017 23:28:38] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: Lets go Ted.
[19.02.2017 23:28:44] (C~Jared.Nomak: And do you even have ranking for this matter?
[19.02.2017 23:28:45] >\./<Daily.Derby: Ted: Right with you
[19.02.2017 23:28:46] L\-'Asesino': None of your concern.
[19.02.2017 23:28:48] L\-'Jinx': Following you.
[19.02.2017 23:29:01] (C~Jared.Nomak: Be sure I do have.
[19.02.2017 23:29:26] The.Crazed.Butcher: Rats.
[19.02.2017 23:29:34] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: Hey
[19.02.2017 23:29:42] The.Crazed.Butcher: Ossari himself called me.
[19.02.2017 23:29:42] L\-'Jinx': That was just rude.
[19.02.2017 23:29:46] (C~Jared.Nomak: These fools are creating problems.
[19.02.2017 23:29:56] The.Crazed.Butcher: What's going on, Jared?
[19.02.2017 23:30:26] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: Some day huh Ted
[19.02.2017 23:30:38] >\./<Daily.Derby: Ted: I told you we should have gone to the shopping center
[19.02.2017 23:30:39] The.Crazed.Butcher: What in the world is going on.
[19.02.2017 23:30:56] (C~Jared.Nomak: We got two pilots a bit high than they should be.
[19.02.2017 23:31:09] L\-'Jinx': Dock in Valetta, smugglers. The Council will sort you off.
[19.02.2017 23:31:16] L\-'Asesino': First off.
[19.02.2017 23:31:17] The.Crazed.Butcher: Stop right there.
[19.02.2017 23:31:19] The.Crazed.Butcher: No.
[19.02.2017 23:31:26] (C~Jared.Nomak: Let them dock.
[19.02.2017 23:31:29] The.Crazed.Butcher: Ossari himself will sort this off.
[19.02.2017 23:31:43] The.Crazed.Butcher: One moment.
[19.02.2017 23:31:45] (C~Jared.Nomak: The fools want to go until the end, let them.
[19.02.2017 23:31:46] 2017-02-19 23:31:45 SMT Traffic control alert: The.Crazed.Butcher has requested to dock
[19.02.2017 23:31:55] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: Well you guys sort this off, lets get a drink Ted
[19.02.2017 23:31:59] L\-'Asesino': They don't leave without Cardamine. Not after docking with Malta.
[19.02.2017 23:32:00] L\-'Jinx': The fools are protecting Malta.
[19.02.2017 23:32:06] (C~Jared.Nomak: Jimmy, it will all be solved soon. It's a pathetic attempt of jelaousy.
[19.02.2017 23:32:07] >\./<Daily.Derby: Ted: Only if your buying
[19.02.2017 23:32:12] Outcast--Dave: Ill be glad to let me Missiles tear into some flesh today
[19.02.2017 23:32:24] (C~Filippo.Ossari: Mio Dio.
[19.02.2017 23:32:26] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: Well time is money Mr Nomak, and this is a waste of both of mine.
[19.02.2017 23:32:27] (C~Jared.Nomak: Stand down gunship. We're not firing on our own.
[19.02.2017 23:32:40] Outcast--Dave: Understood.
[19.02.2017 23:32:43] L\-'Jinx': *Sharpens her shivs*
[19.02.2017 23:32:45] (C~Jared.Nomak: I apologise for this Jimmy. Again, pathetic attempts to ruin our operations.
[19.02.2017 23:32:48] (C~Filippo.Ossari: One of my mans told me that somethin's going on.
[19.02.2017 23:33:03] (C~Jared.Nomak: Dock here, and it will soon be all over.
[19.02.2017 23:33:13] L\-'Jinx': Do so, smugglers.
[19.02.2017 23:33:14] >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat: We'll be in the bar.
[19.02.2017 23:33:16] 2017-02-19 23:33:15 SMT Traffic control alert: >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat has requested to dock
The icing of course was your group utterly ignored the Commune, shifting your reasoning from "I'm not getting paid" ([19.02.2017 23:19:17] L\-'Asesino': Someone is going to pay us.) to "Well you didn't help us" ([20.02.2017 00:07:48] L\-Eliza.Valdez: For you? That's all fine and dandy. But rules and traditions are rules and traditions though.) til finally we arrived at the "You can't leave without cardamine" ([20.02.2017 00:09:39] L\-Eliza.Valdez: As such it's common courtesy for people to leave our beautiful system with holds full of cardamine.)
Now it may be "unlawful RP" but running over existing RP of two characters who are older than your entire faction, hell older than the National Council, just so your group could appear powerful is not "unlawful RP" It is concieted, disrespectful and thoroughly inconsiderate powergaming. If you guys are truly interesting in becoming an official faction for the Maltese I would ask that you respect established RP rather than ignore it, because after our meeting I can honestly say I have no interest in returning to Malta if this is the treatment I'll get.
While ooRP we respect your RP with the commune and old chars, we cannot let it influence our RP doctrine and the goals Legion Maltesa had set itself inRP. Furthermore I do not believe Legion Maltesa has in any way to know of your private deals with Commune to take them into account. You were given a clean way to get out free, in fact you were begged to accept it for over 30 minutes, hell you could've just dropped the cardamine and destroyed it once outside of Alpha (it would've made perfect sense inRP as well if you character wanted to get out safe but really hated cardamine that much) and you would've still been home free, but instead your own (or your characters') stubbornness to follow "the code" was what resulted in the exchange of tachyon fire which, mind you, you were very much aware of as the consequences for declining the offer.
We are glad interest in the identity of Chacal spans outside of our faction's playerbase but would like to remind you that this isn't flood.
Blood, your people were told in person by the leader of the Commune of our deal. Saying that you respect the RP out of game but happily ignore it within amounts to very little, it's the same as Wesker saying he respects Jimmy's code as it makes him a true character but then demand he breaks it. Again this is all after 8 months of working with the Commune without a single issue, without one member of any Outcast faction official or otherwise demanding we take cardamine.
This is the point of the matter, over two hours you forced your way in to a long established deal, one older than your entire faction just because you wanted to. So now the ultimate question is, are you actually going to respect this RP or not? A simple yes or no will do.
(02-20-2017, 02:06 PM)Croft Wrote: Wesker saying he respects Jimmy's code as it makes him a true character but then demand he breaks it
Just because we respect the RP does not mean we'll bend our own RP to facilitate an easy way of your character's morals and code. That's not how it works. When someone points a gun at your head and demands your wallet and you refuse because of code and such he doesn't let you go freely.
Sometimes we're just forced to do something we do not like. For instance now we'll have a punishment for our actions imposed by the National Council. Actions have consequences for everyone.