Now Dab is acting like typical corsair npc faction hater. I don't know have hard feelings abot that? To much nerves invested into fl.
lets settle down.
Now Tizona is in all ways better versus gb's and cruissers. Alltought Debs are a bit better agianst fighters. Why, the damange difference is somewhat about 25 ~ 30 percent. The speed eifference is about 25 percent. Quite equel stuff yes.
Only tizona has 5,7 energy efficiency with begger dps (lobera 6), while deb has around 5. Guess what Dab that means. Your 'argument' having to good shield buster versus gb or cruissers is a fail.
Now you somehow whined about krakens and wyrms huge energy eating.. nah they arent, they are moderate practical / tychoon. (do not count neutron, these ones should be at lower speed and more energy efficient, read the infocard, expecially vanila, oh waht coincidence Corsairs use neutron hullbusters in vanila).
Oh and the dps is huge. Oh and for 700m/s oh and additional shield dmg to most popular used shield.
Don't whine about that please.. you look stupid. Really. To be able to deliver huge amount of damage in a matter of seconds is an advantage. If you don't like it, simply turn off 3 krakens and leave 4 firing ones for a dog fight.
"inferno is not a gun, torp like thing" Dude, thats even greater. YOu have wider option. YOu can go for guns, or you can go for sniping torp wep. Oh of coruse you don't need much of a snipe then the speed is 550 and aim a shield bubble.
7 kraken + inferno sabre is pure evil. A ship without disadavatages, it rapes fighters, as well as kills antyhing else with cruisser shields. Only, it requires skill to handle and to get used too. As well as more aim.
I would love to see our coloda turned into torp like inferno similiar gun. That think is just awsome. I soled a cruisser in inferno mounting werewolf once. Thats something exordinary yes? (Oh don't go for that power limitation, it really is enought, I fly OC stuff quite a lot)
Now I do not whine to nerf anything. No Dab chill out. The thing is what we want, is to be treated equelly. There is no in rp reason for corsairs not to have civi tech (which is inferiro to ours, we will keep on our own, don't worry) except your wide ego to boss around who should have what, Dab.
I actually love my tizzies D: and won't exchange them into anything.
And about seeing inferior... ermm Dab that only counts to ships. Thats why I laughed at sindroms who was flying sabre as corsair. "Corsairs can" Yes they can, but they don't becouse that is their rp sindroms didn't had a clue about.
So cheers. Give us inferior stuff alright. Afraid of eagles? Personaly I won't use it. But anyhow we can start from shield busters.
' Wrote:It's civilian tech. Anyone can get it, through numerous channels. Why the hell should Corsairs not be able to use it?
Becouse Dab said so, don't dare to question his ego D:< Or he will write a wall of meaningless "arguments". And he want to limit corsair faction just becouse OC char is his primary.
Either ban everyone from using civilian line unless they have no alternative or allow everyone. Right now, it smacks of bias and in particular, one persons strong bias against it.
If it's about RP, then ask yourself, can Gaians use them?
How about the Hogosha or AFA?
What about Junkers?
They sold out all of Sirius to the Gauls apparantly, why wouldn't they sell a couple of guns to Corsairs?
It's their RP to sell them the guns for cripes sake. It's almost obligatory.
It's my view that civilian tech is too powerful anyway but thats for a different thread and who would have thought an essentially warrior faction would base their military power off of something that can be easily withdrawn from them?
"Err...we can't get anymore parts sir, the people we've been bombing/supplying drugs to/terrorizing have refused to sell us anymore".
Just daft, as are the objections to corsairs, over and above anyone else, getting access to them.
' Wrote:It's my view that civilian tech is too powerful anyway
According to in-game rumours and lore, Corsairs think everything not Corsair-made is inferior rubbish. They have the best ships, the best weapons and they would never, ever lower themselves to using non-Corsair tech.
The fact that they now use the Osiris notwithstanding (it's incredibly silly, but whatever), why would a red-blooded Corsair want to use inferior, foreign-made garbage like the Debilitator? For that matter, why would you want to fly Eagles when your Titans are the best damn very heavy fighters in the universe and everyone else's cheap junk can go to hell?
Well, from what I've read, you'd all make your case a little better if you didn't suggest that anyone disagreeing with you was some kind of oppressive neo-fascist, compulsive whinger or ignorant muppet.
I suppose Corsairs should be considered capable of getting Civilian stuff too. I just can't see why any Corsair would. But what do I know?
Part of the problem with weapon choice is perception. By all means, use all the Eagles or Ravens Talons with Nomad blasters you want. Thing is, people will see you and think ...well who cares what they think? It's all about role-play. Who cares that generic weapons and ships kill off what little unique flavour a faction exudes through ships and guns. Let the talking and in game action decide for us. I'll go run a BHG faction that doesn't use any Mantas. Whee. That ought to be fun.
I roleplayed landing on Freeport 11 and buying debs. I'm a Corsair. Who cares that my own faction has these wonderful guns? Me? Couldn't care less. Of course anyone I meet in game will think - "Why did he choose those when he has the amazing Del Cids to choose from?"
People will think that more than they will think - "Ah these Corsair idiots. Always firing their slow Del Cids when the Zoner station up north has these uber debilitators that I use."
Bias? Discrimination against the Corsair playerbase?
No faction gets treated equally - to be truly unfair we could treat everyone the same. Give all ships the same stats. Give all guns the same stats. Let player skill and co-operation decide things. Heck, even do it for caps. Make all differences cosmetic.
You can't have everything. Where would you put it?
Personally I'd favour people not getting to use anything when their faction has its own of it. Including ships, guns and shampoo.
Of course if this is to do with a perceived injustice against players as opposed to a faction, the decision will have to be reconsidered.
According to in-game rumours and lore, Corsairs think everything not Corsair-made is inferior rubbish. They have the best ships, the best weapons and they would never, ever lower themselves to using non-Corsair tech.
The fact that they now use the Osiris notwithstanding (it's incredibly silly, but whatever), why would a red-blooded Corsair want to use inferior, foreign-made garbage like the Debilitator? For that matter, why would you want to fly Eagles when your Titans are the best damn very heavy fighters in the universe and everyone else's cheap junk can go to hell?
You must been not interacting with Sairs in the last months...
As for the fact you will see a lot of the pilots prefer Code Weapons to their Salamancas, and i saw a lot of Sairs talking wonders about the Inferno and the Krakens.
Since i saw that Sair-sabre raiding Malta, i dont know... maybe some of them are not entirely happy with their tech.
<span style="font-family:Comic Sans Ms"> Being in NY sistem all the time, means you are a lolwutt...</span>
Debilators are sold on for example Freeport-9 Omicron Theta. A system next to Omicron Gamma and even better, the Freeport is a place EVERYONE can land on and purchase what the heck they want as long as they aren't in a bad diplomatic relationship with the Zoners. Last time I checked Corsairs ain't. So... they can buy them if they want!
' Wrote:I've given you several reasons the Corsairs shouldn't be using them. Now show me some reasons they should be using them other than 'everyone else can'.
To be honest that is the absolute strongest argument in this whole thread as to why the Corsairs should be allowed using them.
I agree with your standing on that factions should primarily use their own vessels/guns if that option is available to them. However, this matter in my opinion is an unique case due to the guns in question being civilian it is indeed a question of whether everyone can use civilian tech or not. And the answer should be, everyone...
If it was a fight between Corsairs being allowed to use Sabres or not, then I would fully go against it, Corsairs shouldn't do that is too extreme even if they aren't breaking any rules it is still not "Corsair-RP" to do so. But come on guys be reasonable... we are talking about the allowance of choosing two different shield-busters...
Those are civillian guns.. just allow them and say bye.. maybe you will see sair or two with them and thats about it.
I wont use them.. just because they don't stack with salmanacas