COMM ID:Captain DEGRANGE, Elisabeth TARGET ID:Harriet Fieldson ; John Mayer ; Mark Felix SUBJECT: ------ ENCRYPTION:ESRD ALPHA PRIORITY:HIGH
initializing image feed...
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Your applications have been received and processed.We are always open to and looking forward to new potential coming from our good officers. However it is to be noted that upon entering the ESRD , your personal files and information will be classified and inspected. Discretion, Loyalty and the very best is all what's expected of you. All for the greater good of the republic.
Lieutenant Commander Richard Burns,
You may report to Norfolk shipyard at your earliest possibility. If ESRD can make you utilise your potential, then perhaps it is the right choice. Thouh, there's much more to it than meets the eye. You'll be introduced to more once you present yourself. Welcome aboard, and good luck out there.
Lieutenant Kate Albey,
Your record within the First Fleet while short is still very impressive. Needless to say we believe you fullfil any requirement needed for the ESRD and we believe you would make for a great addition. Welcome to the Division and do us proud. On another note, the directorate however would like to have a word or two, before you are assigned. Present yorself to Battleship Yukon, someone will be expecting you.
That's all for now.
For the greater good of the Republic of Liberty.
Captain Elisabeth DeGrange, out.
Important:This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defence Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
COMM ID:Lt. Alexander Albrecht TARGET ID: ESRD Directorate. SUBJECT:ESRD Recruitment. ENCRYPTION:High PRIORITY:High
Directors of the ESRD,
I met one of your agents out on patrol, 'Hydra' I think her name was, she dragged my ass into Leeds for a scouting mission and then proceeded to tell me that I might have what you lot are looking for. I don't know what she's playing at but if you lot want my services, or need an extra man to play decoy every once in a while, I guess I can do that for you. Nothin' too special about me, just some poor bugger who thought joining the military was a good idea nine months ago.
Anyway, give me a buzz if you reckon you can use me.
I would like to formally register my interest to apply for the External Security & Research Department as I would like to have a greater role in the field of reconaissance & military intelligence. My record of achievements may be viewed in the Liberty Forces message dump.
Please inform me if you require any additional documentation or references.
Lt. Commander Daniel Redding, 1st Fleet, [LN]
ENCRYPTION:HIGH PRIORITY:LOW RECEIVER: Liberty Navy External Security and Research Division Reporting Center SENDER: Harriet Alleywalk Fieldson, Supervisory Special Agent (Captain), LN ESRD SENT FROM: Liberty Navy Ship "Key.West", harbored on Willard Research Station, California System SENT ON: 825 A.S., August 31, 11:04 SMT SUBJECT: Project KEY WEST Report #825-0831-1
> Status: 95%
> Location: (moored) Willard Research Station
> Mission: (Repair & Rearm) to accomplish project KEY WEST
> Report Summary:
Moored out of Willard Research Station, conducted routine House patrol through California, New York, Colorado, Texas, then Pennsylvania.
At West Point, long-range scanners found hostile-IFF vessel, Seireikairou|Aoi.
At Pennsylvania, found LNS-Bybor's_Truth observing nomad lesser purifier vessel, K'Hara|Cybele, with Seireikairou|Aoi nearby. Moved closer to cargo scan.
Captain Harriet intercepted telepathic linking with Nomad, was able to equip prototype KEYWEST 1.0 before link fully establishes.
LNS-Bybor's_Truth departed early, Seireikairou|Aoi 'guarded' both us and lesser purifier during KEYWEST 1.0 use, left some time afterwards.
[LN]-ESRD|Guard arrived, gave order to kill nomad, but not before summoning the old call of [LN] predecessors, initiating hostilities. Battlecruiser Key.West engaged, eliminated nomad afterwards.
[31.08.825 09:27:00] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: [the captain sits on her chair and puts on the ESRD helmet, using the ship's scanners to study the link]
[31.08.825 09:28:04] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: ***Harriet: Nomad... Who are ya...?
[31.08.825 09:28:51] K'Hara|Cybele: *** in 'Light' ... all encompassing ... 'dreams' and 'memories' ***
[31.08.825 09:29:55] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: ***Harriet: Uhm... So, ye're... dreams? Light? Emotions?***
[31.08.825 09:30:07] K'Hara|Cybele: *** with 'This' ... within 'Our' 'element' ... do not 'fear' that 'unknown' ***
[31.08.825 09:31:36] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: ***Harriet: I'm not afraid...! At least, I don't think so... I'm after answers... well, more like what questions to answer.*
[31.08.825 09:31:50] K'Hara|Cybele: *** 'all' that moves ... is easily heard ... in the 'Void' ... we are 'Unbound' ***
[31.08.825 09:32:25] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: ***Harriet: Unbound? ... Wait... Ye're kinda familiar, somehow...!***
[31.08.825 09:32:55] K'Hara|Cybele: *** in (familiarity) ... 'Thy' 'purpose' be 'known' ***
[31.08.825 09:33:02] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: ***Harriet: This voice, this... feeling, this... You are...***
[31.08.825 09:33:52] K'Hara|Cybele: *** 'bonds' unbroken ... as 'worms' coiling ... always 'inward' ... always ***
[31.08.825 09:35:43] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: [the crew send a 'techno-telepathic' message into Harriet's brain]
[31.08.825 09:37:01] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: ***voice: [the surroundings reverb] Captain, this is Jerry. Can you hear me?***
[31.08.825 09:37:26] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: ***Harriet: What the hell? Ensign Jerry? How the hell are y'all talkin' here???***
[31.08.825 09:38:20] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: ***voice: Captain, Samson is asking if you've found anything new about the Nomad.***
[31.08.825 09:39:01] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: ***Harriet: Well, I've found that there be a 'might'-chance this purifier is... related to the bugger from yesterday.***
[31.08.825 09:40:39] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: ***Harriet: [turns back to the Nomad] Y'all mentioned 'worms'... What y'all mean?***
[31.08.825 09:42:02] K'Hara|Cybele: *** in 'Thy' will ... 'resolution/defiance' ... ***
[31.08.825 09:42:32] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: ***Harriet: Defiance? Resolution? Resolution to what?***
[31.08.825 09:42:40] K'Hara|Cybele: *** though 'Thou' shalt be ... in (suffering) for 'Thy' (pain) ***
[31.08.825 09:43:28] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: ***Harriet: [her free-form thoughts bring images of possible worst outcomes of Maverick Travis at the nomad's mention.]***
[31.08.825 09:44:24] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: ***Harriet: I... If that's the risk fer more info, then we're willin' ta take it.***
[31.08.825 09:44:35] K'Hara|Cybele: *** (determined) upon 'Thy' path ... 'bound' in 'Thy' 'place' ... ***
[31.08.825 09:45:05] K'Hara|Cybele: *** Shall 'We' Not Be 'Thy' 'Guide' (?) ***
[31.08.825 09:45:48] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: ***Harriet: I--***
[31.08.825 09:46:15] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: ***voice: Captain, we advise you be careful about making agreements with this nomad. We don't know what it all means!***
[31.08.825 09:48:57] K'Hara|Cybele: *** in 'what' place ... shalt 'Thou' be ... (?) ***
[31.08.825 09:49:29] K'Hara|Cybele: *** in 'memories' past ... 'what' shall be 'known' ... (?) ***
[31.08.825 09:49:59] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: ***Harriet: Well... What're my options? By the way... Ah don't think I've gotten yer name yet, have I?***
[31.08.825 09:49:59] K'Hara|Cybele: *** but to 'know' ... not in (empathy) ***
[31.08.825 09:50:31] K'Hara|Cybele: *** 'Thou' shalt live ... in 'Thy' lives ... forever in 'Isolation' ***
[31.08.825 09:52:05] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: ***Harriet: [an eyebrow raises at first, until both raise in realization] Wait... Y'all ain't askin...?***
[31.08.825 09:52:47] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: ***Harriet: Ta be... What, 'part' of thy mind, or something? ***
[31.08.825 09:53:12] K'Hara|Cybele: *** be not 'unknown' ... be not 'bound' ***
[31.08.825 09:54:46] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: ***Harriet: Be not... 'unknown'... not 'bound'...? Now ye're definitely confirming my suspicions.***
[31.08.825 09:56:12] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: ***Harriet: But what's in it for me? For us? Is... Is Travis there?***
[31.08.825 09:56:52] K'Hara|Cybele: *** 'what' 'Thou' shalt feel ... in 'Thy' path ... 'undefined' ... 'unknowable' ... as 'Fate' shall always be ***
[31.08.825 09:58:02] K'Hara|Cybele: *** -Interpret- those 'shapes' ... and in reading 'Thy' way ... 'Thou' shalt know 'strength' ***
[31.08.825 10:00:37] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: *** Harriet: Mmmm... And should I be even a 'might' curious, then how would ya even 'guide' me? ***
[31.08.825 10:03:09] K'Hara|Cybele: *** in 'will' of 'Thy' 'being' ... to reach that shining 'Star' ***
[31.08.825 10:05:36] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: *** Harriet: Even if I might have the 'will', what's this 'Star' y'all describe? How do we even get to it? ***
[31.08.825 10:07:59] K'Hara|Cybele: *** Defy 'That' False 'Conception' ***
[31.08.825 10:09:51] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: *** Harriet: O... kay? Then how, uh... How would I 'free' myself from my 'bounds' without literally killing myself? ***
[31.08.825 10:10:43] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: *** Harriet: I 'hope' that ain't what ye're trying to ask me, is ta kill myself, right? [she nervously laughs] ***
[31.08.825 10:14:18] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: *** voice: Captain, we doubt we can stay for long here. How close are you to finding some answers? ***
[31.08.825 10:15:11] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: *** Harriet: Darnit, we need more time... Nomad, uh...! Wh-what should we do then, is all we're asking! ***
[31.08.825 10:15:24] K'Hara|Cybele: *** 'Bound' ... in 'Shadows' 'Thou' art made ***
[31.08.825 10:16:14] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: *** Harriet: Right right, 'bound' by stuff, 'isolated' and all that jazz, I get it! So how do I get 'unbound'? ***
[31.08.825 10:16:15] K'Hara|Cybele: *** and so shall 'This' pass ... to once more 'wander' in 'silence' ***
[31.08.825 10:17:44] K'Hara|Cybele: *** Achieve 'Thy' greatest being ... in 'Thine' 'agency' it shall be 'known' ***
[31.08.825 10:18:38] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: *** Harriet: My... 'agency'? Achieve my greatest being??? Y'all mean to say the LN, or-- **
[31.08.825 10:19:22] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: *** Harriet: [her eyes widen] ... I gotta ask more 'bout the ESRD, find out if they be havin' more info on this. ***
[31.08.825 10:19:48] K'Hara|Cybele: *** 'Complete' ... beyond 'Words' ***
[31.08.825 10:21:32] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: *** voice: Captain, the patrols have signalled high command to bring our boys here! We gotta conclude this, now! ***
[31.08.825 10:21:56] K'Hara|Cybele: *** in 'This' being ... art 'Thou' pleased with what 'Thou' art (?) ***
[31.08.825 10:22:21] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: *** Harriet: Wh-What? Am I... pleased with bein' a human, ya mean? ***
[31.08.825 10:23:18] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: *** Harriet: Oh, wait... 'This' ... Y'all mean if ye're askin' if I be pleased with "you"? ***
[31.08.825 10:24:02] K'Hara|Cybele: *** be (proud) ... or 'purpose' ... 'decaying' ... forevermore ***
[31.08.825 10:25:39] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: *** Harriet: Uhhhh... If y'all mean yerselves, then I guess y'all ain't so bad? At least y'all haven't shot us. ***
[31.08.825 10:25:53] K'Hara|Cybele: *** Seek Not 'Thy' False 'Way' ***
[31.08.825 10:26:04] K'Hara|Cybele: *** Be 'Only' 'Thy' True Self ***
[31.08.825 10:28:57] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: *** Harriet: Wow... I didn't think I'd be given 'life advice' by some Nomad... ***
[31.08.825 10:30:36] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: *** Harriet: So, uh... Be my 'True' Self, eh...? ***
[31.08.825 10:31:05] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: *** Harriet: [images of a childhood where she was treated as a boy to take up her military legacy come by]
[31.08.825 10:32:45] K'Hara|Cybele: *** in 'Flames' ... 'You' bring 'Your' 'will' ***
[31.08.825 10:32:57] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: *** Harriet: [images of being denied girly-endeavors in favor of taking up the LN heritage for her family] ***
[31.08.825 10:33:39] K'Hara|Cybele: *** 'Predetermined' ... in 'circles' interwoven ***
[31.08.825 10:35:40] K'Hara|Cybele: *** -Seize- 'Thy' 'path' ***
[31.08.825 10:36:09] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: *** Harriet: [images of curiosity at if she had decided to seriously pursue her romance with Maverick would've worked] ***
[31.08.825 10:37:36] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: *** Voice: Captain! You've gotta end this now, Samson's gonna start attacking soon! It can't stay alive for long! ***
[31.08.825 10:38:12] K'Hara|Cybele: *** So Too Shall 'This' 'Light' Die ***
[31.08.825 10:38:27] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: *** Harriet: [her thoughts are interrupted] Ah... Darnit, I need more time...! Alright, you! ***
[31.08.825 10:39:02] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: *** Harriet: You'd better not be pulling my leg! Sorry ta say, but we gotta cut this short. If y'all say ye're 'unbound', then
[31.08.825 10:39:14] K'Hara|Cybele: *** dwell not in (sorrow) ... in infinite 'Perfection' shall 'it' always be ***
[31.08.825 10:39:34] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: *** Harriet: It's likely we'll be meetin' again. Right right... Still, wish we had more time. ***
[31.08.825 10:40:06] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: *** Harriet: Later then, Nomad... Don't let the telepathic door hit ya on the way out... Jerry, take me outta here. ***
[31.08.825 09:15:44] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: fem: Cap'n Fieldson here, o' the Liberty Navy Ship 'Key.West', transmittin' to vessel LNS-Bybor's_Truth at D-7.
[31.08.825 09:15:47] LNS-Bybor's_Truth: we r under attack by this monstrosity
[31.08.825 09:15:59] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: fem: Under attack? Oh, nelly...
[31.08.825 09:16:08] /time
[31.08.825 09:16:08] 825-08-31 09:16:08 SMT
[31.08.825 09:16:29] LNS-Bybor's_Truth: it stopped firing and refuse to comunicate
[31.08.825 09:16:38] LNS-Bybor's_Truth: request orders
[31.08.825 09:16:39] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: fem: ... Tha' don't look like ye're bein' attacked.
[31.08.825 09:17:02] K'Hara|Cybele: *** {The purifier continues to radiate waves of gentle cold.} ***
[31.08.825 09:17:06] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: fem: Reckon ya'll stand down fer now. The eggheads might have need for this.
[31.08.825 09:17:15] LNS-Bybor's_Truth: roger
[31.08.825 09:17:23] Seireikairou|Aoi: You dare to threaten the bearer of the Light?...
[31.08.825 09:17:25] LNS-Bybor's_Truth: it was probably stray shot
[31.08.825 09:17:29] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: fem: Instead, Bybor, please check out that kusari gunboat in the distance?
[31.08.825 09:17:39] /time
[31.08.825 09:17:39] 825-08-31 09:17:39 SMT
[31.08.825 09:17:39] LNS-Bybor's_Truth: roger
[31.08.825 09:17:47] /time
[31.08.825 09:17:47] 825-08-31 09:17:47 SMT
[31.08.825 09:18:12] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: fem: Now then... Ya'll know what to do, boys. Scan an' analyze.
[31.08.825 09:18:40] LNS-Bybor's_Truth: unknown Kusari vessel,state your bussines
[31.08.825 09:18:47] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: [the Key West pulls over close to the Nomad Cruiser, initiating some advanced scanning equipment]
[31.08.825 09:19:11] /time
[31.08.825 09:19:11] 825-08-31 09:19:11 SMT
[31.08.825 09:19:18] Seireikairou|Aoi: You seem to be unfamiliar with common courtesy, officer.
[31.08.825 09:19:33] Seireikairou|Aoi: First of all - keep out of my personal space.
[31.08.825 09:19:54] Seireikairou|Aoi: Second - introduce yourself before making any demands.
[31.08.825 09:19:54] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: fem: Alright, wha've we got, Samson?
[31.08.825 09:20:49] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male: Well, it's a nomad lesser purifier, alright, but... It's morphology is... different from the ones we encountered in the-
[31.08.825 09:20:57] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male: -Nomad War.
[31.08.825 09:21:24] /time
[31.08.825 09:21:24] 825-08-31 09:21:24 SMT
[31.08.825 09:21:36] /time
[31.08.825 09:21:36] 825-08-31 09:21:36 SMT
[31.08.825 09:21:38] Tip: Did you end up lost? Can't find your way back? Use the Interactive NavMap on our forums.
[31.08.825 09:21:53] /time
[31.08.825 09:21:53] 825-08-31 09:21:53 SMT
[31.08.825 09:22:21] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: [the Key West continues to scan deeply into the nomad purifier]
[31.08.825 09:23:01] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: fem: ... Y'all reckon we can test out that tinker-toy them eggheads back in ESRD gave us permission ta use?
[31.08.825 09:23:32] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male: It's worth a try, captain. You'll have to wear this helmet though.
[31.08.825 09:23:36] K'Hara|Cybele: *** {A low, deep chime seems to rise from the nomad...} ***
[31.08.825 09:23:52] K'Hara|Cybele: *** {A pulsing tone, rising and falling in volume, echoed across many octaves.} ***
[31.08.825 09:24:01] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male: Alert! The nomad's reacting to something!
[31.08.825 09:24:14] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: fem: Well, what in tarnation did y'all do?!
[31.08.825 09:24:28] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male: N-Nothing, we swear! We were--
[31.08.825 09:24:30] K'Hara|Cybele: *** {The instruments don't seem to penetrade the purifier's shielding...} ***
[31.08.825 09:24:44] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: fem: ALERT! The purifier's openin' fire!
[31.08.825 09:25:05] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: fem: HOLD, though! It don't seem to be attackin' us, fer some reason...!
[31.08.825 09:25:39] Seireikairou|Aoi: Seems like Navy's filled to the brim with blind dorks...
[31.08.825 09:26:22] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: fem: Samson, give me tha' helmet, NOW! It's tryin' ta communicate!
[31.08.825 09:26:49] LNS-Bybor's_Truth: LNS Bybors Truth to Sereikairou, pleas stop shooting near Nomad vessel
[31.08.825 09:27:00] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: [the captain sits on her chair and puts on the ESRD helmet, using the ship's scanners to study the link]
[31.08.825 09:27:20] Seireikairou|Aoi: I told you ten minutes ago to identify yourself before making any demands.
[31.08.825 09:27:33] Seireikairou|Aoi: Is that too complicated for your mind, 'officer'?
[31.08.825 09:27:33] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: [the captain quickly gets into a trance, and everyone falls silent]
[31.08.825 09:27:43] Seireikairou|Aoi: And what the hell with that transponder, even?
[31.08.825 09:27:52] Seireikairou|Aoi: Get yourself a software fix, at least.
[31.08.825 09:29:17] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male: Readings are nominal, Prototype systems all show green...
[31.08.825 09:30:08] Seireikairou|Aoi: Jesus christ.
[31.08.825 09:30:22] Seireikairou|Aoi: It seems like any idiot is allowed to fly a battlecruiser nowadays.
[31.08.825 09:30:57] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male: Vessel Seireikairou, this is XO Samson. What is your business here, over?
[31.08.825 09:31:30] Seireikairou|Aoi: I am observing. Nothing more. Don't mind me.
[31.08.825 09:31:37] Seireikairou|Aoi: Yea, don't mind me at all.
[31.08.825 09:34:31] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male: Jerry, don't suppose you could send the captain a message in that trance of hers?
[31.08.825 09:34:53] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male2: I could try, sir, but we don't know exactly how it'll affect their interaction.
[31.08.825 09:35:15] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male: It's a risk we'll have to take. Ask her if she's found anything about this nomad's purpose.
[31.08.825 09:35:43] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: [the crew send a 'techno-telepathic' message into Harriet's brain]
[31.08.825 09:37:43] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: Jerry: We've got a response! The message worked.
[31.08.825 09:39:42] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: Jerry: Sir! Harriet says the cruiser might be related to the gunboat from yesterday!
[31.08.825 09:40:03] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male: Wait, really???
[31.08.825 09:47:07] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male: What's it trying to say?
[31.08.825 09:47:32] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male2: It's... asking the captain if she'll let the nomad... be her guide to something?
[31.08.825 09:48:03] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male: ... What is Harriet trying to do in there?!
[31.08.825 09:53:06] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male2: Wait, what???
[31.08.825 09:53:12] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male: Report!
[31.08.825 09:53:49] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male2: Harriet's figuring that the nomad's... asking if she'd like to be part of their mind-sharing or stuffz?
[31.08.825 09:55:57] Seireikairou|Aoi: A pirate? Guess i have to do some Navy job...
[31.08.825 09:59:30] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: man: Please keep away from the vessel, civilian.
[31.08.825 09:59:45] Seireikairou|Aoi: Scanning, Assessing situation.
[31.08.825 10:00:06] Seireikairou|Aoi: Threat level minimal. Resuming routine activities. Code yellow.
[31.08.825 10:00:07] Incrediborg: thanks for the hard work
[31.08.825 10:04:03] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male: Please keep away from the vessel, civilian.
[31.08.825 10:06:39] Death: Seireikairou|Aoi has died
[31.08.825 10:11:49] K'Hara|Cybele: *** {Another wave of cold radiates outward from the purifier.} ***
[31.08.825 10:12:31] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male2: Readings indicate the purifier's reacting again! Just radiating more negative temps, sir.
[31.08.825 10:13:04] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male: Proceed with the connection... Harriet, You better wrap this up, I don't think the Navy's gonna appreciate us-
[31.08.825 10:13:19] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male: -'fraternizing' with the nomads for too long...
[31.08.825 10:24:00] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male: This is XO Samson of Key West. We've currently, ehm... 'communicating' with a nomad cruiser at Penn gate
[31.08.825 10:25:40] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: Hailing Key West.
[31.08.825 10:26:13] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: man: XO Samson here. We read you, Guard. The nomad vessel's standing by, inactive for the most part, over.
[31.08.825 10:26:51] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: Read you loud and clear, Samson.
[31.08.825 10:27:04] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: man: Captain Fieldson's talking to the Nomad with our new project KEY.WEST devices
[31.08.825 10:27:04] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: anything intresting?
[31.08.825 10:27:47] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: man: Well, from what the captain's been gathering, the nomad's inviting her to be part of some sort of 'unbound' state
[31.08.825 10:28:31] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: man: We're able to directly communicate to both of them through our equipment. Need to say something to the captain?
[31.08.825 10:28:52] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: Can you figure out their purpose?
[31.08.825 10:29:02] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: Why here and why is it inert?
[31.08.825 10:29:40] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: man: It's been talking in riddles, but so far it's been focused mainly on helping Harriet be 'unbound' or something
[31.08.825 10:30:00] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: man: We haven't gotten its name, or why it's inert, apart from it maybe 'drifting' in 'silence'
[31.08.825 10:31:01] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: I hear you.
[31.08.825 10:31:11] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: Extract all information you can and dispatch it.
[31.08.825 10:31:28] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: That thing's a threat and it's not staying here.
[31.08.825 10:31:55] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: man: Understood, but... We don't know the effects of dispatching the nomad whilst being connected to the device.
[31.08.825 10:32:31] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: You have your instructions executive.
[31.08.825 10:32:45] K'Hara|Cybele: *** in 'Flames' ... 'You' bring 'Your' 'will' ***
[31.08.825 10:33:25] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male: What the-- Jerry, what's going on???
[31.08.825 10:33:39] K'Hara|Cybele: *** 'Predetermined' ... in 'circles' interwoven ***
[31.08.825 10:33:56] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male2: N-Nothing, sir! The captain's just revealing her life-story and childhood to the nomad through memories!
[31.08.825 10:34:26] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: Executive. It's endangering the CO.
[31.08.825 10:34:28] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male2: We figure the nomad's negatively-reacting to the Guard's orders, executive.
[31.08.825 10:34:42] K'Hara|Cybele: *** in 'Unity' ... a 'play' of (solemn) 'fancy' ***
[31.08.825 10:35:12] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: No wonder it is, it's a freaking nomad.
[31.08.825 10:35:13] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male: What do you mean, Guard? Lifesigns show nominal, she isn't under any duress.
[31.08.825 10:35:36] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: Executive, that thing is messing with the CO's mind.
[31.08.825 10:35:44] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: You have to dispatch it before things get worse.
[31.08.825 10:36:45] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male: Ngh... Guard's right. We can't linger too long, or else the rest of Liberty will catch wind.
[31.08.825 10:37:02] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male2: Sending signal to the captain...
[31.08.825 10:37:12] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: It's not about catchign wind, it's uh.. proper conduct.
[31.08.825 10:37:22] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: I expect a report about it.
[31.08.825 10:40:37] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: [the captain slowly comes out of her trance, then discards the device helmet]
[31.08.825 10:40:37] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: Okay. Let's try something else.
[31.08.825 10:40:49] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: Where's that thing.
[31.08.825 10:41:00] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: fem: Phew...! ... huh, there's ESRD Guard here... Sitrep, Samson?
[31.08.825 10:41:19] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male: Long story, captain, but we've got orders to smoke the nomad.
[31.08.825 10:41:25] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: Hold on.
[31.08.825 10:41:38] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: I have to try an old uh.. yell or call.. you name it.
[31.08.825 10:41:45] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: Passed down by my predecessors.
[31.08.825 10:41:49] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: *cough*
[31.08.825 10:41:52] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: Okay here we go.
[31.08.825 10:41:54] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: Mooooo!
[31.08.825 10:41:58] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: MOOOOOO!
[31.08.825 10:42:01] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: Moooo!
[31.08.825 10:42:12] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: [the entire crew laughs histerically]
[31.08.825 10:42:26] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: *laugh*
[31.08.825 10:42:49] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: Fire it up Key West. Let's get out of here.
[31.08.825 10:42:51] Tip: You were a new player once. If you see someone making obvious mistakes, talk to them and help them.
[31.08.825 10:42:52] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: fem: Alright alright, boys... Let's not do that ourselves or risk gettin' shot up too.
[31.08.825 10:43:04] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: fem: All hands to battlestations!
[31.08.825 10:45:36] Death: K'Hara|Cybele was put out of action by [LN]-LNS-Key.West (Gun).
[31.08.825 10:45:46] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: fem: Target eliminated...
[31.08.825 10:45:52] [LN]-ESRD|Guard: make an MD about it when you're done
[31.08.825 10:57:01] LNS-Bybor's_Truth: LNS Bybors Truth to Key west : congratulation 4 destruction of Nomad vessel !
[31.08.825 10:57:32] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male: Thanks, Bybors! Captain Fieldson isn't on right now, she's currently undergoing debriefing
[31.08.825 10:58:51] LNS-Bybor's_Truth: Roger. We r ging to cleand this field from Legion infiltrators. Enjoy time in harbour.
[31.08.825 10:59:12] [LN]-LNS-Key.West: male: Roger, Bybor's... Good hunting!
Lieutenant Robison here, good day sir or.. well, madame.
I would like to report my interest in joining to External Security & Research Division after some strange encounters, and not good things happening currently on front, such as Leeds being destroyed by Gallic Cruisers at the time of writing this message. Also I think you would need some more hands on-board for some stuff too. I have made a lot of activities in First fleet message dump channel, ranging from commanding a Gunboat sized vessel to the point where I destroyed or disabled enemy ships and warships, to normal patrols within Liberty systems, or in Bretonia systems. If anything more will be needed, please inform me.
Marcus, Robinson
Liberty Navy, Primary Fleet
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
COMM ID:Captain DEGRANGE, Elisabeth TARGET ID: Lieutenant Marcus Robinson SUBJECT: Your application ENCRYPTION:ESRD ALPHA PRIORITY:HIGH
initializing image feed...
no image feed available... [--------------------------------------------------------------]
Lieutenant Marcus Robinson,
Your application has been received and processed. Your personal files and information will be classified and inspected.
Please report to Norfolk Shipyard at the soonest possibility. Someone will be expecting you at the Naval Intelligence office to finalize the process.
Once you're through, I'll notify you about the next and current assignments. Best of Luck Lieutenant. You're gonna need it.
That's all for now.
For the greater good of the Republic of Liberty.
Captain Elisabeth DeGrange.
Important:This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defence Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
"If your heart is filled with faith, then you can't fear."
This is Lieutenant Jeremiah Sawyer of the Liberty Navy First Fleet
Good day, I'd like to report my interest in the External Security & Research Division, because during my time in both the Secondary, and First Fleet, I've noticed an increase of foreign threats in Liberty, rather than the common scum, such as the Rogues and alike. Perhaps more freedom in the field of reconaissance and military intelligence could allow me to serve the Republic from a better position than I am currently in.
Also I've only encountered codename "Atlas" so far from the ESRD, I assume there are other more classified reasons why I don't see ESRD operatives very often, however it seems to me so far that the ESRD might need additional manpower, just another reason for me to apply.
I have submitted a lot of reports to the Liberty Forces Message Dump, these range from commanding my Secondary Fleet Defiant, to utilizing my Guardian, and my Waran Bomber, from catching your ordinary smuggler, to finding foreign intelligence agency vessels in Liberty space, I believe the amount of reports should be more than enough.
If perhaps more is required, or just any additional information is required, please contact me.
I am looking foward to your answer.
Sawyer, Jeremiah
Liberty Navy, Primary Fleet
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
COMM ID:Captain DEGRANGE, Elisabeth TARGET ID: Lieutenant Jeremiah Sawyer SUBJECT: Your application ENCRYPTION:ESRD ALPHA PRIORITY:HIGH
initializing image feed...
no image feed available... [--------------------------------------------------------------]
Lieutenant Jeremiah Sawyer,
While we in the ESRD appreciate the enthusiasm shown in your application, I have to tell you that in the ESRD it's not just about catching Liberty space violators. The operations you will be undertaking have a far more different nature than just that. In any case, any person willing to put their personal lives aside for greater service is welcome in my team.
Your application has been received and processed. Your personal files and information will be classified and inspected. Please report to Norfolk Shipyard at the soonest possibility. Someone will be expecting you at the Naval Intelligence office to finalize the process.
Counter-intelligence has been busy feeding false information to the foreign intelligence. Now it's our time to act. I'll notify you about you next tasks once you're through. Best of Luck Lieutenant. You're gonna need it.
That's all for now.
For the greater good of the Republic of Liberty.
Captain Elisabeth DeGrange.
Important:This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defence Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
"If your heart is filled with faith, then you can't fear."
COMM ID:Captain John Hemmingway SUBJECT:ESRD Recruitment
Good afternoon,
I would like to report my interest in transferring to ESRD and assisting in any way necessary, and I would like to assist our interests further in recon and intelligence gathering. I am also keen to help the research and development unit with their research and gathering materials necessary for that end. I believe you have my file on records as well.
Signing out,
Captain John Hemmingway
Liberty Navy, First Fleet
Important:This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defense Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
COMM ID:Captain DEGRANGE, Elisabeth TARGET ID: Captain John Hemmingway SUBJECT: Your application ENCRYPTION:ESRD ALPHA PRIORITY:HIGH
initializing image feed...
no image feed available... [--------------------------------------------------------------]
Captain John Hemmingway,
Your application has been received and processed. We've already access to your files and we'll be needing personnel for the future operations.
Welcome aboard. You will be contacted for further processing and briefed on your assignments.
Good luck.
Captain Elisabeth DeGrange.
Important:This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defence Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
"If your heart is filled with faith, then you can't fear."