(04-19-2021, 03:23 PM)TheShooter36 Wrote: I believe RP should be done at a lower level within a faction. Player-governments as a concept should be abolished and story team should be the sole controlling aspect of a faction's administrative direction. In most other RP environments, you dont see a player-group controlling the whole Liberty for example.
Oh its the complete opposite. The player goverments are also what added additional depth to the game, and for the other players more so than those working it. Also this would add much more responsibility to the admins plate.
Story moves too slow, especially in this age when to keep the game alive we need to keep the ball rolling more than before. Its the lockdown of a team dominated story that is like a tight leash that prevents major levels of involvement. No one cares when story is propelled here anymore, wars are put on to advance a plot to shift things around for the dev team or they are applied at random for something to try to generate activity (that dies fast without reasons and only relying on kill counts to determine outcomes).
Either way, it should be obvious at this point that keeping player involvement in story physically locked out is what limited this place and player committment. Instead of total story dictation, lets have more player driven story impacts, and then regardless of whether we are winning or losing our battles, they are real and are causes to play. People will log and fight for a cause. During the battles of Leeds and New London, we had like 120ish people online. Where are all of these players the rest of the time?
A cause is what vets need to play, a real reason. Something to put all that skill and experience towards. Again, we either embrace more risk or keep the place lobotomized to avoid oorp fighting, or the inconvenience of losing control of a pixel empire to actual players doing actual work to build their own. Too much dependence/dominance of pre written develpments (and the individuals in charge of that) is why this place is well preserved...so well its frozen beyond practical gameplay.
This was taken 10 minutes ago. I think a lot of you make good points but we have to start somewhere. If I had a say, it would be to start cracking down on names like these. Having Moderators take part in renaming vessels that break the RP world. Like this one.
I have to be honest and say that that is one of those names I'm not so sure about. A big slow transport lovingly nicknamed "the Space Cockroach" by its captain isn't that unbelievable to me. There's a lot worse stuff out there.
..The underscore is probably what's most off-putting to most of us because underscores are discriminated against (:
as Grosh said, if it was Junker it would be fine I guess? But one of the Big 3 Corporations? Nah I dont think so.
Sounds to me like a subcontractor issue of not being selective enough, not the fault of the captain brains, or of THE Interspace Commerce^tm.
(04-18-2021, 11:40 PM)Lex Wrote: If you go back far enough like 4.83 days the level of RP was much lower than it is now. We flew around in Star Wars ships and shot each other. The forum was a joke back then. It is much much more serious now.
Yes and I think this is a problem. It is too serious. Deviate from the norm even by a little and you'll have people pissed off at you as if you would've insulted their mothers. Certain people treat this game like it's their job. It's a videogame, leave some room for some sczhitz'n giggles.
(04-18-2021, 11:51 PM)LegendOfTheWolf Wrote: I feel that characters have become a lot more generic as in "I want to join BAF, I am BAF, I share the same hostilities as the BAF share" - Though this may be okay RP, why not add a small little spice to it, make your sister a Gaian or something, something which would make interacting with the group different.
Note my reply to Lex. I made an attempt to join the official Liberty Rogues faction waaaay back in the past and I was flying with a group of them on my indie Rogue character still called Redfire at the time in Colorado and Redfire made a silly joke about how he hates flying through asteroid fields for which I received a lecture on how Rogues live in asteroid fields and how I shouldn't be a Rogue if I don't like asteroid fields and that put me off from making any further attempts at investing myself with the official faction.
(04-19-2021, 12:22 AM)Lucas Wrote: Can you really blame people to mainly PvP on the last active bastion of a game that has pretty much been developed exclusivly for combat?
No. There is nowhere else for them to go and most of the "community" is just vets whom I am confident many of them don't even have the game installed. Much of the roleplay takes place on forums or on Discord. It is impossible to get anything going ingame without pre-organizing it outside the game first because people just write something in the Communications Channel and call it a day. I can fly through all of the Houses and I'll only come across the random power trader who doesn't even acknowledge my existence, like they legit don't even reply to my greetings. Everyone else is either in Conn or dropping the bare minimum of engagement notice to avoid a sanction.
(04-19-2021, 12:26 AM)Reeves Wrote: Finland has a chance to not exist 50% of the time.
(04-19-2021, 02:38 PM)Kalhmera Wrote: If I had a say, it would be to start cracking down on names like these. Having Moderators take part in renaming vessels that break the RP world. Like this one.
Yeees, go ahead and be even more intrusive as to how people play their game. What could possibly go wrong? Nothing says "fk off" to a new player more than being hit by a wall of text upon login to the game only to be told to go to some obscure forum to find an obscure thread with even more wall of text of rules like you're trying to obtain residency into North Korea and then you dictate for them what they can name their own characters? haha good luck having a player base then.
(04-19-2021, 02:49 PM)Chuba Wrote: it is anything but fitting for an Interspace transport though.
It's a fkin indie player. They probably only carry an Interspace ID for the sole reason that it allows them to fly a 5'ker so they don't get punished by Gamestapo for actually logging and playing the game in a way that doesn't harm anyone. They don't give a crap about the faction, they were forced into it. Go forcibly change their name, I'm sure they will appreciate it and will invite even more people to the game. /s
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(04-19-2021, 08:03 PM)Ivan Norovich Wrote: Yes and I think this is a problem. It is too serious. Deviate from the norm even by a little and you'll have people pissed off at you as if you would've insulted their mothers. Certain people treat this game like it's their job. It's a videogame, leave some room for some sczhitz'n giggles.
I think you must be playing a different Discovery than I am. When the LNS-Depression and the LNS-Incoming.Anxiety open up, "Hostile" says: "Going Hostile" in local chat, or any other variety of (low effort) memes, I don't personally get the impression that they are hyper-serious roleplay characters. I can barely remember the last time someone convincingly roleplayed a character that seemed like a human being who lives in Sirius.
(04-18-2021, 11:51 PM)LegendOfTheWolf Wrote: Everyone else is either in Conn or dropping the bare minimum of engagement notice to avoid a sanction.
Precisely my point. That's largely why I made this thread.
(04-19-2021, 08:14 PM)Haste Wrote: I think you must be playing a different Discovery than I am. When the LNS-Depression and the LNS-Incoming.Anxiety open up, "Hostile" says: "Going Hostile" in local chat, or any other variety of (low effort) memes, I don't personally get the impression that they are hyper-serious roleplay characters. I can barely remember the last time someone convincingly roleplayed a character that seemed like a human being who lives in Sirius.
I'm either out in the Omicrons, the Taus or Omegas. I rarely go to Liberty so I guess it's a matter of location.
There are players who are here for the fight and not for the long RP talks in the chat which eventually after half an hour will turn into battle and i understand that as this is a combat game and not a novel. Some players want to fight, some to RP. For me, i really don't like the restriction thing:`don't type that in the local chat, don't type this in the system chat...put here // as this is OORP and those things
The main reason that many people don't rp anymore is the same that many people don't paly anymore, and it is ... why should i bother?! why should people bother having a lot of work spending a lot of time if it is no worthy? from terrible devs decisions to players that lobby amoung thenselfs, not only for then to be the greatest also to ruin other players! it is easy to see that, just go to the leaving threads and anyone why so many people don't give one single F about it.
but do you know what is very funny? is that many here think that are some kind of rp gods, but when there was that event when we had to write a story for contest, they did nothing because the were afraid that to have a bad result. i said many times, one bad rp is better than none, but evena bad rp takes time and a lot of planning, and many really don't think is worth the trouble. in game also many don't give a F, pirates that only know to say " give me X millions or die" to others that think that are some kind rp gods and if we interact with then, and don't follow the lines they want they get mad and starting insulting others. other stuff is players that don't know good english, or better, gud inglish, and many even try but that takes time, and many other players ingame don't understand that and or lose they patient and start shooting or just ignore then, or even start to trolling then.
but there are still good rp players here, the problem is that even they are starting to give an F about this, and have real life to deal and not wasting time in this.
so Haste, if you and the rest of the devs are thinking on how to make people interest on rp, just stop making stupid decisions, from storylines that make the final season of games of thrones look like it deserve the nobel prize, ruin entire ships classes, changing dramatically systems or object locations, and players will start caring about this again.
How could kids RP without actually reading books? They can RP only one char, one called My Char is a Badass. But they have same right to play like everybody else, God bless the freedom of Internet. Writing is easier than reading, except senseful writing.
In the other hand, some dudes here are awesome RP-ers and friends as well.