Connection Established ██ Transmission Opens██ Civilian Level Alpha██
Halpert, Starfliers██ Comandante Fiorella Arianna de Marco, MNS-Amalfi██
. .
Leon is out doing another job, so I will have to respond. I'm content with your response, and future Map-Data reports will follow this level of detail. Seeing as though this service is considerably more time costly than resource costly, we may charge more than our typical Rift-Data service.
If you were to make a larger order, be assured I will get it done - eventually. Thinking it over, 15,000,000 credits per system you want charted would cover it. This will be the price, unless Leon decides not to charge you again.
As for the invoice, I will login to our invoice database and correct it - that was my typo. . .
Sender ID: Comandante Fiorella Arianna de Marco Recipient ID: Starfliers Subject: Looking for a system Location: MNS Amalfi Encryption: Medium
Salve Starfliers,
I have another order for you if you are interested. This one might be a little more complicated, but I have no doubts that you'll manage.
I'm looking for system Puerto Rico, yet that system does not exist in my database. My only clue is that it should be somewhere around Liberty, but I don't have time or desire to spend more time in it. I'll need you to map all possible routes to it along with the system itself.
Cordiali saluti,
Comandante Fiorella Arianna de Marco,
Guardia Svizzera.
Connection Established ██ Transmission Opens██ Technocracy x Starfliers Hybrid Encryption██
Leon, Starfliers██ Comandante Fiorella Arianna de Marco, MNS-Amalfi██
. .
Good to see a transmission from you again! I hear you are impressed with the report Halpert sent over with your last order. You're in luck, I have rift-data on the Peurto Rico System. Once Halpert has returned from his trip to Gallia, I'll rift-jump him over there to begin mapping out the routes you have asked for. Shouldn't take more than a week. . .
Connection Established ██ Transmission Opens██ Civilian Level Alpha██
Halpert, Starfliers██ Comandante Fiorella Arianna de Marco, MNS-Amalfi██
. .
Puerto Rico... what a mess. I don't suppose you wanted me killed during this job?
Here is the report, same as before. Info is a few hours old and be sure to keep out of the eastern side of the system. Invoice is also attached.
This vessel has almost been eaten away by the pulses from the Neutron Star. Not a lot left, maybe it's cargo is still intact. Since I'm unarmed, can't tell what's inside.
Same thing with this wreck, no information. I assume it's a Lane Hacker's ship... though I could be wrong. Plenty of people use the Stiletto-Class heavy fighter...
Sender ID: Comandante Fiorella Arianna de Marco Recipient ID: Starfliers Subject: Puerto Rico finally found Location: MNS Amalfi Encryption: Medium
Salve Starfliers,
Buon lavoro as previously. This is the level of quality I was expecting. My chief navigator will be happy. Payment for your services should be arriving presto.
As for your troubles - No, I don't wish your death. The only thing I knew about that system is, that it's around Liberty and some Junker bases are there, although I haven't been expecting that many bases.
When you will recover - I believe I have a more calmer task for you later. I've heard rumors about some religious zoner sect within the Taus and I would like to know where are they exactly. Along with their system, se possibile.
Cordiali saluti,
Comandante Fiorella Arianna de Marco,
Guardia Svizzera.
Connection Established ██ Transmission Opens██ Technocracy x Starfliers Hybrid Encryption██
Leon, Starfliers██ Comandante Fiorella Arianna de Marco, MNS-Amalfi██
. .
It has been some time since we last made contact. Very happy to know Halpert has been consistently delivering reports of a high-standard, and that you are satisfied by our work.
Looking over old communications, yours came up and you might be surprised to know that I got some information regarding this religious zoner group you asked for. I met up with some pilots in orbit of Manhattan recently and this topic came up. Got no information about the system itself, but I did obtain a way to get there... . .
. .
[04.07.2021 14:30:59] Cherry.Blossom: T-TAZ? I h-heard a-about them f-f-from a f-f-freelancer a m-month or t-t-two back. W-Weird f-f-fanatics t-that worship an-
[04.07.2021 14:31:04] Cherry.Blossom: i-imaginary g-g-goddess.
[04.07.2021 14:31:11] [TAZ]Jonathan.Seabourne: Yup!
[04.07.2021 14:31:23] [TAZ]Jonathan.Seabourne: Real goddesses are few and far between and terribly limited by what they are
[04.07.2021 14:31:32] [TAZ]Jonathan.Seabourne: Better to stick with the imaginary ones
[04.07.2021 14:31:37] Cherry.Blossom: *Low to herself* He... doesn't even deny it...
[04.07.2021 14:31:47] Lian:Zhu: Not a bit
[04.07.2021 14:32:16] Cherry.Blossom: I o-o-only w-w-worship o-one t-t-thing and t-t-that is my f-f-freedom!
[04.07.2021 14:32:20] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: May I ask where this palace is? To worship this goddess?
[04.07.2021 14:32:28] [TAZ]Jonathan.Seabourne: Baffin!
[04.07.2021 14:32:34] [TAZ]Jonathan.Seabourne: Fun little system
[04.07.2021 14:32:54] [TAZ]Jonathan.Seabourne: has planets, stars, asteroid fields, and a bunch of geological impossibilities
[04.07.2021 14:33:06] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Not on my star charts... Where is it located? I'd like to visit.
[04.07.2021 14:33:07] [TAZ]Jonathan.Seabourne: It shouldn't exist, hence why we are drawn there
[04.07.2021 14:33:18] Lian:Zhu: Oh I've heard of Baffin! Isn't it some kind of system wide no fire zone?
[04.07.2021 14:33:32] [TAZ]Jonathan.Seabourne: [color=#40FF00]Take the jumphole in tau-29, due east from Freeport 6[/color]
[04.07.2021 14:34:07] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: ...29... okay, good. I'll pin that for my next journey.
[04.07.2021 14:34:34] [TAZ]Jonathan.Seabourne: You can make some credits hauling pilgrims out to Shasta if you find yourself out there
[04.07.2021 14:34:52] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: I'll get Rex to do that if he's interested.
Sender ID: Comandante Fiorella Arianna de Marco Recipient ID: Starfliers Subject: Baffin System Location: MNS Amalfi Encryption: Medium
Buongiorno Leon,
Si, it has been some time. How is your enterprise going, Signor Leon? Do you still fly without any weapons on your large vessel? Be cautious in more distant systems - someone disturbed the hornet's nest in the Edge Worlds, so to speak, and more civilian and military vessels report that they have been attacked by aliens, if they ever return at all.
Is your enterprise interested in charting Baffin system for me? It's out of my reach at this moment, so I'm willing to buy its charts from you. And if it's inhabited by Zoners, then it should be less dangerous than the treacherous Puerto Rico was.
Do let me know, Signor Leon.
Cordiali saluti,
Comandante Fiorella Arianna de Marco,
Guardia Svizzera.
Connection Established ██ Transmission Opens██ Technocracy x Starfliers Hybrid Encryption██
Leon, Starfliers██ Comandante Fiorella Arianna de Marco, MNS-Amalfi██
. .
*Chuckles* Yes, I do still fly the NX-01 with no weapons. That has not changed at all. Out base of operations has just had a upgrade and refit, and we have plans on creating a couple research teams to create some technology for our on use. Things are looking up on one side, and down the other. Was hoping this enterprise will take off, but it's not as fruitful as I thought it'd be. We are on a steady decline with business, so we'll be happy to scout out the Baffin System for you. Once Halpert finishes up his job for the Hyperspace Starfleet, he will move to Baffin. He'll send the report, as always. . .
Sender ID: Comandante Fiorella Arianna de Marco Recipient ID: Starfliers Subject: Baffin System Location: MNS Amalfi Encryption: Medium
Buongiorno Leon,
Steady decline? Probably by the general volatility of the 'Rifts drives', their need to be licensed in most of Sirius and inability to mount them on smaller vessels.
New technology research, d'altro canto, can be very profitable. Individuals like me do not save on expenses when we have opportunity to play with new interesting and promising technologies.
In any way - I'll be awaiting Halpert's report.
Cordiali saluti,
Comandante Fiorella Arianna de Marco,
Guardia Svizzera.
Connection Established ██ Transmission Opens██ Civilian Level Alpha██
Halpert, Starfliers██ Comandante Fiorella Arianna de Marco, MNS-Amalfi██
. .
After doing these kind of jobs for a while, I've started to dislike them. But... this system was a polar opposite to Puerto Rico. I thank you for having me map a sector of space so calming and beautiful as Baffin. I'll also have apologise for taking my time. Leon told me about finding a way to Baffin, and it took me a while to reach it. The report is the same as always, a few hours old. Invoice is there too, you know the deal. . .
This must be the main station of this religious sect you mentioned. Inside, there's a massive shrine dedicated to their "Goddess". I'm no religious man myself, but the room, the people, offerings, shrine, is all very peaceful. Matches the Baffin System perfectly.
Shasta is connected to this planet... must be something good down there. No docking ring or entry point of any kind, aside from the gigantic opening where the tube penetrates. My scans show a bunch of crystals, that's not interesting enough...
This is the biggest Gas Giant I've ever seen in my entire life... of course the Religious sect on Bonito name this particular planet after their Goddess.
The station itself has no tells of who actually runs it. The bays were open, landing inside told me that this installation is a selling point for some Alien Organisms, though no crates were around. For a station so deep in the Ice Fields, it's very well kept!