(05-18-2023, 08:14 PM)Haste Wrote: Reminder that this ship is inevitably going to be removed from the mod to keep overhead for old obsolete assets limited, and therefore can be turned into a regular Valor or something whenever we find some time to do it.
We ask the dev team not to delete the Redemption.
It is VITAL for Gallia and Maquis for it to exist and can absolutely NOT be replaced with a VALOR model.
Don't destroy the Maquis lore and the hundreds of hours we put into our SRP, thousands of hours that was put into our faction. The entire premise of the Gallic Navy is that they have newer superior technology - and now you make the symbol of Council joining the Maquis, the Pamiers, and our SRP a VALOR.
This is not some obsolete cosmetic. It is an absolutely integral part of current game lore, removing it would be an absolutely scandalous slap in the face of all Gallic players.
As a Redemption owner myself, I agree that the ship should remain in-game. Unlike the Remembrance Charlemagne II, which was essentially a Redemption with lawful colorings, the Redemption is, itself, it's own package in terms of balance, gameplay, and especially roleplay. Even setting the ship itself aside, the Pamiers would look pretty stupid magically shifting into a Valor, seeing as it has had essentially no real in-lore reason to sport that iconic forward cannon, nor for the new lawful symbols and emblems across the hull.
Honestly, it was a slap in the face when my cool white Redemption with red engines was turned into a Valor, but it was understandable to an extent because it was essentially a clone of another ship. Doing the same to the Redemption itself doesn't have any of that justification.
I am staunchly against removing playable content, let alone unique one that is iconic in it's own way - marking a conclusion to a decade long conflict, an entire era by the measurements of Discovery. Be as it may, it appears that Staff are eager to disregard all concerns and, at some point, get rid of this iconic ship and, by the fell swoop, the Pamiers, thus making all efforts behind a certain SRP obsolete.
I am curious to see if the community's opinion is of any concern here, or it'll be the usual disregard and pursuit of the selfsame vision of perfect Discovery universe.
Peace, being the distant dream it is, comes inevitably, and goes hand in hand with justice.
Cursed be the war. Heroes never die! @Vitoniz30 @Connor
(05-19-2023, 04:54 AM)Front de Libération de Gallia Wrote: It is VITAL for Gallia and Maquis for it to exist and can absolutely NOT be replaced with a VALOR model.
Okay I just want to know how is it VITAL for a faction that doesn't even have Battleship lines and has exactly one solar using that model absolutely vital for a house that is if we are being totally honest here is already dead.
The solar is a symbol of the existing lore of Gallia, with it being the valor the house stops making sense completely. We also have our SRP close to 100 people helped to get with their contracts, contributions, presence in events, also completely stops making sense.
That the house is dead is ridiculous, it has the number one most active trading faction over the long run on the server, GMS, and unlike every other house that Includes Liberty the Official factions don't fail activity checks.
So yes, Devs going out of their way to kill the vital part of the house because they are too lazy to balance one more battleship is complete madness, let's not pretend nobody will care.
Bear in mind, they still have the Necrosis in the game files,
even though I doubt it exists in any shape or form on the server itself. Not to mention ships that got visually reworked, like old LABC, old Upholder or even the entirety of the original Nomad shipline.
Hell, they still have the old Coalition snubs in the SHIP/COALITION folder, whilst the ones used today are in xing's folder.
(10-13-2023, 12:51 AM)Haste Wrote: This is a feature as most Discovery players would not receive a response from women.
I have to agree, removing a model that is still seeing use while there are plenty of actually outdated, no longer playable ships in the game files taking up "valuable" space seems somewhat dumb.
I'm pretty sure what Haste meant is that he wants to remove the playable ship, not replace existing NPC Redemption bases and wreck assets with the Valor, bases and player ships are independent assets, you don't have to worry about Pamiers suddenly becoming a Valor. That being said, your SRP may potentially get nuked or swapped to a Valor if the idea goes through.
I think the main reason Haste wants to get rid of it is because it's a niche ship that no one can get at the moment, I commented that this can be solved by turning the ship into a sci data reward, same can be applied with the Arbiter and the rest of the Hellfire shipline (also making them civilian shipline would be fun memes imho).
I’m most definitely not up to date with Gallic lore, but wasn’t the Council an enemy of the GRN? GRN won, so how do the remaining/lingering ships get INRP serviced/maintained?
They weren't assets of an unlawful faction or anything?