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George E. Rolf, CEO
LOCATION: Red Rock Refinery, Colorado
SUBJECT: Construction Design Sheet
Howdy there Mr. McKenzie.
I've had my people go over the design, and I think you will appreciate their results. Based on our estimates, the total cost, after factoring in fabrication delays and the increased estimate, comes out to approximately $495,000. Now, in order to reimburse the operation of the dry-dock itself, an additional $200,000 sum is necessary, which brings our total to $695,000.
If you're amendable to that value, you may thumb the attached contract, and transfer the full amount to [DSE]Bank. We take people's satisfaction with the shipbuildin' very seriously, so you can expect substantial results within a week. At that time, you will be invited to visit Susquehanna and tour the in-progress construction, which will allow us to finalize any modifications that you may require.
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Albert McKenzie, Starfliers To: George E. Rolf,, Deep Space Engineering Subject: Seven Ships
Hello, George E. Rolf.
This is an extremely important detail that I have failed to mention. We will need seven of these ships built to replace our current exploration fleet. They are being serviced by the commendable "Dromedary"-Class freighters, which will be donated to other explorers outside of the Starfliers.
In total, that will bring the estimate to 4,900,000 sc, rounded up to make it a flat number. If the quantity of ships is agreeable to you, the final estimate will be the same with me. Once I oversee and test the first, the rest is expected to follow identically. Once I finalize our last critical item on our to-do list, you will find me landing on Susquehanna to oversee construction. If the above is agreeable, that is.
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George E. Rolf, CEO
LOCATION: Susquehanna Station, Cortez
SUBJECT: Design Mass Production
Howdy there Mr. McKenzie.
While I'm happy enough to take your money, you have to be aware that we ain't got the facilities to make things happen within a reasonable time-frame. While an expansion is currently in the works, our modular teams are always in demand, and I'm guessin' we're still not at the top of their queue. Nonetheless, we'll aim to to continue the construction as time and materials permit, within existing constraints.
In fact, it would be possible to have the results of our first build shipped to Hinsdale for design modifications, allowing them to slot the remainin' numbers into their freighter pipeline. However, doing so would come with an extra cost, as the folks over there have a packed schedule, and your builds would require substantial overtime. By my rough estimates, this would amount to an additional $200,000 each for the six remaining ships. We can call it an even $6 million credits for the set, if you want them all in your hands sooner than a month, eh?
I will be staying on Susquehanna for the foreseeable future due to the upcoming expansion and ongoing refits. So if you would like to discuss any of this in-person, I'll try to keep some of my schedule free for a meetin' or two. Otherwise, feel free to contact my team leaders about the details, and here's hopin' for a smooth build during our first attempt!
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Albert McKenzie, Starfliers To: George E. Rolf,, Deep Space Engineering Subject: Not Time Sensitive
Hello, George E. Rolf.
This Vector project has been ongoing for quite some time. It is not time sensitive, allowing more time to ensure that the vessels are built to specifications I can accommodate for.
To give it a number, so we both have a timeframe to work with, I estimate that within six months our teams will be ready to start flying them. Rushing through this is not something I'd like to do. Cutting corners, expediting, speeding up, are actions of those who aren't familiar with scientific processes.
My preference here is to wait. When it comes to the funds, we can spare your estimate. If not to speed it up, I trust the credits ensure that they are built as close to the design sheets as they can.
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George E. Rolf, CEO
LOCATION: Susquehanna Station, Cortez
SUBJECT: Design Mass Production
Mr. McKenzie, I completely understand the long game. Just this week, we've got a contract that'll likely take weeks to even source the materials for, and then the build itself.. well, that's how it goes. However, I do prefer to finish things quickly where possible, and revisit improvements to a future batch if there's still time remainin'.
If you're agreeable, we'll finish up the first two vessels, and then run them through a number of performance metrics. After my people go over this dataset (with your assistance, if you'd like), we'll know what changes should be made to best meet your specifications. The combined cost of this construction will total $1.7 million, but you can feel free to send the total amount to guarantee further work down the line. This will also be a good opportunity to test Susquehanna's pipeline against Red Rock, and deal with any fiddlin' inefficiencies.
Let me know if you have additional details for me, but otherwise go ahead and send over the amount, and we'll start the builds within a few days.
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Albert McKenzie, Starfliers To: George E. Rolf, Deep Space Engineering Subject: An extra, for safety
Hello, George E. Rolf.
I am strongly requesting all vessels perform exactly to specifications. If we need to test your construction process, then I can factor in costs for an extra vessel. This means the quantity will be eight Vectors, with the first being the test for any variances and outliers when undergoing performance checks.
We have had an internal discussion regarding the use of Jump Drive Beacons to be built in to these vessels, they will no longer be a mandatory part of the design. This will make construction easier, and reduces the points of failure on such an important vessel to us.
With the extra ship and all other related scrutinized checks and tests, what does the total amount come to? Please do advise of the account to pay into.
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George E. Rolf, CEO
LOCATION: Susquehanna Station, Cortez
SUBJECT: "Vector" Design Specifications
Howdy Mr. McKenzie, good to finally be able to update you about them numbers. After running analyses on the current production, my people believe that we have arrived at the final costs. Now that we're near the end with the first two of the vessels, these predictions were mostly confirmed, which is why I will provide the final numbers to you now. In short, these amount to $500,000 per vessel.
Now, you may be thinkin' - weren't these the numbers I quoted at you earlier? They are and they aren't. While we were able to streamline production and cut unnecessary overhead, the askin' price for the various components has risen since our market analysis at the time. For example, you will be happy to hear that only a single reactor core and two propulsion sub-systems are necessary for the design, similar to our ubiquitous "Rhino" freighter. However, as you will see from the detailed market analysis attached in a report, the value of all components has risen steadily with increased demand, includin' our own interior suites.
With all that said, the final amount comes out to $4mil for 8 vessels, before the additional costs. These are as follows:
10% overtime fee ($400,000) - reduced due to latest shipyard developments.
$400,000 prototype costs - note that this was below our previous 700k estimate.
All told, you're lookin' at a total of $4.8mil for us to resume construction of the remainin' 6 vessels. The two "Vector" prototypes nearin' completion will also be available to you upon the receipt of the final sum.
Please let me know if you require additional details about the breakdown, and I look forward to workin' with you further as we complete the rest of your order.
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Albert McKenzie, Starfliers To: George E. Rolf, Deep Space Engineering Subject: Ready to Pay
Hello, George E. Rolf.
The costs are agreeable. There is not much more to discuss. Your work will speak for itself once finalized. At that time we will reconvene on site to assess the completed ships.
Provide the appropriate credit vault you would like the 4,800,000 sc paid into so we can move this to the next step.
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George E. Rolf, CEO
LOCATION: Susquehanna Station, Cortez
SUBJECT: "Vector" Prototype Development
Howdy Mr. McKenzie, I've got some data for you from our latest build. As you can imagine, there's good news and bad.
I'll start with the bad here, as it is critical. Essentially, the single-engine design just won't cut it. It's fine for our Rhino model because it's been proven over many stanyears, and folks generally don't push it past operational parameters. It's been long-known that the design has redundancy problems, but it serves a general purpose and its cost allows folks to field two of them during ops.
For the Vector, redundancy is critical, and that means we need to consider a dual-reactor set-up. You want adequate shieldin' and substantial delta-v, and out testin' just doesn't guarantee both at once under strain. With a live backup, all these issues are solved, at least in theory. We'd need to build another prototype, but my engineerin' teams assure me that it'll work as intended based on existin' multi-reactor designs. Still, it'll be good to get some data about long-term capabilities and stress-to-failure tests.
In summary, we'll need to rebuild the prototypes. The cost will be incremental, as two reactors allow for less overengineerin' on the dependent subsystems. The hull and the cargo space bear the brunt of the costs, and they won't be affected.
Meanwhile, I've got a number of good news. For one, the two prototypes work accordin' to specs for all other parameters. They'd make solid trainin' vessels, and you should be fine usin' them in low-intensity ops. But make sure they don't get too far from the barn if you choose to do that. If you'd like to test 'em out yourself, feel free to set up a time at our Red Rock proving grounds. I'll have one of the locals team leaders walk you through all you need to know. And seein' as they're your ships, you can take 'em home with you, eh?
For another, this small-scale shipbuildin' is more than possible on Red Rock. Naturally, Susquehanna is still your best bet for a large batch order, but the team at Red Rock can handle anything below a metric ton. What that means is any future orders you place on these vessels shouldn't be affected by our current queue. Lucky for you, as the waitlist is often weeks out, without includin' the production times themselves.
Finally, despite the risin' production costs, we will honor our original deal on the six Vectors. As soon as you test the prototypes and give the go-ahead for the dual-reactor design, we should only be a month away from the completion of your fleet. The only thing remainin' is the cost of an additional prototype, which will total another 495 k. If you're still amendable to that number, I'll instruct Red Rock to begin construction immediately, so that you'll have a chance to test both designs against one another yourself.
Please let me know if all of the above meets with your approval, and I'm hopin' we can wrap up this contract real soon!