》...assigning.sender_loc: Abrams Research Station, Hudson System...▌
Good day! I...I hope that I've found the right place, as instructed by the one who initially advised me to place a request for normally restricted technology. At the time scientist of the Büro, now Direktor. I would like to obtain a vessel, if possible mainly for personal use as well as an upgrade to what I currently have (had).
The Wraith is the best candidate to a fine vessel for both survival in harsh environments and combat scenarios. As a Researcher, I've had my fair share of both. Surprisingly, even. At first I've flown a Dagger, then a Marauder. Unfortunately, both now lie in my home's hangar, wrecked by Radiation damage. The Marauder had performed exceptionally bad against Radiation. And because my home is situated between Rheinland and Liberty - Hudson - , I find it hard to find replacement parts for either, let alone hull segments to replace heavily contaminated ones.
I would like to open up collaboration with the MND, specifically the Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts in return, or somewhat continue what has been already set up. I had interacted in the past with the Büro. You could take this as a sort of...official intent to continue to do that. I can provide more insight on that matter if I'm told where I could, even. Or you could ask the current Direktor of the Büro.
No strings attached.
Ship type requested, amount: 90-ARKM-N45 "Wraith" Very Heavy Fighter x1
Name of ship or ships: Ridge
Identification of ship(s): Researcher Identification; Independent (No Transponder)
To: Office of the Registrierungsbüro; House of Rheinland; Planet New Berlin
From: Dr. Lillian Genda, SLRC
Subject: Purchase of Restricted Technology
Encryption Strength: Impossible
To whom this may concern,
My name is Lillian Genda, a researcher affiliated with the Starlight Research Consortium. I come forward in the hopes of obtaining one of Rheinland's newest, most advanced fighter in order to utilize it's technologies for our own purposes. If you are concerned we will use it for some nefarious purposes I would like to personally assure you that we never have, never will, ever use this for anything but for the purposes of serving as a training aid; specifically the pilot-assisted software that the Disir offers. As we operate primarily in the Edge and Borderworlds I am hoping to use the craft as a platform towards building a training flight simulator for my colleagues for, as of right now, we lack the proper facilities towards providing such. We are researchers, not mercenaries, but I would like to at the very least provide any and all opportunities our personnel seeking to venture out on their own have a fighting chance should they encounter any dangers one cannot utilize diplomacy for.
--Dr. Lillian Genda Research and Exploration Division, SLRC Ever upwards, towards starlight!
Rheinland has evaluated your request to operate 1x 90-ARKM-N60E "Disir" Very Heavy Fighter craft and deemed it satisfactory. Thus, the application is granted.
Please ensure you follow the restrictions you outlined and make use of the public Rheinwehr channels for making your purchase and technical assistance.
Dieter Schneider
House of Rheinland
With apologies for the delay, we would like to register a collection of proud Rheinwehr ships for the purpose of cargo transport escort. As the details on any additional ships formerly pending registration has been clarified with Rheinland Police, we will omit these and only submit vessels in current service.
Mit verbindlichen Grüßen,
Weiss Shipping CEO, Franz Zimmer
Rheinland has evaluated your request to operate several restricted military craft and deemed the request satisfactory. Thus, the application is granted.
The names listed in your application will be noted.
Quote:Ship type requested, amount:90-ARKM-N9 "Valkyrie" Rheinland Very Heavy Fighter, 2 units. Name of ship or ships: Weiss]Engel-2, Weiss]Engel-5.
Ship type requested, amount: 13-ARKM-N37 "Revenant" Bomber, 2 units. Name of ship or ships: Weiss]Engel-1, Weiss]Engel-3.
Ship type requested, amount: Rheinland "Oder"-class Gunboat, 1 unit. Name of ship or ships: Weiss]Shaferhund
Please make use of the public Rheinwehr channels for making your purchase and technical assistance.
Dieter Schneider
House of Rheinland