For some reason, I always thought of, well, the BPA as the militia. Same for all the other houses and their police forces...
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.
Quote:onoez... doesnt have KNF enough enemies in Leeds?... I mean oh comon we are always overnumbered 3:1 or worst. But I have an idea:)you should fight with BAF, Bountyhunters, indies, Mercaneries, Mollys, Privateers and Outcasts before and winner can fight with us or we can do it in old style.... all vs us like 10 vs 2, I allways enjoy those fights:)
Do bear in mind that your ships are about the size of a piece of asteroid drift moving at 200 m/s while shooting. Really I think its balanced enough there... At least when you take into consideration that the Crusaders and the like are half the size of a Rhino.
-Edit- Gah! Relevance! Anywho, I don't really consider police forces militias, but at the same time they are. But also at the same time militias are usually ordered by some government body (not put together independently) - like the minute men. I think perhaps this idea has merit, but you'd likely have to get the "Crown" to command its construction. Otherwise you'd just be vigilantes.
Yes, because chimaeras are the size of camera ships and nobody can ever hit them... oh wait...
Since when was this about PVP balance? Isn't the entire purpose of this "Leeds Militia" group to engage in constructive, well-worded RP with their counterparts on the Kusari side, trade verbal jabs, debate the socio-economic causes of the war and their possible solutions?
' Wrote:Yes, because chimaeras are the size of camera ships and nobody can ever hit them... oh wait...
Since when was this about PVP balance? Isn't the entire purpose of this "Leeds Militia" group to engage in constructive, well-worded RP with their counterparts on the Kusari side, trade verbal jabs, debate the socio-economic causes of the war and their possible solutions?
dude..leeds militia is pure PvP thing (if you dont want spare time in shooting NPCs). What else can it be if situation in leeds looks like
[KNF]Arimatsu_Yoritoro is online / Leeds
first 2 minutes from his log in
[BAF]???1 is online
[BAF]???2 is online
[BAF]???3 is online
[BAF]???4 is online
fight begin (because only RP I ever had with BAF was like "die noodle eater".... except Hobart)
after 4 minnutes
[BAF]???5 is online
[BPA]???? is online
"ah dog eater" engaging"
after 6 minutes
"I am here to claim my bounty, engaging" lulz lulz
and now tell me, how do you want RP with me in this situation (which is the only posible situation from my experience as KNF officer permanently based in Leeds)?
Actually, Kambei, the situation is rather different. I've had the BHG saying that they can't attack the Kusari because they like being able to use Deshima (I think that's the BHG station in Kusari), and if you feel that Bretonian RP is bad (we almost always say more than just "Engaging noodle-eater!") you should make a pirate and wander around in Liberty for a while. Also, just about whenever I've been on recently, I'm the only BAF online (or one of two).
Fletcher, if you or someone started a militia, one of my characters would be heavily involved with their activities, running HFuel, Black Market Arms and other RP items for them.
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However, just remember the moment you employ freighters or start interdicting Kusari shipping, the Buccaneers are going to be peering at you with greedy eyes.
Militias are cool though. We need more of them about.