Over the past couple of days I've seen no oorp stupidity, agression or anger. I've just had, well, a lot of good fun. So big thanks to the following people, and everyone else who I've interacted with recently.
The Zoner who shall remain nameless, as per our agreement,
Aw, Lucy! She was interesting... If you saw me, Luigi Vampa was happy to have made your life on Disco suck less this past week. Did nothing for mine, however. Later in the week that is. I'm so screwed...
See, this is the sort of thread that we need to see more often around here.
Less whining, more being positive!
More loves, less hate.
More hugs and less thugs.
It's not hard, we can all do it!
"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." ~ Someone famous I forgot about
If we focus on negativity and despair, that's all we're going to see. We see the bad things and worry about them, that's what we focus on and that's what our mind is occupied with. Those aren't happy thoughts. And aren't-happy thoughts don't make you happy. =[
If, however, we think of nice things like nice things, that's what our minds will be occupied with. And those things are happy-thoughts and happy-thoughts make us happy. =]
See, the Japanese are really smart. They know aaaaall about this. [See Here]
I try to be that little box of senseless happiness in the corner of the weeping face of Discovery.
I'm incredibly happy when I see other people (Sass for one, yay, and Wood here for another!) thinking happy thoughts and refusing to give into the evil depression that looms over everything.
We don't need to be so serious and realistic all the time.
What we think of as "reality" is what really becomes reality.
We think of happy things? Things are happy.
We think of sad things? Well, things are quite sad.
All too often we treat Discovery like [color=#FF0000]THIS IS SPARTAAAA!!!
Like it's some dead-serious and fatalistic sort of thing that we have to take with a grave face or bear up against the eternal consequences of something.
What we all need to realise is that even Sparta isn't inherently serious and fatalistic.
This is Sparta indeed.
Thanks, Wood! Keep being the box of kitties in the corner, like the rest of us positive individuals.
Or, you can be puppies. I hear that's an option too.