I think that particular kind of thing only stands out because of it's coincidental nature. Balance it out with the number of times you think of someone and they still remain absent from your life, or talk of a movie and don't hear hide nor hair of it again for another year. You won't recognise those unremarkable occurrences, purely because of their unremarkable nature, but you do notice the coincidental ones.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
' Wrote:It's a byproduct of Corsair cooking...They do not have Mar-B-Q's there:(
I'll take that as a vote:crazy:
Anyhoo, @ Spirit: On the other hand though, coincidences happen on a very regular basis. Some are just bigger than others ::shrug::
I'm prone to reckon that since coincidences happen in a universe where physical laws exist, coincidences are governed by physical laws just as much as we are.
Just sayin' but it's most likely that our collective definition of coincidence doesn't quite cut it.
Who's to say that coincidences don't happen through some combination of mass, gravity, inertia, magnetism, cause & effect, ect?
The Galaxy spins in the same fashion as bathtub drainwater & I'm willing to guess that coincidence probably follows a similar pattern sandwiched somewhere between the two
' Wrote:The Galaxy spins in the same fashion as bathtub drainwater & I'm willing to guess that coincidence probably follows a similar pattern sandwiched somewhere between the two
But have you considered that you might be more inclined to notice said person or film because you recently thought about them? That the course of events happen as they would happen anyways, but you suddenly ascribe these occurrences an "added value" - like an after-rationalization, establishing a causal relationship between event A and event B even though the two might not have any connection at all?
The human condition does not sit well with randomness. We frequently invent explanations to allow us to deal with things that do not otherwise have a logical connection.
Yeah it's possible that I'm assigning value as an afterthought, but at the same time, have you considered that you may be discounting the possibility that everything is connected in some way, obvious or not?
Lemme shoot for an example: Last week while at work, the DJ & I were quoting random movie lines to one another to pass the time. One I remembered was "It looks like the police have themselves an RV!" well, neither of us could remember where the line was from & it was diving us nuts for a while. Well, we wrote it off & moved on to other quotes. A couple days later I'm watching a Kevin Smith flick & was reminded again of the RV line. I shrugged it off w/o a second thought.
A couple days after that, I'm watching an episode of Justified & I again thought of that line. I wasn't sure at the time why, but I figured out the connection: The RV line was from the original Die Hard movie. My brain was connecting seemingly unrelated things to help remind me of that.
Both Kevin Smith and Timothy Olyphant (from Justified) were connected to Die Hard 4 which has been making the channel rounds last week,
It's not impossible that seeing DH4 on the TV schedule is what reminded me of the line from DH1 that day & spurred me to think of it in the 1st place & it was my subconscious that later gave me the urge to watch some Justified and Jay & Silent Bob Shenanigans in order to help me remember where it originally came from.
As far as I can tell, there is no magic in the universe, but at least the connection between Die Hard, Justified, and Clerks is real enough to be recognized and acted on subconsciously.
That's the clencher, really. no one in the world actually knows how the subconscious drives our thoughts that lead to our actions & interactions in society.