I have no problem with people discussing about me as it might especially in this case be good for some members of this community to avoid mistakes in the future.
But what really is disgusting...i mean really really disgusting...is the fact that some guys here state things about me without any background.
I just want to get a few things straight again:
' Wrote:Care to comment on the fact that Dakun currently has a group of people in cap ships and he plans on putting them all in Omega-3 and shooting whatever he feels like shooting? Just like he did with his NOORP and ORI groups?
Edit: Removed - I was rather a dick with what I said.
I gave him the benefit of a 2nd chance and supported his role play as the administrator, against the wishes of 90% of the other Zoner players that make up the Zoner factions and other indy players who work with the factions. Hell, I even agreed the amount of people that went after him was absurd, until I found out he did all of this just to cause an issue.
NORP is spelled with one O.
But thats only the minor problem:
so you found out that i did all of this to cause such a situation?
as this is completely new to me may i ask where you got that from?
Do you really think i spent more than 500 mios to get the station, another almost 60 mios for RP stuff related to the station if i wanted to throw it all away just like that?
I have much money, but that is because i usually am not running around trying to get rid of it.
' Wrote:Hm.... Alright, gotta say my hopes for Dakun are very small now, after speaking with some people that are currently trying to clean up the mess, he doesn't seem to be taking it seriously... At all.
What exactly are you expecting?
That i try any serious RP to get my char imprisoned or whatever?
Trust me, i wanted to be serious this time with the station, but all i got was this oorp attacks.
all i am currently doing is to pay the guys i had deals with and if that happens in a funny way or in real deep RP doesnt really matter as the whole situation is more like a bad joke.
If your hopes for me a small its ok as you are most likely right but if you are thinkin that is only because i am not so motivated for serious RP right now, you really should rethink it.
' Wrote:No he isn't. In fact, he's planning a Juggernaut spam of Omega-3.
But of course, none of what happened was Dakun's fault. And of course, none of what happens from here on is his fault either.
It's just everyone "out to get Dakun", yup. No roleplay reasons. No legitimate concerns or legitimate reactions. Nope. Just everyone out to get Dakun, no other reason. We're even making up laws specifically to hurt Dakun. We just don't like him that much.
It's a conspiracy.
meta-dab himself.
still not really over it that we fried your princess ship, huh?
nah i am sure that got nothing to do with your actions in all that.
you are far too professional for oorp.
if you would at least say that you did this because you can and you dont like me...i think i d have some respect for you.
But you simply dont have the balls for that.
Instead you are trying to blame it all on my really really bad inRP actions.
I mean it is almost pitiful how you try to explain the obvious to be something different.
Just for the record, i wanted to buy the blood diamonds from IC, not from the red hessians.
So maybe the IC would have bought that from private collectors or from confiscated cargos.
So in other words, i wanted (i cancelled it) to buy goods in bretonia, which are not illegal from a liberty company.
Ya i am sure it were my inRP actions which caused the whole situation.
the jinku capspam...ya i think i used that name in a conversation with one of your fans on skype.
if its any comfort to you, most members of ORI arent playing here anymore or are banned. But all have faction creation and BS ban.
to others: you can go on pretending it was something else than ooRP reason that caused this situation, if it makes you feel better. I think you know what and why you did it, so why lying to yourself?
btw most people are happy it turned out like that, so get out there and celebrate :yahoo:
' Wrote:so you found out that i did all of this to cause such a situation?
as this is completely new to me may i ask where you got that from?
I told them. A few others as well - maybe you thought i was on your side, and for the while i was, but after listening to the plans and comments of your buddies in that skype channel, i wasnt going to sit back and allow you to mess up everything that ive worked hard to fix.
Let me explain my motivations for, perhaps, betraying your supposed confidence in me.
Yes, as many people have said, and will say - this is a game.
I dont see it that way.
Do you know what Immersion is? Or how about Verisimilitude?
This whole mod is about living the lives of real people, in a setting that has a very realistic tone. It's a simulacrum of real life, and the suggestion is that you approach it with the same amount of serious behavior.
I would've believed that of you at first. But what ive seen afterwards leads me to believe your trying to wring as much fun out of this through lulz value as you can. If not you, then the morons you have helping you certainly do. No matter if you, or they, wring your fun at the expense of others - especially others who have put hard work into the very complex social & political structure of the society this mod represents. You dont seem to understand the complexity. you dont seem to care.
If money is of issue, I'll refund any money you feel is owed to you - it seems like i kinda ninja'd the freeport out of your hands - but my motivation is preserving the InRP politics surrounding the freeport - at no time did you ever come into it, or your needs, or your interests. I care about the mod, and the maintaining of its politics. It's why i offered to help - to avert hostilities against you, i offered to take control while you hid, and give it back when things died down - afterwards, i decided that the freeport should be governed by someone whose been chosen to govern it.
But money has changed hands - and ill get you any money you feel is necessary.
Well, anyone who wants to help me, can - anyone who does, i will pay back in full. It was my choice to stick my big foot in this, for better or worse, and i did have a pretty active hand in steering the decisions toward FP1 going somewhere other then back to Dakun.
I have a lot of responsibility im willing to own up for.
But thanks n00bl3t - i appreciate that more then you know.
He banned a member of the BDM, threatened them and threatened Rheinland.
He brought huge amounts of trouble to Freeport 1, both from Rheinland and other sources (Some OORP trouble too unfortunately)
Why the hell should he be refunded for allowing Bretonia to extend it's reach and remove more Zoner sovereignty, while damaging Freeport relations with Rheinland and generally acting an ass?
Not one part of that last question was OORP related.
He messed up badly inRP.