Guten Tag, Kameraden!
Today my new modified Odin fighter has been commissioned, and today she has her first kill! She shall not languish in our hangars, unfulfilled in the fires of battle!
Comrade Bernard led a strike wing out to Bretonia, with myself, comrade Baker, comrade Bykov and comrade Murray in attendance with the CPW-Trotsky ready to provide support. As it happened our sole encounter was a small wing of Armed Forces pilots very near New London. Two stayed down in low orbit but one rose up to challenge our glorious presence here. Comrade Bernard directed me to eliminate the target and I did so to the best of my ability. He tried to flee into low planetary orbit, but he was destroyed as he attempted to land.
Attached are a guncam shot and communications logs:
>>>Sender: Lieutenant Jacob Forge
>>>Subject: Today's Raid
Forge here.
I launched from Zvezdney and mst,up with our forces in Omega 11, headed by the CPW-Radek. Joining with our forces, we proceeded into Rheinland.
Entering Stuttgart, we fanned out. I spotted a civilian Pelican who said AAH Russins! Before runming off. I broke,of on Radek's order and moved on. Shortly after, he engaged one of our ships. He was dealt with.
We wefe joined by a Rot Front pilot, whoa.s callsign was really harf to pronounce sadly.
We moved on, with Lieutenant Baker scouting ahead. At this time, the Radek suffered eldctronical failure, and Major Wolfe om the Totenkopf took over. The Radek rejoined us soon after.
We moved into New Berlin, where I got held up. Lucky I did. I spotted the RNC-Feldheim coming. Alas, we lost it abd the Pommonen near Alster.
Then,we ran into the RNC-Salzburg, which was dispatched by our forces. Around this time I suffered damage,to a cruiser patrol as I exited a tradd lane. It ruindd my guncam.
Major Wolfe moved up and eliminated a bomber and drove off a battleship by utilizing the nearny bases' inacurate guns to hit the battleship, driving it to Westfalen. Dud to heavy patrols, we couldnt pursue.
Note: At this time, Rot Front Pilot Klara Eichel began moving to us. Because of her and her wingman (same guy with an absurdly haed name to say) helped to keep RM reinforcements away.
We ran,into a Fliege, Alla Suzel (eh, might have messed up the last name. Why do Rheinlanders have such hard names sometimes?) Who refused to bug off. She and another RM pilot, Watzmann, were engaged by our forces. Watzmann was shot down, and then another pilot, Vivian Schmitt, turned up.
In the ensuing battle, we distracted them long enough for the Radek to pull out, escorted by Comrade Angelo Bernard. We peeled off, with Leroy Baker and Boris Bykov staying behind. Baker was shot down, then Boris ejected his pod and Baker's before sending his Partisan,into the,sun. Sensors told us both RM fighters wwre damagwd by the sun's radiation.
We commenced our fallback, with Bernard taling down one hostile and Major Wolfe ripping a bottlenose apart. Then, as I,entered Omega 5, my fighter's electronics failed. I rebooted the system then returned to Zvezdney Gorodok.
...::: TRANSMITTER ID:Ex- Senior Lt. Johnny Walker :::...
Greetings there comrades .. If y'all getting this message , then it means that i'am long gone by now.
Yes , i'am defecting from the revolution , It's nothing personal really , I enjoyed those bloody skirmishes with the Corsair and the Rheinlander forces.
But , the fight i had couple hours ago along side with two cold blooded mercenaries made me realized that my place was with them , Not in someone else revolution.
Nevertheless i'am leaving you a Good Bye Gift. And i got say , This was Fun.
ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Deputy Premier Ling Jian Ping Target:All SCRA Assets Location:Office of the Deputy Premier ' Kremlin Dome, Volgograd, Omega-52 Encryption: HIGH Priority: HIGH Subject: Traitors die.
[color=#FFFFFF]Soldiers of the Coalition.
[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#FFFF00]You are all aware of the price that cowardice carries. From not picking up your gun in defence of your nation, to switching sides - Cowardice comes in many forms.
[color=#FFFF00]One such soldier forgot his duty. Forgot his honour. Forgot the Coalition way of life. He was also stupid enough to forget our fury and vengeance at such cowardly acts.
Johnny Walker was found on FP9. Johnny Walker was executed by Major Xu, of the CPW-Xi'an, in full view of the stations security, civilians and the mercenaries that tried to hire him. The evidence will now flow across the neural-net as a testament to what happens to traitors.
The body was recovered by Major Xu, and has been transported back to Omega-52 for posthumous taser flogging, cremation and unceremonious dumping in the Sun.
[color=#FFFFFF]There is no honour amongst traitors.
To: [color=#FFFFFF]The knuckle dragging, brain dead wannabes of the fighter corps. Comm. ID:Commissar Leon Mendel Priority:HIGH Subject:How it is done
---Communications Opened---
Well, you idiots have gone and done it again, driven yet another Commandante into an early retirement, dragging his shotgun and a copy of the Katz Manifesto off into the wastelands of JiangXi, reeking of vodka and the failure of breaking you muppets.
So now, here we are, stuck trying to fill the seat of doom...
Warner suffered a mental breakdown, Scott followed, god knows what happened to Orlov but I think it involved a pair of fluffy handcuffs and a cat'o'nine tails...
And I am not putting that mechanical waffle Iron, General V. Blackblood in charge of anything larger than the men's room at the local brothel....
So failing having anyone else, Colonel Ling you are here by promoted to the rank of Commandante, put some shiny brass on your shoulders, and get the fighter corps fixed... I recommend shooting a few of the idiots, it would do great wonders for the damn Coalition Gene Pool.
On that note, I am going to drink myself into a stupor and try to forget the fact that you lot even exist... you know, to spare me the mental trauma.
*Incoming message*
Comm ID: D.Vitalievich
Encryption: High
Priority: Normal
Subject: combat report
Location: Falkland Base, Tau 37 system
This is Dmitriy Vitalievich. Comrade Aleksei Stroganov sent three of us, names are Lukas Hoffman and Leroy Baker, for a routine propaganda mission. The objective was Bretonian or Liberty space.
The difficulties started at Dublin system. Major Han Xu joined us there. We encountered two bounty hunter gunboats, which were threating us, and didn't want to keep distance, even after multiple warnings. Two colonial fighters also joined, name was Orbit, if I remember good, Lieutenant Orbit and Tolkan. The fight wasn't too long, but Baker's ship received a few hard hits, so he had to eject. The hunter named Whiskey didn't last too long as well, followed shortly by BHG|Denise.Milani. She was killed by a mine of Silver Reaver who decided to help us. BAF|Ens.Tim.Garland also engaged, so he was destroyed as well. During the encounter and IMG escort pilot, unclarified why, but wanted to help the hunters. It started shooting at me, so I returned the fire, and destroyed him. Comrade Xu ordered us to regroup at Arranmore Base.
Our next stop was Tau 23, where we resupplied and headed towards Alpha. We encountered with a battle going on between corsairs and outcasts. There were several capital ships in the battle and we jumped in making even worse and unpromising for every single enemy. I received a hit from one of the Legates, and my comm system died. I was swept away from the main battle and had a very close fight with [XTF]Longbow. I managed to destroy him, and hurried towards the place, where I saw several missiles exploding, but my cruise engines were also damaged, there were a few leaks and I was low on ammo, so I decided to retreat to the nearest base. As I was cut off from the others I don't know what happened back there.
Now, I'm grounded on Falkland Base and I'm trying to repair my ship. Thankfully the IMG's are friendly, and they're willing to help me. Expect me to get back to omega 52 system in 48 hours.
>>>COMMID: Lieutenant Tori Villers
>>>LOCATION: Zvezdney Gorodok
Lieutenant Villers here.
I launched from Zvezdney Gorodok and met up with our forces in Omega 5. A Corsair Osiris, the Malice, was by Cadiz. Me, Captain Quientillia, Senior Lieutenant Kozyrev, and Captain Lanakov were already fighting. I jumped in, and it seemed to focus on me most of the time, if I got close. We managed to heavily damage it, causing it to lock with Cadiz. We were offered support by the Rot Front Zephyr Stahkanov, but a malfunction with its resupplyment bays rendered it unable to help.
After that, me and Captain Quientilla commenced a pstrol of Omega 3. We found nothing but a pair of Conference Gunboats at Freeport One, one of them commanded by the interim administrator, Dane Summers. We found a corsair, but it dissapeared.
We then proceeded to Omega 7, where we met up with Rot Front Pilot Klara Eichel. After Captain Quientillia went to Ronenburg to drop of some pilots we had rescued, I went above the plane to fix a fuel line,which was clogged. When I was done, Captain Quientilla and Miss Eichel were already engaged with some WRF pilots. I flew in. then more. As we engaged, more Rot,Front and and miscelanious Hessian Pilots arrived, as a BHG bottlenose and the RNC-Asgard arrived. We had taken out a Mjolnir,SHF by this,time in an excellent shot by Captain Quientillia. We then moved to engage,the Bottlenose with a Hessisn Thor. Then all the,WRF Wraiths decided to gang up on me. I managed to keep then occupied for a few minutes, but eith them and the Asgard firing, my Revolutiin took a hit, and I was forced to eject.
I do not know who won,the engagement. Probably Captain Quientillia will know.
Oh, my guncam got shot to hell in the brawl.
Lieutenant Villers Out.
>>>Channel closed
>>>Signal Lost
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To: SCRA assets. From: Captain Julio Quinetillia. RE:Patrol of O5; patrol of O3; patrol of O7.
Addendum to Lieutenant Villers' report.
Upon entering the combat area near the Stuttgart jump gate, we found [RF]-Klara.Eichel locked in combat with [WRF]-Alpha.Wing-5, who promptly killed himself with his own munitions. Most amusing. While comrade Eichell was mopping up the reminds of Alpha-5, [WRF]Beta.Wing-3 arrived and challenged myself and the Lieutenant. At this point, we were reinforced by [RF]Verteiler and Shaf.Hauzzen (a Thor bomber), who were counterbalanced by a hoard of [WRF] Wraiths and a pair of secondary fleet pilots - a Rhienland Bomber and Mjolnir super heavy fighter. I was able to land a supernova on the super-heavy fighter - Mallice, cleanly atomising it.
At this point, a nearby Bounty Hunter Gunship also engaged, going by the name of Hunter_Kane. Myself, the Lieutenant and comrade Hauzzen promptly counter attacked. The WRF task force was making little progress against the Red Front fighters, and so swapped target to Lieutenant Villers. At roughly this time, the Rhienland battleship RNC-Asgard also arrived. After a period of sustaining heavy fire, Villers' ship was breached and she was forced to eject. The pod was tractored by friendly forces, and the fight continued. I will take the time to personally train the Lieutenant in hostile evasive manoeuvres, for such occasions in the future.
Myself and comrade Huzzen continued to focus our fire on the gunship, destroying it. We then trained our guns on the battleship, dropping its shields and damaging its hull. The battleship retreated at this point, heading towards the Stuttgart jump gate. Huzzen was forced to disengage and fall back at this point. Upon jumping, I moved to regroup with the Hessian battlegroup, only to discover it had been entirely destroyed by hostile forces. The remaining WRF fighters then chased me 70k to the Omega 5 jump hole, failing to inflict any damage. I docked on Ronneburg and powered down.
To: [color=#FFFFFF]The knuckle dragging, brain dead wannabes of the fighter corps. Comm. ID:Commissar Leon Mendel Priority:HIGH Subject:How it is done
---Communications Opened---
Well, you morons should shut up and listen, and quit polishing those bits of sardine cans cut out into medals and held together with safety glue you morons actually think are medals.
Now before I have to remind you bastards not to run with safety scissors, or sit drooling from the corner of your mouths as you stare at something shiny...
I am to pass on a new order from the Commissariat.
Not One Step Back.
Commissars will enforce this with terminal efficiency.
Nice knowing you... *gunshot as the camera man was backing up to get a wide angle*
Ok I lied, it was terrible knowing you, you lot give radioactive cat twaddle a bad name.
Get the hell out of my sight, and don't step backwards!
Commissar General Viatcheslav Blackblood
*Viatcheslav is seen applauding* An excellent speech, Mendel. Wish I had a camera crew to execute for being incompetent. Oddly enough, I don't think I'm as brutal as you are. Oh wait. The family I executed earlier for not singing the Coalition National Anthem loud enough disproves that. Never mind!
Regardless, ladies and gentlehumans of the Fighter Corps, it has been by vote of the Commandant and the Premier to appoint a new Commissar to scare the absolute living crap out of you. And what better than something that isn't human?
I come to you as Commissar General Viatcheslav Blackblood, your latest and greatest terror on the battlefield. Together, Mendel and I will put the fear of any deity you hold dear back into you. And hopefully, that deity is one that recognizes authority and courage.
Remember: It's still part of my programming to kill and maim. I turn it off for your benefit.
For the True Ikon; my Ikon of Ikons.