' Wrote:If you think that -you- own the faction, maybe you should make your own mod and server and play there. As long as there is content on Discovery GC 24/7, it should be available to everyone. By content I mean Faction reps, ships and bases. Keepers will always make a special case due to their nature, that cannot be balanced for broad use.
Simply no. And it's not a matter of owning the faction (which i pretty much do anyway), but a matter of disadvantages outweighing the advantages of such a move. Therefore until I am forced to do otherwise, whoever wants to fly with me is to write an app. What's the controversy about anyway? Chosing one's friends?
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Well. You also have to admit with some factions, indies do not work. Das Wilde, SCRA. Their PvP alowances and,tech available would cause insanity.
Bjt, I think, if you are going to be a closed faction, then do us,a favor, and make yourself open to recruits.
SCRA will recruit, BUT only a limited number of people. That, imo, is balance. They will accept some new players, but not have too many with essentially terrorist IDs.
Das Wilde, IND. Invite only. I don't like it. That just causes more Q_Q over elitism. A recruitment thread that is like the SCRA's, not a "use this template" would work.
And thats my thoughts on that, anyways.
and the Morphs can be considered a failure, but I found some of my favorite RP, and good friends, via their morphs.
Of course again the whining about the nomad tech.
Akura tried to show the community that the wild players are in need of their own weapons, that should be worse than the current nomad ones, but the community was so kind that they didnt even read the whole text and denied it right the spot as soon they saw its nomad related.
For example, my Wilde wraiths have OP hornvipers, becouse the nomad guns just dont fit even though they are OP or whatever
And as some people mentioned before, the so called elitist factions, or better said special IDed factions just keep the necessary RP of the faction.
And something on the topic, when I was accepted in Das Wilde, I was not known ( Im not known even now), I was not a pvp ace( Im not even now), I didnt know anyone from the faction. I was just a player who showed he can RP well.
' Wrote:Those factions that have/don't have overpowered stuff have/don't have that stuff because of the mod's developers. (The Don't Blame Me Answer)
I'm sure individual cases can be discussed constructively in the balance sub forum. (The Reasonable Deflection Answer)
They are the people who brought you the Tridente and the Legate also (which are overpowered if you face one but not if you are in one). And the Kusari Destroyer and the old Red Catamaran and the 4.84 BHG gunship (sniff) etc... so this thing of letting overpowered stuff out there appears to be a habit they are finding difficult to break. (The Bigger Picture Answer)
Thankfully only a few players have access to these incredible weapons and ships thanks to these faction's incredibly elitist and restrictive recruitment process and the fact that we see them every Friday night down the pub, and invariably hold them to account over their PvP whoring by denying them peanuts with their beer. (The Bias Exists And Is Worse Than You Think Answer)
Take your pick.
Thank you. I will get answer 3 here, since it fits more to my way of thinking and understanding. I hope that in 4.86 game mechanic mechanisms for "on-fly" changes will change this situation, the turret splitting balancing in Beta will take a while for sure, I hope meanwhile the OP stuff will be fixed.
Overpowered and unbalanced stuff is bad, however is is a bit "funny" why the devs made the same mistake giving to the "elite" factions 95% of the overpowered technology in Sirius.
Akura it is quite clear if members of the said factions have jurk like attitude against the rest of Sirius, the rest of Sirius wont hug them and invite them to tea, they will gank and have the same bad attitude, then it backfires and you have the whole circle of hate and bad blood. It could sound crazy but if the said factions equipment were equal or worst in PvP then the rest of the Sirius they would have more active members and people will have at least some respect for them.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
' Wrote:Au contraire. The... community is an ungrateful, ignorant and oblivious mob with short memory. And I'm not the Army of Salvation.
The community doesn't care about your faction, but about the content that your faction will exclusively use in .86, which is quite extensive. You can keep your faction, but we'd like to try out the stuff without having to join it. And that applies to the RoS, HF and SCRA as well.
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' Wrote:The community doesn't care about your faction, but about the content that your faction will exclusively use in .86, which is quite extensive. You can keep your faction, but we'd like to try out the stuff without having to join it. And that applies to the RoS, HF and SCRA as well.