I am quite aware of that. Done this by myself as faction leader-single person can hardly keep one faction going.
This does not change the fact that such structure is not must set by rules but voluntary made and it works in some factions, not in all- in Admin terms there is always faction and faction leader when it comes up in question, Faction HQ is voluntary thing.
It is more about the reason of existence of indie organised factions under the same ID. There should be no reason for such thing if they are allowed to be integrated in the main faction even if they have their own different ways to play the game, integrating unofficial groups in the official ones giving them semi-officialism could work well if admins make new agenda how factions should work. Of cource the whole thing is useless unless the said official/semi-official groups does not receive something that Indies cannot have.
Same thing with ruling in RP of the houses- admins does not require a council where all house faction leaders are members together with let say one Dev that act as Game Master.
There is also no clear regulation how much one faction HQ can affect the Lore and Development- there are always tentions between Devs and faction leaders- if there was clear what is the functionthi of both instances it could be more fun for all involved.
Long story short- official factions are too loosely regulated- too many grey areas, they have too little rights for their responsibilities, there is no in-game intensive to join them.
Changing the regulation and giving in-game intensive should fix it.
I experienced same situation at work really-different divisions working at the same product blaming each other for their own problems, licensing the same parts over and over again(between 400-700k € costs each time) for each new project instead of having one database with licensed parts that could be used under strict regulation who does what and why.
Organisation is science and it is hard one. Right now the new players have 3 choices- to leave, to join a faction or to be indie doing the same thing as faction player but without responsibilities.Change the third option because as indie the new player would rather leave fast when he is used as PvP punch-bag without one to show him the roots, as indie he wont be able to experience the fun of playing in group with other people and he would rather leave fast because is not interested or even worse- he would stay and make his own indie faction.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)