What about the people that like to do both?
RP and PvP does not exclude each other, actually 99% of the freelancer PvP servers died or are almost dead because PvP only is boring.
However keep on topic the topic is not about RP it is about PvP/Trading balance and the need to divide it from the RP, because if we follow the RP only big part of small and unlawful factions wont be fun to play.
Gameplay needs balancing that excludes the RP background- example pirates having military grade ships and guns.
The idea about this post is to create specific balance packages that allows different groups of interest as shown above to be happy and to work together as community and concentrate their energy in creating stuff instead of criticize/abuse the already created stuff.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)