Heya, got a bit of feedback. Or more like friendly advice, so please don't get mad. I like Rogues, I like LR- etc. etc. etc.
I've been stalking you guys a couple of times and you log in massive numbers and with full fleets. There are more Scyllas and gunboats than there are snubs, practically. That makes it nearly impossible for anyone to really interact with you. At the moment other factions can't really log on a regular basis in numbers to match yours. That means everyone will avoid you, and all you will get are newbie traders and lone LNS'ers that won't be able to put up much of a fight against your horde.
The day before yesterday, you were grouping up in this fashion again and sitting at the NY gate in Colo. I stayed at range waiting patiently for someone to be too busy on teamspeak to keep focused on the game. When you all went to dock because no one was able to come out and meet you, that actually did happen. One of your Barghests was too slow to move with the rest of you, so I started pewing him. Stripped him of his shield, and then he jumped through the gate and suicided on a nova before I could get through and finish him off.
I don't really mind that behavior (all that much), but when you play in this way with huge numerical advantage, it is disappointing to see that you won't even leave your opponents a chance even when you mess up due to your own complacency, and would rather suicide than become a Bounty Hunter's blue. The novaram-suicides are a bit like this as well - it is frustrating to fight against you and do one's best to stay alive against a horde of opponents, only to have some guy novaram you, not caring that he loses his own life in the process (from an RP perspective it makes no sense either - how can LR- afford all those ships and keep a steady supply of suicide-willing pilots around? They are selfish pirates, not selfless lunatics on a crusade).
There is no point in interaction with you, short of piling on an even bigger gank than yours, if you solely play to win. That kind of race to the bottom works in other games, but in Disco it isn't good for anyone. I know for sure that the next time someone says "LR- in Liberty" in some skype chat, I will only be logging if I know we have enough cloaked battleships to make it another no-contest, this time in favor of the Lawfuls. Otherwise I'll just avoid you too. It's not conducive to more and better activity.
tl;dr: Try logging in more reasonable numbers / ships and fun can actually be had, rather than set up a situation where players have to avoid one another until they log off in boredom.