[19/08/2015 22:57:46] Shaggy: Meph you came into our TS channel and shouted LOLOLOLOL and left
[19/08/2015 22:57:47] Shaggy: twice
[19/08/2015 22:58:46] Mephistoles: when
[19/08/2015 22:59:10] Shaggy: Earlier when we asked for more people to log LR-
[19/08/2015 22:59:14] Mephistoles: today?
[19/08/2015 22:59:23] Shaggy: Mhm
[19/08/2015 22:59:26] Shaggy: We were in LR- Chat
[19/08/2015 23:10:38] Mephistoles: the first time i've been on TS is now
[19/08/2015 23:10:42] Mephistoles: and i haven't joined the LR chat at all
[19/08/2015 23:10:46] Mephistoles: so either someone joined with my name
[19/08/2015 23:10:48] Mephistoles: or you're lyingh
[19/08/2015 23:15:55] Shaggy: So Meph you lying yourself
[19/08/2015 23:15:59] Shaggy: You have been on TS for over 1 hour
<22:47:22> Trying to resolve hostname ts3.discoverygc.com
<22:47:22> Trying to connect to server on ts3.discoverygc.com
<22:47:23> Welcome to Discovery 24/7 official Teamspeak Server!
<22:47:23> Connected to Server: "Discovery Teamspeak
<22:47:30> You switched from channel "Lobby / AFK" to "Crimson Cross - |+|"
<22:47:31> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "Mephistoles" by "Discovery Teamspeak".
<22:47:42> You switched from channel "Crimson Cross - |+|" to "Bounty Hunters Guild - BHG|"
<22:47:42> Channel group "Faction Leader" was assigned to "Mephistoles" by "Discovery Teamspeak".
<23:33:45> You switched from channel "Crimson Cross - |+|" to "Independent Miners Guild - IMG|"
<23:33:45> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "Mephistoles" by "Discovery Teamspeak".
<23:34:03> You switched from channel "Independent Miners Guild - IMG|" to "Crimson Cross - |+|"
<23:34:03> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "Mephistoles" by "Discovery Teamspeak".
<23:49:42> You switched from channel "Crimson Cross - |+|" to "Bloodrose Syndicate - (@)-"
<23:49:42> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "Mephistoles" by "Discovery Teamspeak".
<00:17:10> You switched from channel "Bloodrose Syndicate - (@)-" to "Interspace Commerce - IC|"
<00:17:10> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "Mephistoles" by "Discovery Teamspeak".
<00:29:49> You switched from channel "Interspace Commerce - IC|" to "The Solar Runners"
<00:29:49> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "Mephistoles" by "Discovery Teamspeak".
<00:29:50> You switched from channel "The Solar Runners" to "Interspace Commerce - IC|"
<00:29:50> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "Mephistoles" by "Discovery Teamspeak".
At no point has teamspeak been used to my OORP advantage in chasing down any player in these encounters.
Every last character I have entered in my last two posts can be verified by the relevant administration. I have posted all relevant information, refuted all baseless claims and have enjoyed no part of this conversation in the slightest. This is not why I come to Discovery GC.
I will no longer be responding to this thread.
A BHG| feedback thread, as previously mentioned, will be posted as soon as possible. I hope this will take fewer than 24 hours.