[Communications ID: Theresa 'Tess' Bailey Planet Pittsburgh, New York
[Recipient ID: Lady Magaera ---
[Subject: Lights and.. things..
[Priority: Beta-Zeta - Low
[Encryption: Iota-Kappa - Medium
Oh.. sweetheart..
.. look..
I ain't tellin' ya ye' can't do thin's like this-ere, but seems 'ere ta me ye went 'n lost yer marbles a bit..
I do hope I know what'n yer meanin' by 'light' n' stuff, n' I.. hrm.. 'wish'n ye the best', but I ain't gon' be sorry fer ya if'n ya lose the rest'a yer marbles.
Keep the 'purifcate'n' to yerself n' who-else yer fixin' ta beat up...