From: Sergeant Bob Pickering, CDI. To: COCS Database Topic:Patrol Report Nov 29, 834 AS (Saito Case) Clearance: SENSITIVE
At approximately 20:45 Bretonian Mean Time, Sergeant Montgomery and I commenced our joint patrol. We set up orbit around New London for our rendezvous, as I had already spent some time conducting a stake out near the Cambridge jump gate beforehand. Upon arrival, we unexpectedly encountered Intern McAscott once again meeting with an unsavoury contact, Not.A.Brick, who is known to have ties with the violent terrorist, Captain Belmont, of the cruiser Unto.Nightfall|S8.
The freelancer was speaking in what could only be described as incoherent gibberish, mentioning a cursed helmet, pineal amulets, and other bizarre topics. At one point, Montgomery and I considered arresting him for a 3.6 violation, but things quickly took a turn when he began singing on the network of Isabella Saito, a suspect in an ongoing investigation concerning the assault, criminal battery, and kidnapping of Bretonian Constables, namely myself and Sergeant Montgomery, disguised as a medical assistance effort following the Leeds incident.
Our conversation shifted to a "John Henry Holliday", leader of the MFE, and Saito’s superior, which caught our attention. Though he is not suspected of any crimes, he might be a person of interest in our ongoing investigation of the Saito case. At this point, Intern McAscott began protesting, possibly due to the pressure we were putting on our new informant. However, Sergeant Montgomery, displaying remarkable skill, managed to jog the informant’s memory on Saito.
It was then that Intern McAscott began to protest vehemently, calling Montgomery and myself “stupid clowns” who should have been “dumped into space.” Both Montgomery and I decided it best to allow her some time to cool off. Police work on the beat can be highly stressful, and to be fair, McAscott had done an excellent job in forwarding this informant to us. Stress is a silent enemy on the beat, and we Constables support one another, even in moments of emotional distress.
As McAscott stormed off, I was in the process of explaining to our informant that McAscott is a bright young intern with a promising future who simply needs space to grow, when Saito’s ship, the Penicillin, pinged on PLOPS.
Meanwhile, McAscott was having something of a meltdown, bless her, disputing the idea of “slandering people with good intentions” and so forth. I would like to take a moment to acknowledge that we have all, at some point early in our careers, faced similar crises of conscience. We’ve all questioned the morality of our work, feeling sympathy for individuals who seem good but later turn out to be threats to society. Aware of this, Montgomery and I opted to give McAscott the space she needed to vent while we focused on the task at hand.
At this point, PLOPS indicated that the Penicillin was using the tradelanes and heading straight for our location when suddenly, the spooks appeared out of nowhere, and (REDACTED). The BIS officer, callsign Sorcerer, asked us if the situation was under control and (REDACTED) as the Penicillin emerged from the tradelane, blasting its propagandistic message to lure innocent bystanders into its trap over the system-wide transmission waves.
[29.11.2024 21:21:40] [MFE]~Penicillin: This is the Medical Frigatte Penicillin. If you need medical help come to us or tell us were you are.
We were soon joined by Special Constable Arai, who had come to investigate the commotion. On the comms, we heard the voice of the suspected kidnapper, Saito, who wasted no time in taunting us, calling us her “favourite patients.” A back-and-forth ensued, with the BIS officer (REDACTED) and informing Saito (REDACTED).
During questioning by the BIS officer, suspect Saito put forward an easily disproven lie:
[29.11.2024 21:29:22] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: as i explained the Injuries and Behaviour of Mister Pickering Required a Specialized Treatment in a Hospital and--
[29.11.2024 21:29:41] [MFE]~Penicillin: --Baffin was the Nearest Secure Hospital we could Reach.
Intern McAscott, witnessing that the questioning was not going in favour of her associate, Saito, began acting out in a fully subversive manner:
[29.11.2024 21:32:00] IMG|Maya.Mcascott: You can find the rags you call Uniform and the rest of the meaningless junk in the trashcan next to your *office*. [29.11.2024 21:32:23] IMG|Maya.Mcascott: If you want something from me, call the Guildmaster as i will not answer you !"
Meanwhile, the BIS interrogation was escalating as well:
[29.11.2024 21:40:12] Sorcerer: Whilst the CDI continues to make their case, allow me to make this crystal clear.
[29.11.2024 21:40:13] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: *Curses in Kusarian* We have Documented Everything, Documents that Miss Mongommery have Recived.
[29.11.2024 21:40:46] Sorcerer: The next time you recover an injured or fallen Bretonian officer, you do what is in your capabilities to assist them and-
[29.11.2024 21:40:57] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: MFE is a Honorable Medical Provider that takes care of many things that Bretonia does not DO for its Citizens.
[29.11.2024 21:41:02] Sorcerer: -hand them over to the nearest authority of her Majesty.
[29.11.2024 21:41:12] CDI)SC-Mary.Arai: Come again?
[29.11.2024 21:41:14] CDI)Sgt-Bob.Pickering: That's... quite the low blow
[29.11.2024 21:41:19] Sorcerer: Is that understood?
[29.11.2024 21:42:14] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: You know what the Number One Death for Pilots is out here? Internal Bleeding after an Ejection.
[29.11.2024 21:42:46] Sorcerer: I asked a simple question.
[29.11.2024 21:42:48] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: sure thats why MFE Provides almost all Medical Care on Spraque that is more than just handing out some Painkillers.
[29.11.2024 21:42:51] Sorcerer: Do you understand?
[29.11.2024 21:43:10] CDI)SC-Mary.Arai: That would be news to me. Outlandish claims, lies, made up stories.
[29.11.2024 21:43:20] CDI)SC-Mary.Arai: What an amusing lady you've come to know there, Sergeants.
[29.11.2024 21:43:40] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: well then read the Newspaper, one of our Doctors was even murderd on Spraque after she opend a Clinic there.
[29.11.2024 21:43:57] Sorcerer: Zoner.
[29.11.2024 21:44:04] CDI)SC-Mary.Arai: A singular clinic. A singular tragic incident. That translates to "almost all", huh.
[29.11.2024 21:44:15] CDI)Sgt-Bob.Pickering: Liquidations in the criminal underworld are not unheard of, sadly...
[29.11.2024 21:44:15] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: Its Doctor Isabella Saito for you from now on.
[29.11.2024 21:44:48] Sorcerer: Isabella Saito, do you understand the conditions I have laid out and will you comply with them in the future?
[29.11.2024 21:45:32] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: Sir i will always do what is best for my Patients. The Hippocratic Oath Forbidds me from Letting them die after all.
[29.11.2024 21:45:44] Sorcerer: You do not.
[29.11.2024 21:45:47] Sorcerer: I see.
[29.11.2024 21:45:49] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: and its Dr. Saito Understand.
[29.11.2024 21:46:22] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: John was right bretonia is Open Air Mental Institute.
[29.11.2024 21:46:40] Sorcerer: Officers.
[29.11.2024 21:46:45] CDI)Sgt-Bob.Pickering: Yes?
[29.11.2024 21:46:48] CDI)SC-Mary.Arai: Hmh.
[29.11.2024 21:46:52] Sorcerer: I believe this applies here.
[29.11.2024 21:46:46] Sorcerer: Section Three Point Six.
[29.11.2024 21:47:19] CDI)SC-Mary.Arai: Section Three Point Six, alleged Section Three Point One under the light of an ongoing investigation, Agent.
The situation dragged on for some time until we received a distress call from a civilian transport ship heading to New London via Cambridge, which was being pursued by a Corsair cruiser. We immediately responded, heading at full speed towards the Cambridge gate, where a hostage situation was about to unfold.
I will conclude my report here, leaving it to Sergeant Montgomery or Special Constable Arai (whose efforts I highly praise) to report on our success in resolving the hostage situation without firing a single shot. However, it must be noted that our efforts were continuously hampered by Saito, who tailed the first responders to the scene.
I would request that Inspectors handle the Saito situation or consider expanding our rules of engagement to allow us to deal with her ongoing interference and threats to our police work.Furthermore, I believe it would be in the best interest of Intern McAscott to be taken in for a discussion with one of our senior Constables. She seems to be under the influence of the charismatic figures within the Bretonian criminal underworld, though I am convinced that her actions stem from a place of naivety. It is not too late to guide her back onto the right path. In the past, I mistakenly saw her as a significant player in this criminal network, but it is now clear she is merely a pawn. It is our duty to protect her and, with the right guidance, she may well one day become a fine constable.
Yours sincerely
Bob Pickering | Special Constable | SN: SP0128 | Civil Defence Initiative | Bretonian Police Authority Special Constabulary | Unit 24, Stanbrook Hall, Millgarth Street, Wharferdale City, Aberavon, Planet Sprague, Omega-3. BW0101 WD56 3LO. | Web: | Mail: | Tel: +7755631 230247 214 |