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George E. Rolf, CEO
LOCATION: Planet Pittsburgh, New York
SUBJECT: Applications
Howdy there Mr. Castle.
I gotta tell ya, we're always lookin' for experienced Freelancers, especially folks who are originally from Liberty. And I don't doubt a simple background check will reveal the extent of your experience. In short, we could use you.
However, I would stow the jokes about them aliens. We've already had folks get taken away by our friends at LSF, and I wouldn't want you to have the same unpleasant experience. What's worse, I'm always on the hook for these things when the talking happens while you're flyin' in uniform, as it were.
Why don't you swing by our Home Office at Pittsburgh, and I'll discuss where we could use you. I'm of a mind to have you join one of my folks looking into Kansas, but there'll be plenty of haulin' for you as well. But we'll see what works best after our chat.