Word from the wise - the techs will tell you they've got rid of the rats, but they ain't. What they'll have done is put down some baited poison in the service conduits and called it good. That don't work, never has. Spaceport rats are a different breed, they got wise to that shite centuries ago. Had the same issue with the Wollaton when she was restored from mothball.
What you want to do is flash your new sergeant's badge, throw your weight around, and demand a vacuum sweep. Full depressure. Vent every compartment, crawl-space and conduit - concurrent, not sequential! Properly tests your atmo rig, plus the squeaky fuckers will be dead right quick. Mind, you'll likely not find the bodies until much later when they start stinking real bad.
This'll get rid of a whole bunch of other bugs and nasties that are probably hiding out in there too, although it won't get rid of lice. Need chemicals for that, and Finance won't sign off on those unless you've got a serious infestation. So, there's that.
Sergeant Reggie Top | Civil Defence Initiative | Bretonian Police Authority Special Constabulary | Unit 24, Stanbrook Hall, Millgarth Street, Wharferdale City, Aberavon, Planet Sprague, Omega-3. BW0101 WD56 3LO. | Web: https://nn.CivilDefence.police.br | Mail: rtop@cdi.police.br | Tel: +7755631 230234 000|