But why having the Gammu AIs having some connection with humanity? The only thing about this is the ID stating:
Artificial Intelligence ID Wrote:Mysterious and largely incomprehensible machines, the Gammu AI 'evolved' from automated interstellar probes sent as part of the Sleeper Ship program. Their technology, principles, and goals are almost indecipherable by outsiders, though they largely show no hostile inclination toward mankind.
By all logic, if those AIs were probes sent as part of the sleeper ship programs, they either arrived first or in almost at the same time as humanity, no?. If they truly came at the same time or not, Liberty arrived in 1 A.S and if we take by example that AIs arrived at the same time as the Liberty sleeper ship, 833 years has been passed. Technically, AIs developed ways to build other AIs.
The infocards are not explaining everything, but some fragments. Planet Gammu is so far the only thing that player can relate to or even old AI factions. I honestly only worked my own character on what I had as knowledge before 5.0 which AIs were an alien like entity which is probably the case again because they are no longer just probes, right?
Edit: Perhaps it should be a good idea to write something about AIs on the forum or even the new wiki.