Listen closely, I have a very important mission for Battlegroup Creta:
Increase your patrols in Omicron Theta. We are looking for Zoner Jerard Voncloud. His ship was destroyed recently, and we have no word on his whereabouts. He could be floating in an escape pod, taken prisoner, or even dead. Whatever the case may be, we need information. This hombre is quite important for our operations in the system. What is more important is that it looks like we are looking for him.
I need you to act with caution, but with intent. Do not engage any Zoner targets unless the following conditions are met:
You are acting in self-defense.
The target is from the Phoenix group. If you are to engage them, make sure it looks like you acted in self defense. We must isolate these Phoenix Zoners from the others, and we need to capture evidence of their hostility towards Corsair assets. If you have to fabricate it to get it done, do so. I don’t care how, just make it happen.
The Brotherhood will pay one million credits for each Phoenix ship you destroy, up to a total of five (5) ships. This is a serious reward, but remember: This is about the bigger picture. We are on a search and rescue mission, yes, but we are also there to deliver a message to Phoenix, influence the public opinion, and keep it on our side.
We do not wish to destroy Phoenix, but keep them weak, in conflict. In the future, they will provide a good distraction for payasos like the Sails to shoot at, they deserve each other.
Do not disappoint the Brotherhood, muchachos. We need results.
Good hunting.
-Elder Juanez Gonzalez Perez Aguilar Garcia De la Santa Maria Buonocore